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  • Day 56

    Work Advetures

    February 25, 2015 in England ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    It's spring campaign time at work this month, which means I get to travel across the country delivering our clients' messages.

    Apparently spring is the time for lavish ideas and concepts that excites the students' minds. Some of the cool things I saw on campus / read about included:
    - a bungee jump
    - dj
    - free coffee
    - virtual day at the office
    - pop corn
    - free waffles
    - a promise tree

    We took a personality quiz on campus, that once completed the students received a free goody bag and the most delicious brownies.

    The campuses I got to visit were:
    - Imperial (london)
    - ucl (london)
    - southampton
    - Warwick
    - Loughborough

    I like travelling to these campuses. It's always a lot of fun to see the students, engage from a brand perspective and see a campus / another town.

    It snowed the day I went to Southampton, so I enjoyed a lovely trip to the south of England with a snow covered countryside - just perfect!
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