Primorskiy Kray

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    • Day 90

      On the road again

      June 8, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      He's back! After four weeks and five days of being apart, we're reunited with Hans. Thanks to Brent from Bikes abroad (our Australian agent) and Yuri and Svetlana from Links, LTD. (our Russian agent), the shipping of the car went as smoothly as can be, with only a minor delay of 4days (delays of a week or more are more than common. Ship schedules are a finicky thing.).
      Tom and I were anxiously waiting for Yuri's call this morning. Papers had been cleared yesterday, now it was just a question of when the container would be unloaded. Once Yuri called, everything went super fast. He picked us up and drove us to the terminal where the container was already on the ground. It was opened in our presence and there he was: Hans. The engine started on first try, he was driven out and after we had paid Yuri, he was ours once again.
      No more hostel searching and worrying about kitchen access, we've got our home back!
      A couple of hours later (we needed to unpack our backpacks, rearrange a few things, shop groceries and fill up our tank), we are on the road. Jeez, it feels good!
      Tom quickly got used to driving on the right side again (even in a right-hand drive), but we still need to get a feeling for the road conditions. So many potholes! The landscape is quite similar to home (Germany in this case), the sun is shining and just before dark (daylight is till about 9pm) we find a beautiful spot next to a lake about 15min from the highway.
      Brotzeit (cheese, bread, mustard, vegan dip, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers) for dinner makes this a perfect day.
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    • Day 46

      Hiking on Russky Island

      June 10, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Katja took me and her other tenants, a Korean couple to Russky Island, a wonderfully wild and beautiful island with partially very steep coast line. Dense lush and green forests, beautiful wildflowers, I haven't seen since my childhood (you English speakers please excuse), Frauenschuh, Akelei, white poppies, wild Iris. We were picking leaves from Sauerampfer, stinging nettle, some special fern leaves and other plants for some soup and tea that Katja prepared for us whilst we explored the southern tip of the island.
      We even came across a fox.
      Paradise for Rexelby: so many foreign smells, has he never been in a forrest like this. This was dog heaven. He had happiness written all over his face. Wasn't too happy about a passing dog not appreciating his display of dominance so those two got in a bit of a kafuffle. Rex drew the short straw. Serves him right.
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    • Day 56


      September 7, 2016 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Als ich langsam mit dem Zug nach Vladivostok einfuhr wusste ich dass diese lange Zugreise ein Ende nimmt. Keine tagelangen Zugfahrten mehr, kein leben im Zug und auch bald kein Russland mehr. Erstmals musste ich jedoch den Weg zu meinem Couchsurfing-Host finden welcher mir für die restlichen Tage seine Couch zum schlafen angeboten hat. In einem typischen UDSSR Reihen-Block befand sich seine Wohnung welche noch immer im UDSSR Stil eingerichtet ist. Interessant und auch ein Grund wieso ich Couchsurfing liebe, normalerweise würde ich diese Blöcke nur von aussen sehen aber so konnte ich diesen nicht nur ansehn sondern auch darin leben. Ich wurde freundlich von Gabriel empfangen und freute mich erst auf eine Dusche, nach drei Tagen im Zug hatte ich diese dringend nötig. Am nächsten Tag erkundete ich Vladivostok zu Fuss, die Stadt welche auch oft als San Francisco des Osten bezeichnet wird. Diese Bezeichnung ist meiner Meinung nach nicht zu weit hergeholt, die terrassenartige Form direkt am Meer und die anders denkende Mentalität erinnern doch stark an San Francisco. Gabriel unterrichtet Englisch und einer seiner Schüler hatte zu viele Krabben gefangen weshalb er ihm ein halbes Dutzend gab. Diese verspiessen wir am Nachmittag zusammen mit einem guten Glas Scotch bevor es Abends in ein Nordkoreanisches Restaurant ging. Dieses Restaurant ist eines von wenigen welche vom Nordkoreanischen Staat geführt werden und alle Arbeiter eine Spezialbewilligung bekommen um das Land zu verlassen. Für mich war das wohl die einzige Möglichkeit in der nahen Zukunft eine "reale" Begegnung mit Nordkorea zu haben, Weltpolitisch wird sich das in den nächsten Jahren sicher nicht klären. Das Essen war köstlich, die Stimmung im Lokal ausgelassen und unsere Kellnerin liess sich sogar zu einem kleinen Schwatz hinreissen. Ich erreichte das Ende meines Visas und musste deshalb um 00:20 einen Flug nach Peking nehmen. Damit ich kein teures Taxi nehmen muss nahm ich den letzten Zug zum Flughafen welcher bereits um 18 Uhr abfuhr. Der Flughafen in Vladivostok ist alles andere als gross und die meisten Geschäfte sind um diese Uhrzeit bereits geschlossen, ich trank deshalb einige Kaffees und schaute einen Film auf meinem Laptop. Ich freute mich schon sehr über das Essen in China, werde Russland aber sicher auch vermissen und hoffentlich eines Tages wieder zurückkehren. Die Leute hier strahlen eine solche wärme aus, sind hilfsbereit, viele Gebäude sind Rollstuhlgängig und man bekommt einfach alles was man nicht erwartet.Read more

    • Day 12


      October 18, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Went to Nakhodka to be registered, a bit like Joseph and Mary! Victoria has bought a new apartment and we went to one place to register that, but had to go elsewhere to register us! We then looked over part of the docks - there are 80 kilometres of them. Never seen so much coal. We then went for a coffee and lunch, and walked to the bus station to get the bus back to Victoria's mums apartment. The smell in the air was reminiscent of the Welsh valleys in the 60's!Read more

    • Day 64

      Russian Hospitality

      June 28, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Had I thought I could stay on a Russian camp ground unseen, I was dreaming.
      I was hardly there for 10 mins I was already involved in an argument about Rexelby on the beach (on leash he was) with children.
      This lady has immediately been identified by onlookers as hysteric and myself as tourist.
      From here on all my plans for an early evening were gone: I wanted to do some snoozing and cooking, both of which I achieved, however the cleaning, home improvement and reorganization plans went up in smoke.
      The Russian hospitality is well known: saying no is not really an option. So I had to more or less eat and drink myself through the camp, slowly getting closer and closer to my van and to drunkenness, taking presents with me: a bag of freshly harvested homegrown potatoes here, a huge cabbage and other vegetables there. Fresher they don’t come.
      Finally I reached home looking forward to my bed, when my Armenian neighbours, who had previously supplied me with a grilled pork chop and a drumstick, (very welcome, as I was sooo hungry) invited me over for more food and drink and some dance. When they told me they are celebrating the first child of the youngest member of the circle, I could not say no, the dancing was of course another incentive.
      In-between all of this, Rexelby and myself had to investigate the wolfish howling of many dogs coming down the hill. Rex could not resist and found his wolf voice, and yodelled together with the other huskies. These were howling on and off throughout the night, but Rexby thankfully resisted his urge to tune in with the “real” Huskies. As we found out this was a Husky farm, about 30 or more dogs, all different husky varieties, Alaskan, Siberian, Mallamute, mixed with wolf, from puppies to old ones. This was their summer camp; they were waiting for the winter to come so they could do some sled work in Kamtchatka. This is at least what I understood.
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    • Day 1


      October 25, 2019 in Russia ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Уже совершенно не помню название. Где-то совсем рядом с Молодежным театром, чуть ли не в одном здании. По стене ползут эффектные золотые муравьи...
      И вкусно было, как вспомню

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Primorskiy Kray, Krai De Primorsky, Kraï de Primorie, Primorskij kraj, Приморский край, Primorje

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