Marina de Lagos

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    • День 30

      Bye bye Lagos

      3 мая, Португалия ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Heute morgen mussten wir aus unseren Airbnb in Lagos auschecken. Vorher gab es aber noch ein schönes gemeinsames Frühstück ☀️😊 Selina und Anna haben sich sogar trotz des späten Abends gestern den Sonnenaufgang angeschaut. Wir anderen haben es heute nicht geschafft. Der letzte Morgen war trotzdem sehr schön. Nachdem wir alles eingeräumt haben, sind wir noch einmal in die Stadt und haben die Koffer in Paule gelagert. Denn wir mussten noch dringend einen tollen Schmuckladen abchecken. Dort wurde auch ein wenig geshoppt. Glückwunsch über unsere Einkäufe machten wir uns dann auf zum Strand. Heute war es nämlich wirklich ein schöner sonniger und warmer Tag hier. Endlich nach den kühlen Temperaturen in den letzten Tagen 🥰. Illegalerweise mussten Anna und Selina auf dem Boden von Paule mitfahren, aber wir haben die Polizei noch angehängt 😅. Wir legten uns dann noch ein paar Stunden an den Strand und picknickten, bevor die anderen drei dann ihren Weg nach Hause angetreten sind. Fio und ich sind dann noch einkaufen gegangen und zu einem Stellplatz auf dem Weg nach Albufeira gefahren. Wir stehen heute an einem Parkplatz direkt an einer Klippe gemeinsam mit einet Niederländerin und haben uns ein wirklich extrem leckeres Curry mit Pfannenbrot zum Abendessen gekocht. Dazu gabs einen kleinen Sundowner. Könnte schlechter sein☀️🫶Читать далее

    • День 28

      Lagos II

      1 мая, Португалия ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Heute früh haben wir (Lea, Adelina und Selina) uns wieder den Sonnenaufgang angeschaut. Leider war der regnerische Morgen heute doch ein wenig demotivierend. Aber schön war es trotzdem, weil es dann aufklarte. ☺️ Nach dem gemeinsamen Frühstück sind wir noch ein paar Dinge einkaufen gegangen und haben uns dann auf unser Tagesprogramm vorbereitet. Wir haben heute nämlich eine Kayaktour gebucht. Mittags ging es dann also zum Boot, das uns schon ein Stück aus dem Hafen hinaus brachte, wo wir dann entlang der Ponta da Piedade die Steilküste, Höhlen und Buchten von Wasser erkunden konnten. Adelina war noch etwas skeptisch aber schnell steckten wir alle sie mit unserer Vorfreude an. Bis auf den frischen Wind war die Tour auch wunderschön. Wir sind in Höhlen hineingepaddelt und haben tolle Felsformationen und versteckte Strände entdecken können. Nachdem uns das Boot wieder eingesammelt hat, hatten wir noch etwas Zeit zum Baden. Zwar waren es nur etwa 17 grad und wir waren schon ziemlich durchgefroren, aber die Erfahrung konnten wir uns nicht nehmen lassen und sind vom Boot aus ins Wasser gesprungen. (Und dann ganz schnell wieder raus😁). Die Rückfahrt war zum Glück kurz, denn jetzt wars wirklich richtig kalt. Nach einem kurzen Mittagssnack bereiteten wir unser Picknick für den Abend vor und machten uns dann auf den Weg zu unserem Spaziergang entlang der Küste der Ponta da Piedade. Nach jeder Kurve wartete eine neue tolle Aussicht. Leider war es weiterhin noch nicht so warm, An dem Strand, an dem wir unser Picknick machten, froren wir dann doch ziemlich. Deshalb verlegten wir das Ganze dann doch in die Wohnung und machten uns einen gemütlichen Abend. 🫶☀️🥰Читать далее

    • День 27

      Lagos I

      30 апреля, Португалия ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Wir beginnen den Tag etwas zu früh, aber dürfen dafür den Sonnenuntergang am Strand anschauen. Nach einem Frühstück und einer Pack- und Aufräumaktion in Adelinas Airbnb und Paule geht es in die Stadt um ein bisschen zu bummeln bzw. Zu arbeiten. In der Zwischenzeit wird unser Airbnb fertig gemacht und aus Deutschland kommen unsere zwei Freundinnen an, die schon nachmittags eine halbe Weltreise hinter sich haben. Schon sehr schön, alle um uns rum zu haben! Weil alle sehr müde sind, wird der Abend ziemlich entspannt im Airbnb verbracht, gekocht und gespielt!Читать далее

    • День 22–23

      22. Tag

      26 апреля, Португалия ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      22. Tag und der erste Tag mit nicht so schönen Wetter!

      Beim Frühstück machen wurde ich nass und der Wind zog so stark das nicht mal der Kaffee wurde am Gaskocher. Ich habe dann den Kaffe auf dem Bettgemacht, da war es Windstill und gefrühstückt habe ich drinnen.

      Dann fuhren wir an die Spitze von Portugal, zur letzten Bratwurst vor Amerika😅

      Dannach ging es weiter nach Lagos. Hier sind wir bisschen durchgeschlendert durch die Straßen und haben etwas gegessen.

      Dann zum Strand noch bisschen Kicken und jetzt stehen wir auf einen Parkplatz in Lagos wo wir die Nacht verbringen.
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    • День 65

      A 70th birthday bash

      14 сентября 2021 г., Португалия ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      We will be missing Margaret’s big Birthday celebrations in October so we do a surprise mini Birthday while she is here.
      Margaret always volunteers to help out with the shopping so I wasn’t able to buy a birthday cake without her seeing - she didn’t bat an eyelid when I put a huge cake in the trolley… Maybe it was because it said happy birthday in Portuguese not English.
      Today it was supposed to rain all day but Margaret’s optimism and sunny disposition shone through, and it was nice enough in the afternoon to go to the beach. Margaret and Donal headed there first and we hung back and decorated the boat. She got a great surprise when we got back from the beach, the cake hadn’t given away our plan at all - she just assumed I had bought it because I love cake.
      We had champagne and presents in the sunshine in the cockpit. The most precious gifts were the ones Ruby and Colm had bought themselves and the cards they had made. They had hit the tourist shops of Lagos before Margaret ever landed in Portugal. Ruby found her a traditional ceramic dish and Colm gave her a bag with a Portuguese tile pattern printed on it. In each pocket he had put a little surprise - a patterned pen, notebook and a Portugal postcard.

      For a celebratory dinner we go to a traditional restaurant which Margaret had enjoyed several times on previous trips here. The food is cooked on an open charcoal grill and we eat cuttle fish, ribs and tuna. The views are nearly as good as the boatyard - we are looking across at the train station.
      The party rolls on to the funfair and Margaret instigates a ride on the King - this will definitely catapult her into her seventies. Ronan, Colm and I join her and we start off laughing which quickly turns into screaming and as the King does a 360 overhead and thunders back around to the ground there is silence and white knuckles. Once the King slows down, our voices find laughter again. Margaret O’Driscoll’s joie de vivre is incredible.
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    • День 64

      Nana and Grandad arrive

      13 сентября 2021 г., Португалия ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      It is such a pleasure to welcome Margaret and Donal to Regal in Lagos. Ruby and Colm bound down to meet them when they get dropped off at the Marina by taxi.

      Donal and Margaret have played such a big part in this trip. We have been inspired by their sailing adventures and they have been a huge support to us on ours. We are here thanks to them.
      We are so grateful for the countless hours of work Donal has spent on Regal over the last two years. We figure that he must be missing it by now so we treat him to a full day on her tweaking and improving things. We really spoil him by bringing him to a restaurant that’s next to the chandlery and right in the middle of the boatyard- the view wouldn’t be to everyone’s taste but the food is superb.
      We have a day at the beach where we set up camp and on the other two days in Lagos we get there for a swim and a jump in the waves. There are several trips to Pingo Doce Supermarket - primarily because you can get a coffee and a fresh Pastel da Nata there for €1… everyone was volunteering to do shopping.
      We crossed the footbridge several times to go into the main town of Lagos. It is a different experience there as Margaret observed, like another town. The Marina area has all you need and you go over the bridge to experience the hustle and bustle of the thriving tourist town.
      On our last day in Lagos we leave the Marina to tie up outside on the visitors berth. Access under the footbridge to and from the Marina is only available between 9am and 8pm and we want an early start in the morning. It is such fun watching the bridge lift up while the pedestrians wait and watch on either side - our moment of celebrity, we smile and wave for people’s holiday snaps.
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    • День 62

      A week in Lagos

      11 сентября 2021 г., Португалия ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Lagos Marina is a lovely place to be. The Pontoon we are on is very big and lots of boats come and go and more ARC boats arrive. Perhaps it is the transient nature of it that makes it so friendly. We meet lots of different people who all have interesting stories.
      As I am walking into town I hear a heavily accented voice calling ‘ Margaret’ - I figure it couldn’t be me as I don’t know anyone here. It turns out that I do, It is Yerc, a young Dutch boat hitchhiker I had a met a few days earlier before he left for Portimao. He had hitched a ride on a 38 foot a English boat which had all the crew it needed as far as we could see. There was the owners, their 9 year old daughter, 20 year old son and another man as well as their Collie. I find sharing this space with my immediate family a squash and a squeeze so I am full of admiration for people who share their boat with strangers.
      Yerc is back in town looking for a lift to the Canaries and from there he plans on hitching a ride to the Caribbean. He is one of 3 young boat hitchhikers we meet in Lagos all hoping to cross the Atlantic, The most ambitious of them is a young French man who is trying to travel around the world without money.
      All on board Regal are all happy to be in one place for a while and with have a mix of jobs and fun here.
      We finally source wheels for our Dingy at the super chandlery here and Ronan installs them - This will make bringing the dingy ashore a whole lot easier from now on.
      We do a two trolley shop in the Pingo Doce supermarket and make a terrible racket wheeling the trolleys on cobbled paths past the lovely cafes at the marina interrupting people’s coffees and serenity. Shopping excursions take so much longer than at home and is a much sweatier affair. There is navigational challenge of an unfamiliar supermarket - doing four laps to find honey then hauling all the shopping back to the boat followed by stowing it in on the boat - in cupboards, under seats and under the floorboards. Feeling frazzled after all this, the best solution for the crew is an afternoon at the Marina pool - We pay a pretty penny to get in and we make the most of the pool, the loungers and the table service.
      During the week we have trips to the beautiful beach nearby and walks in and around the town which is humming with tourists. People are here from all over and we by the end of the week I don’t even twitch when I hear an Irish accent, it is so prevalent.
      We finally pull the school books out of their box in the bilges and start to get our heads around boat-schooling. After 2 hours of maths the books are shelved as preparations begin for Nana and Grandad arrival.
      I continue to do regular Orca watch online and am very happy for our sake that they seem to be migrating north.
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    • День 57

      Orcas on my mind

      6 сентября 2021 г., Португалия ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      We come into Lagos Marina as the wind and swell is on it’s way up. The anchorage off the beach isn’t as beautiful when its rolling.
      The entrance into Lagos is memorable because the footbridge between the town and the Marina has to be opened to allow the boat through. Ronan and I came under this bridge once before when we arrived in 14 years ago with Donal, Fergal, Neasa and Kevin from the Azores on Re Shuanta on the return Atlantic Rally. We are brimming with memories again and the kids indulge our reminiscing. There are ARC boats here now preparing to sail to the Canaries before they cross the Atlantic. We see the lovely camaraderie between these boats and their shared excitement of fulfilling the dream.
      Lagos is lovely and there are a number of factors that lead us to decide to stay here until Donal and Margaret (a.k.a Nana and Grandad) fly out to visit in a week’s time.
      The most unusual factor being the presence of Orcas in the bay. There is a small group of Orcas who in the last year or so have got a taste for ramming sailboats. It just so happens that they are in this area now. Two Yachts are towed into the boatyard after being attacked. They target sailboats rudders with the apparent intention of disabling the boat. It seems to be a game they play with yachts under 15m in length and so they would like the look of us. I have watched videos on YouTube of these encounters and it looks like a very unpleasant and frightening experience. The fright I got when I saw the Risso Dolphin’s off Figueira da Foz gave me a tiny insight into what crew must feel like when the Orcas come. There have been reports of an attack lasting two hours and one I read about where the Orcas appeared to try and push two yachts together. This does not make for good bedtime reading when you are sailing in these parts.

      We have been keeping an eye on updates on the internet. In July and August there were attacks nearly every day, all around the Gibraltar region and this is an area we must pass through in order to get into the Mediterranean. There were so many attacks in the area that the government put a no sail zone in place for a number of weeks. They had done the same in Galicia in September 2020 where the first reports of this new behaviour were in the news.

      Lots of boats are going in and out of the Marina here in Lagos. There are hundreds of sailboats on the water in these parts everyday so the likelihood of an encounter is very slim. All the same, we are very happy to enjoy the pleasures Lagos has to offer and see online or hear on the grapevine what the Orcas are up.
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    • День 9


      8 ноября 2019 г., Португалия ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Heute haben wir ein Probe-Camino gemacht. Über Stock und Stein ging es von Lagos zum Praia da Luz. Die Aussicht war wunderschön und das Wetter war herrlich.

    • День 26

      Saturday catamaran trip

      18 сентября 2021 г., Португалия ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      After the morning walk we were off quickly to the pharmacy for one of the group then to the marina. Cheryl did a little shopping and we were on the boat for 11.15. Out of the marina and along the coast. Looking at the cliffs from a different angle. Another beautiful sunny clear sky day - but windy! West of Luz somewhere we stopped for our lunch and a swim. They had paddle boards for those inclined and a bouncy thing to run along in the water. Harder than you would think. Den tried but dismayed it across for the free beer. I didn't go in the water mostly due to the wind but it was a lovely spot. I think I got wind burn but no sunburn. The pasta chicken salad lunch was included and good. Drinks were available for a small charge and most of those on the boat were likely in their 20's. But Paul was the first to dive in and Den and he swam in to the beach.
      Started back around 2pm and the music volume went up. By the time we were back at the marina most were dancing. All seemed to have a great time, getting back about 3.30 and tired out from the wind. We went to Campimar restaurant at our beach for salad dinner. I think we will aĺl be in bed early tonight. One more day in Lagos. Time to pack....
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