Trafalgar Team Penning, Sorting, cattle challenge and obstacle course Les mer
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  • 68kilometer
  • Dag 1

    Day 1 Setup

    5. mai 2023, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Here we go again, hit the road around 11 for a quick 1 and 1/2 hour run to Trafalgar for another KWR event, we had a bit of rain before and more was forecast for the weekend so we took a bit of time to get a park that will be easy to get out, setup next to the track and opposite horse yards so no fences to put up, was a lovely afternoon got the fire pot cranked up and chilled out with a bevie, had chicken casserole that Teresa pre cooked super easy, Locky Em and the kids arrived around 7:30, had a few more drinks around the fire got a few spots of rain so bailed out and into bed for an early start tomorrow.Les mer

  • Dag 2

    Day 2 Competition

    6. mai 2023, Australia ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

    The forecast was right it rained most of the night up at 6:30 to a few on and off showers, had a quick breakfast and then off to walk through the obstacle course at 7:30 and quick look at the cattle challenge and they got underway at 8, Teresa, Locky and staffy did a great job as first team out and completed all tasks in the challenge in a good time, can’t see the same about the obstacle course, they got a lot of the tasks done but run out of time to complete all 3 riders running through, was still showers on and off. Ollie and Archie had a great time in the kids activities that run over lunch, we grabbed a quick bite from the food van then it was into team penning for the afternoon and into the night under lights, the arena was fairly soggy and all of our teams managed penning 3 but not consistently and it was hard work to see some of the colours under the lights, pizza for tea with all the team around the fire and the penning finished around 9 and then they did a top cut out which ran for an hour and presentations got under way around 10, was a crazy busy day but everything went off well, into bed around 11.Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Day 3 Ranch Sorting & Pack up

    7. mai 2023, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

    Out of bed this morning to a better day patches of sun poking through, was an 8:30 start for ranch sorting, the arena was very wet and they setup to run the cattle from the same end each run, the teams did a great job running 10 through to in some runs but not good enough for a ribbon, they pumped it through and were all done by 12 and we didn’t hang around for presentations got everything packed up, decide not to load horses as it was very wet, Locky just got out and loaded on the track and I set of in 2nd gear with trying not to spin and got out reasonably easy and we loaded out on the track as well, hit the road around 12:30 and stopped in for KFC at Traralgon and got home around 2:30, was a super busy weekend but it all went well and everyone had a good time in the average weather 🤓👍Les mer