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    • Day 30

      Next country - Slovakia

      June 28, 2020 in Slovakia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Our route started with a pretty steep climb: 450m of elevation gain within the first 10km. However, it was a remote forest road, the locals had drawn beer signs on the road for motivation and the view on top made up for the effort! We were in a little ski resort with cute wooden apartment houses and hotels.
      This was also the point where we crossed to Slovakia - our first time in this country! After the climb, we were treated with a super nice 23km downhill ride on a paved forest road along a little stream. It ended at a canal which we followed until we reached Zilina. Here we stopped for lunch in the historical old town.
      From Zilina, it wasn't too far to our campsite anymore. 10km along the canal again with tailwinds and another 10km on a busy road into a smaller valley. We went quite fast, as the Slovakian drivers are as crazy as the Czech drivers, so it wasn't too much fun.
      When we reached the campground, we went for a bath in the cold river to relax our tired muscles.
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    • Day 14

      Camping Belá

      July 24, 2020 in Slovakia ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      Na een mooie tocht zijn we net aangekomen op camping Belá in Ninžé Kamence. Dit ligt weer in het nationaal park Malá Fatra. De toppen hier zijn zo'n 1700 meter hoog. Vandaag kijken we er alleen naar... we hebben geen zin om te wandelen... bovendien rommelt het in de verte.Read more

    • Day 3

      Bela camping in Slovakia

      July 19, 2021 in Slovakia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Our way of sorting out where we sleep might seem naive. We almost never book anything in advance and pick a place based on where we got to that day.

      This is how we ended up at the Bela camping in Slovakia, and yes, it was bella.
      The reception was nice and cozy, the camping well maintained. There was a service house often enough so you didn't have to walk a long time to get to a kitchen or a bathroom.

      We picked a spot near a tree, with plenty of space around us to feel comfortable.

      This was the first camping of the trip where shower time was timed. A crime against humanity. At least against the side of humanity that enjoys long, warm, showers. Once you pressed the start button, a timer appeared and it looked like a bomb about to go off. There was no pause button. On top of this, water blasted out from a top shower head, so strong it felt like someone was trying to test water based laser on people. It really felt like it was you vs the shower, in a confrontation where violence was allowed. I stepped out the of shower feeling like someone kicked my ass out of it. We shared a laugh talking about it and discovered this wasn't nice for either of us.

      We took a long walk around the campground and went to sleep.
      The next morning we had tea and butter biscuits, such a treat!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Šlesarovia, Slesarovia

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