Province of Iloilo

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Los 10 mejores destinos de viaje Province of Iloilo
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    • Día 133

      Iloilo City

      21 de marzo de 2023, Filipinas ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Questa impronta in realtà é solo per ricordare il viaggio che da Romblon ci ha portati fino a Moalboal. 36 ore di viaggio in totale!
      Siamo partiti alle 2 di notte da Romblon, arrivando alle 10 a Roxas city. Lì abbiamo preso un tuktuk triciclo fino alla stazione dei bus insieme ad altre due Filippine! Sempre con loro
      abbiamo preso un van fino ad Iloilo e abbiamo chiacchierato del più e del meno! Erano davvero molto gentili! Arrivati ci hanno offerto un passaggio fino al porto e abbiamo conosciuto il figlio di una delle due, un bambino di 8 anni che conosceva tutti gli stati del mondo, le capitali e le bandiere! Un vero genio!! Salutate le nostre compagne di viaggio prendiamo un altro traghetto notturno da 14 ore per arrivare a Cebu City (dove poi passeremo gli ultimi giorni nelle Filippine), poi una jeepney per la stazione dei bus ed infine l'ultimo bus per Moalboal!

      La fortuna dei traghetti nelle Filippine é che il posto a sedere è un letto, quindi si può all'incirca dormire. Gli aspetti negativi sono che non spengano le luci e noi eravamo nella sezione "economy" senza aria condizionata e faceva decisamente caldo eheh.

      Naturalmente appena arrivati doccetta e nanne ahah. Un viaggio indimenticabile...
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    • Día 20

      Family medicine

      5 de abril de 2018, Filipinas ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Woke up a bit earlier today, excited to try out a day of family medicine. This is basically providing community healthcare to people in rural places and covering GP types of things. We met Joy at the work the world office at 8am and went to the family medicine office with her to meet the doctor we would be with. He wasn’t there so she told us to wait there. Got to about 9am and still no sign of him. We were given a booklet about animal bites management to read by one of the other doctors in there so we looked at that to pass some time. Eventually at about 9.20am he showed up. We then followed him out to a taxi to take us to the bus terminal. We then got on a bus to take us to another town. This bus was a lot less fancy than the ones we had been using for Boracay, no aircon or WiFi sadly. We arrived at a town (of which I don’t know the name) and then picked up some snacks before getting on a trike to take us to the actually community place. The trike had very little space and Emma and I had to really squeeze in together. After struggling up a few hills we finally got to our destination. Here we found a tiny church with a clinic room attached to the back of it. We were properly out in the middle of nowhere. We were introduced to the person who runs the clinics and then told there weren’t actually any patients to be seen today, classic. We sat around for a while and then eventually headed off to another clinic further up the road. Also no patients here, apparently because of the “festival” that’s going on. From here we were taken to a view point which overlooked a river and was very pretty. However the doctor then told us that the reason students haven’t been allowed to do family medicine for the last couple of years is because rebels kept coming down into the towns and trying to kidnap people, great! We were told that they didn’t do that anymore so not to worry, too late!
      Thankfully we left reasonably soon and headed back on a trike, this time to go to the festival.
      Arrived at a town called Guimbal which is on the coast. Here we found boards of people all here to watch some boat racing. At this point we were told we were the only doctors here and that we were going to be the first aiders for the event! We were taken to a table and given some food and drinks, which the doctor wouldn’t let us pay for. We were then taken to sit with the other first aiders, a very surreal experience. We went to explore a bit and look around the festival. We were even more of a novelty here than at other places! Lots of waving children and people staring. After a while we were told to come sit on the beach with the other first aiders to watch the main event - the championship final boat race. It was all very exciting, some of the boats stalled and people would overtake, going round corners looked particularly tricky as they had to put their hands into the water to change the boat’s direction quickly. The race was won by the yellow boat and everyone seemed very happy!
      We were then told to go and take a seat in the arena looking area ready to watch the show. We were given free chocolate ice creams and sat waiting excitedly. At this point they were watering the floor in the arena area and we weren’t really sure why. For some reason we were moved over to the other side of the arena which later became apparent that it was because we were moved to sit on the “celebrity” side along with various mayors and Secretaries of State! We then sat for a long time while various prizes were handed out, for the racing and some body and canvas paintings that had been done. We thought the show would then start... no! 2 guys came out with what looked like massive rakes and spent about 20 mins raking the pre watered sand, also have no idea why. Once this was done we thought surely the show would start. No, now it was time for the guest speaker. This was some secretary of state person who was first introduced for about 20 mins, then spoke himself for about 45 then someone else joined in. All in all they were talking for about 2 hours and it was basically all propaganda about what a good job they’d done! We were getting very fed up and wanted to leave at this point but this wasn’t an option as we weren’t even sure where we were. There was an odd moment of excitement when I felt something on my face, went to move it and realised it was a gecko crawling over me. It completely freaked me out and I may have screamed a bit and disturbed the speeches, oops!
      Eventually the performance started. It was a reenactment of the Moro Raids (whatever they are). It was an award winning tribal dance from some competition last year. They were actually very good! Very dramatic, lots of crying and fake blood. This eventually finished at around 6 and so we were then able to start heading back. We had to get a trike to the main town, then a bus for 1 hour, then a taxi back to the house. Made it back at around 7.30 which was an hour late for dinner on bbq and karaoke night! We grabbed some food and then went to go shower and get ready because we had decided it was “extra night” where you had to dress up fancy. I wore my sequin dress and so did Aussie Emma so we were twinnies. We drank sangria, did karaoke and stayed up til midnight having fun playing cards and drinking games.
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    • Día 3

      Feasting over Batchoy

      26 de abril de 2022, Filipinas ⋅ 🌧 30 °C

      Your gastronomic adventure will not be complete if you will not try the Batchoy.

      Batchoy was invented at the La Paz Market by a butcher who just put to good use some left overs of his meat products. Its a good snack especially for those who enjoys soups and hot meals.

      This time, we ate the Batchoy at Netong's at Atria.
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    • Día 3

      Philippines' longest linear park

      26 de abril de 2022, Filipinas ⋅ 🌧 30 °C

      The Iloilo Esplanade is considered to be one of the successful urban transformation projects in the country. It is the centerpiece of the movement on reviving the "dead" Iloilo River.

      The esplanade was build at the banks of the Iloilo River to provide slope protection and as a place of leisure for the Ilonggos.Leer más

    • Día 3

      Another noteworthy mansion in Iloilo

      26 de abril de 2022, Filipinas ⋅ 🌧 30 °C

      The Molo Mansion or the Yusay-Consing House is one of the famous houses in Iloilo. It was built in 1920s but was abandoned for quite a time. It lies in ruins for how many years until SM Group of Companies brought the property. The original intention was to demolish the building to pave way for a commercial edifice. However, the plan was met with heavy opposition. SM was eventually convinced to instead restore the mansion and bring back its former glory.

      Now the Molo Mansion houses a Kultura shops. There are also shops around the mansion which showcases local products and delicacies.
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    • Día 3

      More of economic history

      26 de abril de 2022, Filipinas ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      The Museum of Philippine Economic History showcases the role of Iloilo as the economic and political center of the country. The building is a century-old landmark formerly called as Elizalde Building before this was brought by COA. COA donated the property to the National Historical Commission of the Philippines which will manage the museum.

      Its the only museum in the country to solely showcase economic history.
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    • Día 34

      Obs and gynae day 6

      19 de abril de 2018, Filipinas ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Last day in hospital today! Woke up feeling much better than last night and so decided I would brace it in. Went in for the usual time and headed to delivery. Here I met Catherine who is a midwife. Spent most of the morning just chatting as nothing much was going on. There was also lots of local nursing students milling around wearing weird yellow and green scrubs. They were doing loads of obs and things on the women so we didn’t want to be even more in the way! Eventually we saw an emergency c section for a foetal bradycardia which was interesting. I waited around until about 12.30 to try and see one more delivery but nothing looked imminent and I felt quite light headed again so I decided to head back to the house.
      I felt hungry enough to eat and so tried to have a bit of lunch which went down ok. We then headed to SM city to pick up a few bits ready for the weekend/next week. Got a few bits and bobs for the children at the village like notebooks and pencils and crayons. 3 of the girls had been asked to sing in a music shop so we went to see them for a little bit. Then headed back to the house, packed my bag ready for Cebu and then got ready for bbq night.
      Had some food and did a song at bbq night but was still feeling a bit ropey so I went to bed quite early. Said my goodbyes to some of the Australian girls as it was the last time we would see them. Then headed for bed.
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