Et 17-dagers eventyr av Rachael Les mer
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  • Dag 8

    Fun day!

    17. april 2016, Thailand ⋅ 🌙 31 °C

    We woke up at the mountain float... There was some sore heads that didn't make it to breakfast! Lol we had another play on the kanoes, sunbathed etc before heading back. Nats dad dropped 2 of the couples off at the market for them to get a taxi to their next destinations.

    We headed to the tiger farm... me and Jack went in and of course I wanted to go in with the large tiger... its safe to say we were both shitting it haha Jack actually hid behind a table lol. I didn't like the tiger farm as I felt it was such big animals in little cages :-(

    After the tigers we visited the 'long neck karen' village where the women stretch their necks to enhance their appearance... They showed us some of their scares underneath... looks painful!

    We then headed to the elephant sanctuary and when we arrived it had just closed! Gutted was only 2.45pm too!

    We went out for tea afterwards as nats dad's treat which was lovely. Followed by a night at a local accommodation, we got ourselves the most painful massage in the world! This was accompanied with the worst night sleep on a rock hard bed ready for a 5am start... great! Lol
    Les mer

  • Dag 9

    Arrived :-)

    18. april 2016, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    So I hardly slept at all last night as the bed was like sleeping on the floor! My back also wrecking after my ridiculously painful massage :-(

    We arrived in Krabi at the hotel, seems to be really nice! At last a beach!! Was only 9am when we arrived so we decided to check out the local area. We found a tourist excursion place and booked on an excursion for today and tomorrow. The one today leaving almost immediately, so we got our stuff together, grabbed some food and was picked up.

    We went to the 'Emerald pool' which is supposed to be really famous good place to go. When we arrived we had to trek for ages and was crammed! Looked like water surrounded by mud and shit loads of tourists to me haha!

    We then went to the 'hot spring waterfall' which was bloody hot! So nice on my back though after that massage!

    Followed by a bit of souvenir shopping and the elephant sanctuary... This was unbelievable, the elephants were so friendly and the guides great too.. even letting us sit of the elephants neck and feed them at the end :-) what a amazing experience!

    Towards the end of the day I began feeling really ill, having no energy, head ache, stomach ache and the shits! Really started to worry that this might last days... I fell asleep at 7pm and woke up for breakfast feeling much better. Missed out on a night out though!
    Les mer

  • Dag 10

    The Beach!

    19. april 2016, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    Got up bright and early this morning feeling fresh luckily! Had breakfast before being picked up to go island hoping on the Phi Phi islands.

    Had soo much fun! Lovely to relax and take in the sun, got around on a speed boat which was cool. We visited Maya Bay where the film 'The Beach' was filmed with Leonardo Decaprio. The tour guide was calling Jack Leonardo which was funny! The bay was absolutely rammed full of tourist haha. We had dinner then went snorkeling.

    Had a fabulous day and I'm burnt to a crisp!

    Just got back to the hotel, had a swim and a shower and going to head out tonight!
    Les mer

  • Dag 11

    Bye bye krabi!

    20. april 2016, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 36 °C

    Our last night in Krabi was a really good night. We had a meal not the best meal but hey Ho, then had drinks in other bars.. One or which gave us a jenga to play (I lost both games lol). We then met an Australian couple from melborne and had a few drinks and walked back with them.

    Got up this morning around 10ish and checked out to fly to my last stop in Thailand; Ko Samui. We got on the smallest plane in the world for a half hour flight with plane food included lol.
    Les mer

  • Dag 12

    Amazing apartment!

    21. april 2016, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    We flew into the Ko Samui airport which was the smallest cutest airport with fresh flowers and only one luggage belt. Nats dad arranged for us to be picked up as this would be cheaper than a taxi, we headed to the apartment which was really hard to find and up a really steep hill.

    Toni and Danny had already arrived, the views are amazing!

    Danny hired a motorbike and went around the island adventuring only to get himself lost with 2% phone battery for hours lol. When he returned we was ready to go out... minus Jack as he continued to be ill from last night :-/. We had the most chilled meal on the sea front, followed by watching a fire show on a big bed with cocktails on the beach... beautiful!
    Les mer

  • Dag 12

    Full moon party!

    21. april 2016, Thailand ⋅ 🌙 30 °C

    Today we got up fresh and hired mopeds to explore the island. Danny didn't get a helmet when he hired his so got pulled over by the police and fined 400baht... my mum will be pleased to know I wore mine! We all went shopping and bought ourselves t-shirts for the full moon party later on.

    We headed back to the apartment with some drinks to relax and get ready for the night.

    We were picked up to go to the full moon party... It was a full moon of course! Went down to the boats and caught a speedboat across to Koh Phangan where the party is held. When we got there there was food, drinks (buckets of booze) and body painters everywhere. Everyone were dressed in bright clothes and in such a good mood! We walked across the island to the beach where the madness began! Walking down the beach there were people skipping and playing limbo with fire... The lads of course joined in getting themselves burnt! Got myself a bucket of gin and tonic, we found a quieter spot where we could dance and be in the group without being pushed left right and centre! It was so hot and sweaty so water was being thrown everywhere too lol

    So many people were smashed really quickly (you'll be pleased to know I paced myself!) Danny in our group had a few to many so we had to catch the speedboat back earlier than I wanted to.. but we left as a group! The queue for the speedboat was horrific, we was all crammed into this tunnel thing for around an hour.. then when we got back to our island the taxi wouldn't take us back so we had a mammoth trek up the steep hill our apartment is based on!

    All in all it was an amazing experience! !
    Les mer

  • Dag 13

    Off to Vietnam!

    22. april 2016, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    We got up this morning and packed up from that amazing apartment! We took our cases to Toni and Dannys next hotel and left them their whilst we went and got some dinner. I ordered a thai red curry with duck and pinapple and Danny ordered a beef thai red curry, we both got our meals mixed up... I was eating his thinking this is funny duck and he was eating mine thinking why is there fat on my beef and pinapple in his curry, neither of us mentioned anything until the end of the meal! It was safe to say we were feeling a bit shattered !

    My suitcase wheels have broke today too! Great!

    Nat, Jack and I left to go to the airport to fly back to Bangkok. Got myself a cheeky lipstick with my left over baht! I'm now waiting for go to Hanoi now and have said goodbye to them all!

    Goodbye Thailand you beautiful place!!
    Les mer

  • Dag 14

    Good morning Vietnam!

    23. april 2016, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    I got a taxi from the airport to the hostel around 9pm last night. When I arrived at the hostel it seemed really nice, good atmosphere and friendly people. I were pretty tired from all the travelling so I got my head down early.

    I got up bright and early this morning, went down for breakfast and got chatting to an Canadian girl and we went on a free walking tour of Hanoi provided by the hostel.

    The traffic in Hanoi is crazy, just in one day I saw 4 accidents! It makes Thailand look tame! I also had no idea on the currency as it's 32,000dong to £1 so I got screwed over a few times!

    We walked by this lake and there were hundreds of just married couples having their pictures took... apparently it's good luck this lake. Walking though the markets was interesting... turtles to eat and flies on everything! There was even chickens with roses in which people buy for their wedding dinner! We also stopped at a coffee shop where people drink coffee with a raw egg cracked in, then on to a restaurant where a tried some good old chicken and rice from Vietnam lol

    Getting back to the hostel I joined in some drinking games and chatting to some more people. I booked on a Halong Bay tour for tomorrow. There is a pub crawl every evening from the hostel at 9pm so I went out on that however shortly after we set off I got a migraine which gutted me so I made my way back to the hostel ready for my early start tomorrow!
    Les mer

  • Dag 15

    Ha Long Bay!

    24. april 2016, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    I booked on a trip to the 'castaways island' which is a private island owned by the hostel company in Halong Bay.

    Most people booked onto the trip for 2 nights but unfortunately I did not have enough time to do the full trip so I booked on for one night. It was a 5 hour journey from Hanoi by bus, ferry, bus then boat! It was throwing it down in Hanoi in the morning so I was really grateful when we arrived and it was sunny! We had a whole island to ourselves (it was actually just the beach though!) Soo pretty!

    When we arrived I got chatting to other people on the trip, we spent time sunbathing then went tubing (being pulled behind a speed boat on a big inflatable) which was so much fun! Worst part was I broke a nail lol. Got myself showered and spent the evening partying!

    The food here is pretty shocking, same for lunch and tea... dry chicken and tofu. Wouldn't actually feed it my dog haha!
    Les mer