Angra do Heroísmo Municipality

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Angra do Heroísmo Municipality
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    • Day 41


      April 30, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Von der schroffen Nordküste Terceiras ging es über Weidelandschaft und Küstenwälder in den Südosten der Insel zum Naturreservat Monte Brasil. Der Geruch ließ schon aus der Ferne vermuten, dass wir auch die sogenannten Furnas do Enxofre alias Schwefelquellen nicht auslassen. 😉Read more

    • Day 8

      Eine Partie Schach gefällig?

      September 18, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Was Terceira ausmacht, sind die über die ganze Insel schachbrettartig angelegten Kuhweiden. Über schmale Strassen kann man kreuz und quer dazwischen rumfahren und dabei einmal mehr traumhafte Aussichten geniessen. Und wenn jemand diese hier hat, dann sind das definitiv die Kühe - „Muh with a View“ quasi… 😆🤪 Überall gibt es tolle Aussichtspunkte (Miradouros), die zu einem kurzen Stop einladen. Auf meiner Fahrt ins Inselinnere dann noch am Furnas do Enxofre angehalten - hier spaziert man über einen Holzsteg an heissem Quellen und dampfenden Fumarolen vorbei. Erkenntnis Nr. 7: es ist völlig ok, wenn man kein Schach spielen kann 😉Read more

    • Day 7

      Heute hier und morgen da…

      September 17, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Heute habe ich São Miguel verlassen und habe meinen 3. Etappenstop angesteuert - die Insel Terceira. Nach einem kurzen Flug und einem kurzen Stop an der sehr schönen Strandpromenade von Praia da Vitória im Osten der Insel bin ich in mein Hotel in Angra do Heroísmo gefahren. Angra ist ziemlich hübsch, das Ortsbild ist geprägt von engen Gässchen und farbenfrohen Häusern…Read more

    • Day 9

      Vergessene Welten…

      September 19, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Der heutige Tag war dem Thema „Vulkanismus“ gewidmet. Auf der heutigen Runde standen deshalb die Naturschwimmbecken (Piscinas naturais) von Biscoitos an der Nordküste und der Besuch der beiden Lavahöhlen Gruta do Natal und Algar do Carvão im Inselinnern auf dem Programm. Ausserdem habe ich einen kurzen Abstecher auf den Serra do Cume gemacht. Das ist der Rest eines einstiegen Riesenkraters, welcher den Blick (Richtung Südwesten) auf den einstigen Kraterboden freigibt. Wow! Was für Dimensionen! Und wenn man das erstarrte Lavagestein so sieht, kann man nur erahnen, was für Naturgewalten hier im Spiel gewesen sein müssen. Aber leider musste ich meine Tour dann abbrechen, da es dann so richtig, richtig, richtig anfing zu regnen 🌧️ Janu…. Trotzdem mal wieder viel gesehen und erlebt heute 😊 Erkenntnis Nr. 8: für Euch getestet… es gibt sie tatsächlich - die berühmte schlechte Kleidung 🙈🤷🏻‍♀️😂Read more

    • Day 14

      Rocha do Chambre Trail

      March 22 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Today is Friday. The plan was to visit a volcanic chimney in the centre of the island in the afternoon. It was open to the public at 2:30 pm. In the morning we would look for an interesting place to do a little hike. The landscape of this island is very pretty and ever-changing - farmers’ fields with cows, lava fields, volcanoes, ocean grottoes, quaint little villages, forests with Japanese pines and big cliffs. We knew that we wouldn’t have difficulty finding somewhere to walk. And we found a trail - Roche Do Chambre.

      We didn’t want to go too far, perhaps 4 or 5 km, as Chris had sprained his ankle 3 days ago
      and we wanted to take it easy. We have walked over 500 km on this trip.

      The trail started out easy and it was beautiful. The volcanic rocks were covered with small flowers, mosses and plants that looked like bonsai gardens. Tiny Microsystems growing in the rock. Magical.

      As we walked further, we walked past tall Japanese cedar forests. As usual the landscape kept changing. The photos will explain the plants along the trail better. About three km into the walk, we entered a rough part of the trail with a lava stone path. We had to be super careful, especially Chris.

      Finally we exited onto a grassy path and guess what? I went down! I twisted my ankle too! Darn. We checked the quickest way back to the car and it looked like we had 4 km to go but mostly on roads so it wasn’t too bad.

      Once we got into the car though, my ankle started to puff up. I guess that we should start acting our ages and start taking it easy, a bit.

      What a pair of gimps we are today; and now gimps … with limps…

      We didn’t go to the volcanic chimney with its 300 stairs. Back to our accommodation... get those ankles up.
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    • Day 1

      Die 3 K's von Terceira

      May 14, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Heute ging unser nächstes gemeinsames Abenteuer endlich los! Nachdem wir im September 2019 bereits den südlichsten Punkt Afrikas erkundet haben, geht es dieses mal zum westlichsten Punkt Europas: auf die Azoren.
      Dank unserem Freund und Helfer namens "Google" und vielen Erfahrungsberichten aus dem Freundes- und Familienkreis, sind meine Erwartungen an die europäischen Inseln mitten im Atlantik extrem hoch. So mal ich, als bekennende Vulkanliebhaberin ohnehin nur Gutes über das Inselarchipel gehört habe. Also worauf warten wir eigentlich noch? Rein in das nächste Abenteuer!

      Begonnen haben wir heute unseren zwei wöchigen Inselhopping-Trip auf Terceira. Auch bekannt als die Insel der Feste, Weine und Höhlen.
      Doch fangen wir von vorne an. Nach gerade einmal drei Stunden Schlaf, hieß es für uns erst mal ab ins Auto und auf zum Flughafen BER. Tatsächlich verliefen die nächsten 9h ohne weitere Zwischenfälle und Komplikationen (Wer hätte das gedacht? Ich zumindest nicht.), sodass wir ca. 13.00 Uhr (bzw. 15.00 Uhr Zeit in der Heimat) auf Terceira ankamen. Da wir auf der ersten Insel nur drei Nächte bleiben, verzichteten wir hier auf einen Mietwagen und organisierten uns einen Taxi-Shuttle über unser Bed&Breakfast. So wurden wir dann auch freudestrahlend am Ausgang des Mini-Inselflughafens empfangen und zu unserer ersten Unterkunft gefahren. Auf dem Weg dorthin bekamen wir bereits erste Eindrücke, was uns hier genau erwarten wird. Und zwar, wie wir so schön festgestellt haben: jede Menge Kühe, Krater und Kapellen (Die 3 K's von Terceira). Aber Spaß beiseite, diese Insel ist der Inbegriff von Natur, Vulkanen, endlosen grünen Kuhweiden, traumhaften blauem Meer, bunt verzierten Kapellen, malerischen Buchten, ... ihr merkt schon, die Insel hat uns sofort in den Bann gezogen.
      Unser weiterer Tag bestand dann tatsächlich "nur" noch aus der Erkundung unserer näheren Umgebung, einem kleinen Einkauf im fußläufigen Supermarkt und einer Flasche Wein. Das Wetter hat bombastisch mitgespielt und so konnten wir bereits am ersten Tag jede Menge Vitamin D tanken. Nun liegen wir fix und fertig - aber auch mega glücklich im Bett und freuen uns schon riesig, wie unser Azoren-Abenteuer morgen weitergehen wird ...
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    • Day 15

      The Ever-Changing Landscape of Terceira

      March 23 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Terceira is the 2nd most populated island in the Azores with about 54,000 residents. The island is 30 km long and 18 km wide. It was the third island to be discovered and a settlement was started in 1449. When the New World was being explored, this island became a stop over for sailors going to the Americas and India.

      Terceira is different than the other islands we have visited. The landscape changes quite dramatically in very short distances. Old volcanoes, green pastures with lava stone walls, tall Japanese cedar trees, flower-lined roads, grottoes on the shoreline with huge volcanic rocks, ferns and lichens, giant palm trees, and so on. It is a very beautiful small island with several very good paved roads and even more secondary crushed lava roads in the interior. It is a great place to just get lost as you’ll always find your way out, eventually.

      As I mentioned earlier, many houses were destroyed during the 1980 earthquake. What we saw on our drives were either new modern houses, ruins of houses or old houses that were fixed up. Some of the houses like the one we were in, had huge cracks in them and had become structurally unsound. A lot of work had to be done to fix them up again.

      As you may notice, there are also a lot of cows on this island. More than people. While we were driving, we had to be mindful that around a bend there could be cows on the road.

      The climate and lush vegetation with few temperature extremes (15 C to 25 C) make it an inexpensive place to raise cattle. The farmers don’t need buildings to protect them from extremes in weather. Because of the mild climate and good pastures the cattle live longer and have few diseases.

      The majority of cattle we observed as we drove around were Holstein-Friesians, Jerseys and Brown Swiss. We did see Angus also. The majority of the milk is sold as fresh milk, followed by cheese (Edam) and butter. Dairy products are exported from the island, mainly to the mainland of Portugal.

      The following photos show some of the beautiful ‘changing’ scenery, and a few cows, that we saw during the week that we stayed on Terceira.
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    • Day 3

      Only one in the world

      January 13, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

      The algar carvão (cave of coal) contains no coal but is the only volcano accessible by humans other than the extremely remote (and expensive) one in Iceland. Birds nest here only in the winter time and there is at least ten meters of water at the bottom of the moss. The stalactites are also some of the largest in the world. Worth the ten euro.Read more

    • Day 16

      Angra do Heroísmo

      March 24 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Angra do Heroísmo is the largest city on Terceira and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We felt that our trip to the island wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t spend some time here, especially since we are staying in a house only a 15 minute drive away.

      We parked at the base of Monte Brasil and walked along the shore, past the marina and beach area. People were jogging, sunning, swimming and kayaking as it was a beautiful sunny day. We could see the three forts and the wall around the base of the mountain. This town has a big history.

      The walk through the cobblestone streets of the city’s historic downtown area was pleasant. (Earlier we had tried to drive through the city and it wasn’t very pleasant as the streets are very narrow and we kept going the wrong way on the one way streets!)

      We admired the beautiful architecture and got a sense of what the city was like when it was founded in the 15th century.

      The cathedral, built in the 17th Century, had extensive damage after the 1980 earthquake. Even as restoration work was going on in 1983, one of the bell-towers was destroyed. Two years later, in 1985, a fire destroyed the gilded carpentry of the altars, the organs and the framed ceiling decorations. These catastrophes resulted in a large loss of Baroque artifacts. But the cathedral has been restored since then and continues to be important to the community.

      We stopped for a little rest in a well-kept Duke of Terceira Garden. This pretty garden has plants that were transported to Terceira from all over the world.

      Next door and situated in a former Franciscan convent from the seventeenth century is the Angra Museum. Our host used to be the curator at this museum.

      The building, that has gone through several uses, also houses the church of St. Francis, known as the Church of Our Lady of Guia, which is a beautiful example of religious architecture of the eighteenth century. It has lovely woodwork on its ceilings, altarpieces and altar. Portuguese tiles decorate its walls.

      The museum has a bit of everything from cars to ceramics, as well as weapons, medals, coins, navigational instruments, sculptures, paintings, furniture and porcelain, etc.

      We especially liked watching a 15 minute 1928 documentary showing life in Angra. The film makers lived and worked in Angra and used ragtime music. We recognized many of the places in the film.

      It’s a pretty city and we are happy that we had the perfect day to go visit it. Tomorrow, we will leave Terceira and fly to Sao Miguel Island.
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    • Day 10


      July 4, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Današnji dan pa je čas za potep po otoku. Paolo nas ob 11 uri kot smo bil zmenjeni že čaka pred hišo in dan si vzame samo za nas. Človek se je rodil v Johanesburgu, živel v Ameriki, starša oba iz Azorov in zdaj je tudi on tukaj. Super govori angleško, o otoku in Azorih izvemo ogromno.

      Za začetek nas popelje skozi Praia da Vitoria, nam pove več o mestu in potem takoj na razgledno točko z Marijo (spet), ki gleda na mesto. Veseli, da nam ne bo treba hodit gor. Naprej nas vodi po obali, kjer nam pokaže mnogo ostankov lave, ki sedaj tvorijo obalo otoka. Razgledi so lepi, čeri, prepadi in okoli samo ocean. Vidimo Lajes, izvemo, da imajo tukaj tudi vojaško bazo za zaveznike, vidimo krasne pečine pri vasici Agualva, naravne bazene v Quatro Ribeiras in skozi gozd nas popelje še do skrajnega zahodnega dela otoka, Serreta, spet lepi razgledi, ampak ne preblizu roba stopat :)

      Pogledamo še naravne bazene Biscoitos, ki sicer izgledajo mamljivo, ampak voda je mrzla, pa ko vidim naplavljene Portuglaske ladjice (Portugese man o war), meduze, ki ima v ožigalkah močan toksin, ki lahko nenazadnje tudi ubije človeka, te mine veselje po kopanju. Telo imajo veliko med 9-35 cm, lovke pa med 15 do lahko tudi kar 50 m. Ni hec.

      Skupaj s Paolom gremo na kosilo v domačo gostilno v vasici Biscoitos, porcije ogromne, jemo lokalne ribe in meso, porcija med 10-13 Eur. Ni pretirano, res ne.

      Pot nadaljujemo proti Algar do Carvão (Jama premoga), ki je starodavna lava cev ali vulkanski vrelec, ki se nahaja v osrednjem delu otoka Terceira. Algar je 45 metrov navpičnega prehoda v notranjost, ki doseže klančino ruševin in gramoza. Od tu je še en spust do čistih voda notranjega bazena, približno 90 metrov od gladke površine. Bazen je podprt z deževnico in lahko doseže globino 15 metrov (49 čevljev) ali postane suh v poletnih mesecih, zaradi malo ali brez padavin. Sama jama je izjemna in videti to v živo, se zaveš, kako majhni smo proti moči narave. Res noro.

      Naprej se postanek ob Furnas de Exnorfe. Prosta pot okoli polja, ki obsega več izhodov agresivnih vulkanskih plinov, pri različnih temperaturah, nekatere precej visoke (približno 95 °C na površini in približno 130 °C na globini pol metra). Lepo se kadi iz zemljice in voha žveplo. Je pa za videt. Na koncu dneva pa še eden najlepših razgledov, Serra do Cume.

      Razgledne točke Serra do Cume se nahajajo na vrhu Serra do Cume. Dejansko so to pogledi na najlepšo pokrajino na otoku. Na eni strani, na 542 metrih nadmorske višine , zaliv in mesto Praia da Vitória skupaj z ravnino Lajes in letalsko bazo Lajes ter na druga stran, druga, 545 metrov nad morjem, velika ravnica v notranjosti otoka, s svojimi značilnimi "cerrados", ločenimi z zidovi iz vulkanskega kamna in hortenzij. Temu pravijo tudi “puzzles” ali “naravna patchwork oddeja”. Res lepo.

      Tukaj je res vsak otok zgodba zase in kot je Paolo rekel, da domačini pravijo, da so Azori 8 otokov in 1 zabaviščni park. Terceira naj bi bila “zabaviščni park”, zaradi veselja domačinov do zabav, bikoborb, borb s kravami in še se najde. Je posebno.

      Jutri še izlet z lokalnim avtobusom do mesta Angra do Heroismo, Unesco dediščina in glavno mesto Terceire.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Angra do Heroísmo, Angra do Heroismo, Angra do Heroísmo Municipality, آنگرا دو هروئیسمو, アングラ・ド・エロイズモ, ანგრა-დუ-ეროიჟმუ, Aнгра ду Эроижму, Angra do Heroišmas, Ангра-ду-Эроишму, Ангра до Ероизмо, 英雄港

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