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    • Day 13–15


      November 10, 2023 in Pakistan ⋅ 🌙 30 °C

      Als wir abends mit dem Bus am Stadtrand von Hyderabad ankamen, fuhren wir von dort aus mit der Rickscha in das Stadtinnere um ein Hotel zu suchen. Dies gestaltete sich jedoch recht schwierig, da wir überall abgewiesen wurden. Viele Hotels dürfen keine Internationalen Gäste aufnehmen, da sie bestimmte Sicherheitsbedingungen erfüllen müssen. Als wir weiter suchten, sprachen uns Huzaifa und Jahanzeib an. Sie halfen uns, eine Unterkunft für die Nacht zu finden welche uns aufnehmen kann. Dem Hotelinhaber versprachen sie, dass es nur für eine Nacht ist und er uns am Folgetag zum Bahnhof bringt. Nachdem wir geduscht hatten, machten wir uns auf dem Weg zu California Pizza, da uns Kamran am Vortag einlud, in seinem Restaurant essen zu gehen. Das Personal war sehr freundlich und die Pizza war sehr lecker.. bis auf das sie total scharf war und für mich leider nicht essbar. 🙃 Auf dem Rückweg zum Hotel sah Marco eine Gruppe von jungen Männer sitzen, die etwas spielten, er ging hin und schaute ihnen zu. Er wurde daraufhin eingeladen mitzuspielen. Ein ähnliches Spiel wie Mensch ärgere dich nicht, nur mit zwei Würfeln. Wir verbrachten dort unseren Abend. Lernten sie alle besser kennen und sie gaben uns Tips, was wir noch alles besichtigen können auf dem Weg in den Norden. Wir tauschten unsere Nummern mit Bal und Shafiq aus und dann gingen wir weiter. Nach einer furchtbaren Nacht in der jede halbe Stunde der Zug an unserem Hotel vorbeirauschte und hupte und mitten in der Nacht die Klimaanlage ausfiel, klopfte morgens um 8:30 Uhr Huzaifa. Er war gemeinsam mit Ahmed und Jahanzaib gekommen. Wir frühstückten gemeinsam auf dem Markt in Hyderabad. Es gab Puri mit Halva. Danach fuhren die Jungs noch mit uns ins Museum der Sindhi, wo wir mehr über ihren Stamm erfuhren. Anschließend fuhren wir zu Ahmed nach Hause, weil er duschen und beten wollte. Freitag ist für Muslime wie für Christen der Sonntag. Dort lernten wir seine Eltern und seine drei Geschwister kennen. Sie luden uns zum Mittagessen ein. Seine Mutter kochte richtig leckeres Essen. Danach spielten wir noch ein paar Runden Schach mit seinen Geschwistern. Danach gingen wir noch zu Huzaifa, er ist der Nachbar von Ahmed, dort lernten wir auch seine Familie kennen, die Mutter kam direkt rein und drückte mir ihr 2 Monate altes Enkelkind in die Hand. Wir tranken noch einen Chai mit der Familie. Zuvor schenkte uns Huzaifas Familie noch traditionelle Accessoires. Abends holte uns Bal ab, den wir auch am Vorabend kennengelernt hatten. Wir fuhren zu ihm nach Hause, er stellte uns seine Brüder und seinen Vater vor. Nach einer kurzen Vorstellungsrunde fuhren wir in sein Restaurant. Dort trafen wir den zweiten Inhabern und aßen richtig lecker. Im Anschluss fuhren wir zu ihrem Farmhaus. Sie nutzen dieses für Veranstaltungen. Das Haus hat 5 Schlafzimmer mit je einem eigenen Bad. Alles riesengroß, mit eigenen Bediensteten. Einen Pool, Whirlpool, Kinoraum, riesigen Garten mit Rehen, rosa Flamingos und einem Pfau. Nachdem wir dort uns dort noch eine Weile unterhielten, fuhr Bal uns in ein Restaurant, indem Huzaifas Schwester ihren einjährigen Hochzeitstag feierten. Marco fuhr dann mit den Jungs auf dem Moped in die Stadt und ich mit den Schwestern in der Rikscha nach Hause. Als Marco nach Hause kam, überraschte er mich mit einem neuen Haarschnitt. Diese Nacht schliefen wir bei Ahmed Zuhause. Am Morgen bereitete Ahmeds Mutter noch ein leckeres Frühstück für uns zu und dann fuhren wir mit Ahmed und seinen Jungs los in die Wüste zum Fluss. Dort überraschten sie mich mit einer Pistole und ich habe dort das erste mal geschossen. (Keine Angst, nur in den Sand und nur einmal) Als wir bei Ahmed zurück waren überraschten sie uns noch mit einem Geschenk und kleideten uns traditionell ein. Nachmittags fuhren wir zu Ahmeds Oma zum Mittagsessen und lernten noch die ganze Verwandtschaft mütterlicherseits kennen. Marco fuhr mit Ahmeds Cousin mit dem Moped und ich saß zu 8. in einem 4 Sitzer 😂 danach zeigte uns Ahmeds Mutter noch ein paar besondere Gräber (Tombs). Total fertig vom Tag, legte ich mich danach nochmal hin. Gegen 21 Uhr trafen wir nochmal alle Freunde und gingen zum Essen. Normalerweise müssen alle Frauen drinnen sitzen, aber die Jungs haben extra eine Ausnahme vom Chef erfragt und somit durfte ich auch mit draußen sitzen. Wir saßen auf einer Art Bettgestell mit Teppichen. Nach dem Essen brachten sie uns zum Bahnhof und sie begleiteten uns bis zum Schluss bis der Zug nach Bahawalpur los fuhr. 🚂

      Der Abschied von beiden Familien und den Jungs fiel uns wirklich nicht leicht.
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    • Day 1

      Why Beneficial Casinos

      June 20, 2022 in Pakistan ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      Inside the 90is, method before casinos was predominant I loved a great sport of Roulette at certainly one of the most popular property casinos four or three occasions each week. I haven't got to go away the advantages of my own, personal house to acquire within the particular motion nowadays.

      In to the most broadly used kind of online entertainment, their recognition has skyrocketed them using the beginning of internet casinos through the middle-90is, and briefly after that all over the world. Presently, internet casino gaming amenities are presently debuting every week it seems.

      Set plus the property casino that's common, you'll uncover that enjoying at casinos has its own benefits which are numerous. To playing online, we have collected just a few the various advantages. Take a look:

      You've your pick at numerous that never shut if you have Web abilities. Wherever you're, you are able to perform at Web casinos legitimate cash. What's not less, these digital casinos have a lot of exceptional sports options that herself is going to be discovered by most likely probably the most critical participant despite the capability of getting a lot of money and entertained.

      Some property casinos have dress rules to guess huge amounts of money. If you want to today, you may even carry out the official edition of Baccarat within your bath gown. You shouldn't outfit to thrill you'll play in your home's solitude. Nobody may mind your research what-so-ever. Now you can where that fortunate although nasty poker limit you like without people searching.

      An finish will set by enjoying at casinos for the contempt of Vegas summer time temperature. Rain fall or sparkle, you might be be confident as possible enter an online casino and never having to bring large overcoat or perhaps an umbrella. Recall that you don't have to embark to some casino on any trip. You are able to sit inside your preferred cozy seat in your home during ideal sleet or sunlight and login with a fantastic journey.

      While playing at casinos that you don't have to be concerned about subconsciously falling chips or perhaps your money and strolling lower simply to realize that you dropped lots of money. You may even experience comfortable when playing online that no-one will probably be to consider bodily advantage of you.

      Enjoying in your own home, you will be an all natural target each of one-one. Ladies are playing internet casino games and earning a couple of from the Web is leading jackpots nowadays several female people experience well-informed in your own home compared to what they frequently at property casinos by themselves.

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    • Day 1

      Are VPN Services Created Equally?

      May 20, 2022 in Pakistan ⋅ 🌙 29 °C

      The thought of Virtual Private Systems, also called VPNs has ongoing to operate a vehicle modern business. And, while using technological expansion arises VPN services that are perfect for personal or individual use. However, utilizing an business infrastructure that relies solely round the user's capacity to connect with the machine from remote locations has opened up in the proverbial ton-gates to uncensored Internet access that spans continents. You'll find security issues that need considering, though, these types of the various levels found through VPN providers, research should invariably be conducted before choosing the VPN service which keeps your individual communications and safeguard sensitive information.

      Studying the VPN marketplace needs to be an extensive task, as individuals searching to utilize we have got we've got the technology may decide to keep five tips in your thoughts: speed, reliability, file encryption, customer support, as well as cost. Any provider that lacks in one of these brilliant areas will make you frustrated.

      Simply hearing how rapidly a VPN might be means little inside the grand plan of merchandise. Rather, question any speed limitations and uncover how a system works when used in less-than-optimal conditions. Further, file encryption quality is certainly important, since the data being delivered within the digital infrastructure is sensitive anyway and really should be protected regardless of what.

      Free VPN providers have elevated numerous eyebrows since emerging in the marketplace as well as the competition that rages with compensated VPN organizations is constantly escalate. There are a few tips that users ought to know, however. Free VPN providers have a cost to operate, meaning corners are often cut by utilizing advertisements, missing customer support, plus a digital network that's very crowded. Further, they may not safeguard your computer data, since it has incredible value - look out for the way in which the information you have are becoming used or offered!

      Compensated VPN companies, however, can use the costs to provide an excellent experience to all their clients, making sure that online privacy policies are stringent and properly implemented which speeds will be top-notch. A lot more, customer care is usually top class with compensated VPN services. Eager technicians you will need to solve each and every issue. Even when you are a non-technical user the customer support will highlight through any steps you might want to work for balance connecting your VPN.…
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    • Day 1

      Crucial Main Reasons Why Social Media Ma

      May 23, 2022 in Pakistan ⋅ ☀️ 44 °C

      From roughly 7.3 billion people worldwide, 3.17 billion make an online search and two. three billion are social media users. With 2.3 billion users, you can realize why multilevel marketing is becoming this kind of popular platform for promoting and growing a business! There are lots of benefits for that user as well as the business when working with social media just like a tool. While using prevalence of technology nowadays, it's more valuable than in the past for businesses to experience a social presence. If you're not part of the 2.3 billion, you need to get on board today.

      Potential customers are often on-the-go. Lots of people walk around with mobile phones in this era plastered for his or her fingertips. When folks are using waiting rooms, on riding on the bus, by themselves lunchtime, or wherever else, they're frequently scrolling through their various social platforms. This means there's an enormous audience for that social media marketing campaigns!

      Plenty of occasions, promoting your organization might be a pricey endeavor. With multilevel marketing, it is not only simple to setup a forex account, nevertheless the applications are often absolve to download. This makes social media profiles a terrific way to advertise your business without going broke. If you would like yet another boost, you can pay to market you-however, this probably won't be necessary 100% of occasions, making multilevel marketing a great low-cost marketing strategy! Plus, social media's easy discussing, reposting, and retweeting features allow your customers to carry out a slice of the marketing to suit your needs!

      The advantage that's incorporated with social media is a big help when operating a company. Save your time for those who have all activities inside your plate might be incredibly helpful. Socializing online doesn't need you to definitely leave work. You may even advertise your business directly from your house- you simply need an internet connection. Many individuals enjoy doing their particular social media management. However, if you are battling to keep, you'll be able to certainly use a social media manager!

      It's better to increase your audience by getting a web-based social presence. By utilizing hashtags and keywords, even though you target specific groups of individuals, but possible you simpler by getting a simple search. This creates some convenience that's always an attractive trait for potential customers.

      You almost certainly realize you need to create a recognizable brand. However, creating and conveying your chosen brand can be tough. Multilevel marketing helps it be better to place the enable you to get observed want individuals to know. Becoming associated with conversations with customers on social media makes customers more receptive to information that you simply share. Using social media as a means of communication with customers gives your customers the opportunity to understand you and your product around the more personal level, making your organization appear more desirable and approachable.
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    • Day 1

      Selecting The Most Effective Beauty Salo

      May 26, 2022 in Pakistan ⋅ ☀️ 39 °C

      Taking proper care of ourselves is a principal interest. This can be frequently symbolic of how you like us. Exactly how should we better do this? There are also plenty of methods that provide pampering ourselves, but it's difficult to discover a factor that's really worth spending money and time on. Pointless to condition, it's each day that folks get the job done needed people so that you can survive. Nevertheless, it is also an indisputable undeniable fact that with almost all inside our striving, nobody could be the priority and permitted to have the fruits famous our labor except ourselves. We go to a restaurant to have dealing with eat everything you desire, we go to the mall using the requirement to shop, in order it is essential that we spend time within the hair and question salon to enhance us to feel and look great.

      Numerous salons are really emerging, and together with these rise in choices, we've perplexed regarding only the finest choice we need to have a take a look at and merely which provides superior service. That's certainly an issue. In addition to a lot of us spending our money, we trust our looks with others.

      Queries of quantity of niche need to be elevated. The quantity better could be the salon in comparison with every other salon? What are products and chemical compounds you utilized if you use us? These are typically the very best questions in contemplating what direction to go for almost any makeover. We are speaking with regards to your looks and self-esteem here, so you'll have to safeguard yourself. This really is really the main interest that everyone can't overlook.

      Thinking about there are many salons presently, we have to absolutely understand what kinds of services these provide. Much like purchasing although inside the shopping center, it ought to be single stop venue for complete pampering. Could they be likely to provide massage on various parts of the body? Could it be skilled in performing facials? Are pedicure and manicure services provided within the salon? Everybody would be the fundamental salon services that numerous salons may have. It really isn't nearly enhancing appearance but rather a place for relaxation, in the stress-free atmosphere. That's a perfect place to visit should you still find it appropriate to spoil and pamper yourself? There are many more though, all to complete should be to understand good info by themselves operation.

      Each day could be a brand-new day and each- frequently, make certain that you just take the time having your own business. Cash is more suitable place in your satisfaction than getting wasted with insufficient services or products. With regards to visiting a salon, ensure that you identify what's appropriate and unacceptable.

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    • Day 1

      Flip Flops With Flowers Along With Other

      May 31, 2022 in Pakistan ⋅ 🌙 30 °C

      For individuals who enjoy making crafts, make your individual Flip flops with flowers employing a couple of products inside the craft store. Or simply have them pre-coded in footwear outlet or clothing store.

      Making them yourself is straightforward. First, choose a sandal whose style and color you need. An easy foam sandal can perform. Then, go to your local craft store and uncover products you can glue for the sandal. Ideas include artificial flowers, plastic jewel gemstones, ribbons, bows, glitter, and even more.

      Then use a glue gun allowing you to connect within your favorite adornments. But use minimal amount of glue possible and so the glue does not ruin the look. Dab some glue for the decoration, and immediately put it to use the sandal strap. Press lower across the decoration together with your thumb, and supply pressure however within the sandal strap with two fingers. Press firmly for roughly twenty to thirty seconds.

      Repeat that process for every decoration, then allow it to have a couple of moments. Before putting on the Flip flops with flowers, lightly pull on among the adornments to make certain it does not be used off readily. Whether it does break, simply reapply it and wait longer before attempting again.

      Comprehending the flowers along with other adornments are firmly connected to the Flip flop straps, just place them under, and show in the new decorative Flip flops with flowers!

      An alternative to gluing the flowers for the sandal straps is to use a marker or paint to draw flowers on top in the sandal. In case you take this road, it seems sensible to pencil in your design prior to deciding to apply marker or paint.

      Your buddies will probably notice your brand-new Flip flops and may have you ever create a pair by themselves account. You are able to do anything with their very own account, this will let you celebration and let a few buddies over and decorate sandals together.

      It is a great activity for any kind of party or any other social occasions. Sandals are extremely cheap - merely a couple of dollars for almost any fundamental pair - so that you can be capable of buy most of them for visitors. You may want to uncover in advance what size sandals any visitors put on to make certain that everybody includes a pair that meets them well.

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    • Day 1

      The Automated Gates For your Garage Are

      June 3, 2022 in Pakistan ⋅ 🌬 41 °C

      A garage is useful for several purposes. Concurrently, furthermore, it adds another value for the property. At occasions the garage may also be utilized being an additional room. If you are in a position to install quality garage doorways in your own home, it could make certain you ultimate security and concurrently, it could may also increase the need for your house. There are lots of types of garage doorways offered by present. However, the automated gates for your garage are becoming the most frequent option.

      Once the garage doorways don't fit well, the entire appearance from the garage would get spoilt. Therefore the best option that folks prefer could be the automatic gates. The doorways raise the security in the garage with a degree. Only by means of pressing some control, the doorways might be opened up. Additionally to the effective use of the button, there are various ways by means of the automatic gates might be operated.

      Since there are several types of garage doorways, similarly there are also different processes of putting in of these gates. However, before installing the gates, you need to consult some professional expert who is able to provide guidance in regards to the proper selection of the gates which is proper method of installation. You'll find proper specifications to create inside the automatic gates.

      The grade of materials found in the automated gates needs to be good otherwise it may be not able to be effective. In addition, these garage doorways would not be able provide safety that they have been installed. Therefore, it must be stored in your thoughts once the gates have high quality and so are bought in an excellent store, it could serve its purpose well. Concurrently, the requirement for the gates would really cost the cash.

      There are lots of quality stores that deal with the automated gates as garage doorways. You can try searching directly into individuals shops so that you can buy the greatest quality doorways. Additionally towards the physical stores, there are lots of dealers online who handles high quality automatic gates or any other kind of garage doorways. However, before getting started, you need to be careful enough to check out when the store is authentic. Otherwise the entire investment would use vain. If bought in some authentic store online, you may likewise have the ability to save a lot of money along with time and effort.…
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    Jāmshoro District, Jamshoro District, Jāmshoro

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