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  • Day 38–40

    Riverton 2

    May 15 in New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    Day 2 here at Riverton. We started the day by exploring Riverton Rocks starting at the fishing boat harbour. This is probably the most picturesque boat harbour in NZ! Then it was off around the Rocks from the harbour side to the ocean side - spectacular! So peaceful on one side and wild on the other! I love it!
    Then we tiki toured around the country side towards Otautau, turning down all the gravel roads we could find!
    This took us over the Aparima River Bridge and on both sides pretty much as far as you could see were whitebaiters huts. I definitely have to let the pictures speak for themselves!! They were amazing!!
    Found a train fan's large size collection at Fairfax. Well done but I don't think we got any photos. I was too busy trying to find the pub from ages ago. On the odd occasion dad would stop for a beer there, he would bring us out a sarsparillo. We thought we were the bees knees!
    Tomorrow we're off to Invercargill for a few days!
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