Estremoz (Santa Maria)

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    • Day 11

      Day 12. Estremoz.

      August 19, 2017 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      We changed our plans today staying in town to visit the weekly market instead of going to EVORA. 42deg predicted there today against a cool 😜😎37 here.
      The market was of two parts. Flea and veggies. Always interesting to see the locals engaging in animated bartering and conversation. Not much of interest and we retired to a bar for cold drink. It was one dominated by men and the owner frowned at Shirl sitting at the bar.
      With nothing left to do but escape the heat we retired to await the cool of the evening.
      We heard that there have been bush fires near EVORA and with this heat and winds they will be difficult to see. Tomorrow we might see, experience the extent of them. Let's hope they are not too severe.
      The evening saw us visit the local church and as we approached a group of young musicians entered the church. Shirl immediately thought"concert". Not to be. It was the music for the mass. Ursula, up there with St Peter must have been having a good old laugh. Us two sitting through a mass.
      We tried the Asado Polvo for dinner. Roasted octopus. Quite tasty. I have included a photo from the men's toilet telling men not to sprinkle on the floor.
      A pleasant evening.
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    • Day 10

      Day 11. Estremoz.

      August 18, 2017 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      First off this morning we headed off to the hospital to have Shirl's arm redressed. We approached what looked like a derelict building and entered with some trepidation.
      Inside it was clean, spotless.
      I was greeted by an older woman who clearly wanted nothing to do with us and told us, in Portuguese of course, to go down the hall to room at the end.
      There were several rooms and one with a doctor. I explained our problem. She consulted her computer terminal and, of course we were not on it. She spoke to someone and told me to go back with our passport to the counter. Phew! A younger lady, who spoke a little English, took the passport and Medicare card and proceeded to enter the details, with difficulty and consternation. As usual everyone joined in giving her advice. Eventually a smile and obvious relief and the task was completed. I returned down the hall and the wound was already redressed. The doctor entered details into the system and told us to return to the counter to pay.
      I paid with many thanks to the young lady and we left, very satisfied.
      Shirl told me she nearly had a heart attack as she thought the cost was €70. It was €4-70. ($7).
      The wound is healing nicely and several of the tapes that held the skin together were removed. I think Shirl is praying all will be well so we can walk St Francis Way in Italy. I remain unconvinced.
      The Correos(Post Office) was our next port of call with me wishing I had learnt more Portuguese. All was well and the hound man spoke excellent English. The parcel of Shirl's purchases is on its way.
      A visit to the medieval part of town on the hill was next before it became too hot.
      The visit to the local museum depicted the old way of life provided some relief from the heat.
      Not much to see elsewhere ,but we came across a gallery of marble sculptures. Wonderful pieces. Several we would have bought if it was possible. A long, interesting conversation with proprietor followed.
      Returning to town for lunch and an escape from the afternoon heat.
      Surfacing in the relative cool of the early evening we copied the locals and found a cafe by the square. (In the shade)
      A Super Bock and Ginger Ale were enjoyed whilst observing the locals. A passeggiata around the square finished the day got us.
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    • Day 10

      Day 10. Our journey to Estremoz.

      August 18, 2017 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      At breakfast we were able to pass on our knowledge of Fozcoa to a fellow traveller, newly arrived. She had been kept in the dark about what was on offer here.
      Our bus journey was uneventful but interesting. At our 3rd stop 4 locals plus a nun came on board and an animated, loud, debate amongst them about who sat where, followed.
      After 15 mins calm and quiet returned(thank goodness).
      Throughout the trip the burnt out countryside was all around us. Portugal has had terrible bush fires and 64 people perished.
      Estremoz is to Portugal what Carrara is to Italy. They mine marble. Each will tell you there's is the best.
      The bus terminal seats, floors and walls were made of the stuff. Outside the kerbstones and cobbled streets were marble.
      Opposite the new terminal is the old one with it's protected tiled scenes. A more charming edifice.
      Fortunately our hotel was close by as one does not linger on the searing heat. 38degs. Once inside the air conditioned comfort we stayed until we.ventured out in the cool of the evening.
      Weather forecast is for the hot weather to continue.
      Looks like morning sightseeing and afternoon siestas.
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    • Day 13

      Day 13. Evora

      August 21, 2017 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Up bright and early on the bus to EVORA. On arrival we took the city tour bus to get a general feel of the city.
      The Chapel of the bones attracted our interest and so we visited. Built with bones from a previous time it is interesting but macabre. Like the one in Paris in it's subterranean passages.
      A Cathedral visit and the nearby Roman temple followed but the heat was too much so we had lunch and headed back to Estremoz.
      EVORA is not the place to visit in the August heat.
      After a siesta ( it is one of the things that prolongs your life) we dined and had a beautiful meal and evening.
      Shirl soaked her feet in the bidet to soften her toenails for trimming.
      Lisbon tomorrow and hopefully the weather will be cooler.
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    • Estremoz & the Quinta Dona Maria Winery

      January 23, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      Estremoz is another town in Alentejo famous for its white marble. The same geological conditions that created its beautiful stones created limestone soil perfect for wine production. We stopped in Estremoz to visit a winery estate that our hotel hostess, Christina, recommended - Quinta Dona Maria.

      The estate, which dates back to 1718, was purchased by King João V and offered to Dona Maria, a courtesan with whom he fell madly in love. In the 19th century, the estate was bought by the Reynolds, a family of British merchants who came to Portugal to produce cork and wine. The current owner, Julio Bastos, inherited the estate from an aunt who married into the Reynolds family.

      Bastos got his passion for wine from his father. Every year, the father and son came to the harvest so that young Julio could be initiated into the mysteries of wine making.

      Eager to produce extraordinary wines, Bastos entered into a partnership with Lafite Rothschild. But when the Rothschild team started uprooting his old family vines to plant French grape vines, Basto decided to go his own way.

      He nurtured the old vines and used 17th century marble tanks to tread the grapes. The result are wines “with a unique personality: rich and earthy with elegant aromas and a smooth finish”.

      As we entered the games of the winery, we were awed by the beauty of the palace-like manor house. Apparently, (only Donna got a glimpse of the interior of the house), its interior is rich in tiles from the 18th Century, and the region’s typical marble can also be found all around the house. The inside is full of old furniture and could be a wonderful museum.

      While Donna inquired about a little tour of the winery and Chris parked the car, I ventured into a magical, walled garden. I had only heard about such gardens in old storybooks. Donna joined me. We walked down a vine-covered archway surrounded by gardens and old palm trees and nooks filled with history. At the end of the walkway there was a pool with a fountain and white marble statue of Neptune. Lovely.

      A lady in the office offered to give us a little tour of the winery where the grapes are still stomped by foot and old techniques are used to make the red, and now white, wines.

      Before we left, we bought two bottles of Dona Maria 2015 red wine to have with dinner.
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    • Day 29

      More Images of our Hotel in Estremoz

      October 16, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      There were just too many highlights of this amazing hotel, not to include a few more. So here they are.

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Estremoz (Santa Maria)

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