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Top 10 Travel Destinations Trnava
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    • VDG Yacht Centrum, Tagesziel erreicht

      May 22 in Slovakia ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Ein langer Tag neigt sich dem Ende entgegen, nach dem wir unser Abenteuer am Vormittag überstanden haben ging es weiter nach Olmütz (Stadt in der östlichen Provinz Mähren in der Tschechischen Republik). Auf der Suche nach etw. für die Mittagspause haben wir Gulasch mit Knödeln gefunden.

      Von Olmütz aus ging es in Richtung Bratislava. Gesehen haben wir auf dem Weg viel und nichts, aber egal wir hatten ja Zeit. Jetzt sind wir an unserem Ziel angekommen und liegen platt im Bett, es reicht auch.
      Bis morgen 👋

      PS: wir nächtigen an der Donau 😉.
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    • 024 Von Podersdorf nach Samorin

      August 20, 2022 in Slovakia ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Lido de Jeselo am Neusiedlersee, so könnt man meinen. Heute radeln wir erst an einem Windpark vorbei, so viele Windräder habe ich auf einmal noch nie gesehen.
      In Kittsee haben wir in einer Buschenschenke Mittagspause gemacht. Kurz durch Bratislava durch und weiter geht's wieder an der Donau entlang. Auserdem kommen wir in Land Nr.4 an, die Slowakei. Tagesetappe waren 80km. Am Ende müssen wir noch eine Umleitung nehmen wegen einem Triathlon. Fernsehen und Hubschrauber alles war da. Aber nicht wegen uns.😏Read more

    • Day 13

      Danubiana, Teil 2

      September 13, 2022 in Slovakia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Auch der Außenbereich und das Dach sind mit Kunstwerken voll.

      Und auch das Café hat etwas zu bieten.

      In unmittelbarer Nähe ist ein Stellplatz, wo wir übernachten, wobei wir vorher noch ein Bad in der Donau nehmen.Read more

    • Day 29


      June 10, 2023 in Slovakia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Heute morgen ging es vom Campingplatz weiter nach Trnava. Trnava, zu deutsch Tyrnau, ist eine Stadt mit 64.735 Einwohnern im Westen der Slowakei nordöstlich der Hauptstadt Bratislava.

      Unser Hauptziel war aber nicht die Stadt selbst, sondern ein dort befindlicher - mittlerweile selten gewordener - Webcam-Cache.

      Einige Virtuelle und Labs wurden als Beifang natürlich auch noch mitgenommen.

      Die Stadt selbst ist aber auch sehr schön. 😁
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    • Day 40

      Tree fell on our train to Esztergom

      October 20, 2023 in Slovakia ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      Ruby had a very hard time finding the most direct way to Eztergom and one with the least transfers. She was met with Hungarian websites, no translations, train runs that are there one minute and the gone the next. This was further complicated by track works happening in the area.
      She finally found the most direct from Vienna through Breclav in Czech Republic to Sturovo in Slovakia, then a taxi to Esztergom in Hungary; we will be in 4 countries during this journey. Sturovo is just across the Danube River from Esztergom, about 8.5km from our accommodation.
      Got in our train in Vienna to Breclav without a hitch. Found extra Czech money in Ruby's wallet which was handy, so we had quite a feed in Breclav cafe of sandwiches, cakes and ice-cream. Even got takeaway cakes as there was money left over.
      Caught the connecting train at 1213pm which took a detour as there were works done on the tracks. So a slight delay was announced. 2hrs into our train ride, the train came to an abrupt halt in the forest, in the middle of nowhere because a tree fell on our train. All announcements we're in Czech and the lovely young lady sitting behind us translated. We have been stopped here for an hour, twenty three mins and counting....

      When stuck on a train, one needs to eat cake.....

      After 2½hrs, rescue train is here....

      After 3½hrs, we're still here. Fortunately we not in need of emergency rescue.

      3 hours and 50 mins and we are GO!

      We finally arrived at train station destination at 7.30pm. Next challenge was getting off the platform to the station side and onto the road to catch a taxi. The was no lift to go down the stairs. So we heaved the suitcases down the stairs only to find it went to platforms. Heaved suitcases back up the stairs as we saw an overhead bridge. Dragged suitcases to the overhead bridge which on closer inspection led to further darkness. Fortunately a guy came down the bridge and we gesticulated getting to the office. He gesticulated back to go downstairs and around the corner. More heaving and puffing later, we were out of the station.

      Our walking tour guide in Prague warned us to not catch taxis from train stations but to call one from Uber or Bolt. He gave us graphic details from bad experiences of people on his tours that scored into our memory. Scary. However, those services are not available in this area. With that severe warning in mind, we were rather worried about shonky taxi drivers or even finding one in the small town of Sturovo, Slovakia to take us across the bridge to Esztergom, Hungary although it was only a 10 minutes drive. There were 2 taxis outside the station. The first taxi driver didn't want to know us and our English. In a feeble effort to look like we knew what we were doing, Grace has the address and route on Google map to show the driver. The second driver looked like a Mafia muscleman and had a very old taxi. He looked up our apartment address on Google map ( exactly what was in Grace's phone), showed us the route and time it'd take, helped us with our luggage, and most importantly, put the meter on before driving away. We were so relieved that he was so honest we gave him a big tip and thanked him profusely. It was instant noodles for dinner.

      An observation in Breclav, there must be lots of cyclists in Breclav because they have a multistorey parking for bicycles here.

      Walked only 4.2km, but sat for hours and hours and hours....
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    • Day 2

      Wien -> Trnava

      June 18 in Slovakia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Am nächsten Tag ging es schon in die Slowakei und zwar nach Trnava. Wie man das ausspricht, wissen wir auch nicht genau 😂
      Bevor wir die Reise mit dem Flixbus antraten, verbrachten wir den Tag noch in Wien und schauten uns nach einem leckeren Frühstück im Hotel das Heeresgeschichtliche Museum (HGM) an. Gott sei Dank durften wir unser grosses Gepäck bei den lieben Leuten im Hotel lassen und es später abholen, denn es wurde teils bis zu 33 Grad. Und dann mit viel Gepäck zu laufen wäre echt mühsam…
      Leider hatte das Naturwissenschaftliche Museum und die Panzerhalle des HGMs geschlossen. Also setzten wir uns in ein Café in der Nähe und stärkten uns ein wenig (vor allem war es angenehm kühl da drin ☺️).
      Danach holten wir unser Gepäck im Hotel ab und rasten durch die ganze Stadt, um noch rechtzeitig unseren Flixbus zu erreichen.
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    • Day 3

      Trvana, Slowakei

      June 19 in Slovakia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      In diesem kleinen Städtchen haben wir nur eine Übernachtung geplant gehabt, aber hätten gut noch eine weitere dableiben können. Das sogenannte ,,kleine Rom der Slowakei‘‘ ist zwar klein, aber fein. Die süssen Reihenhäuschen der Altstadt ziehen einen direkt in den Bann, sowie die ganzen Kirchen und der wunderschön gepflegte Park in mitten der Stadt. Wie verbrachten den ganzen Tag nur mit Rumlaufen und in einer Eisdiele über Gott und die Welt reden…Read more

    • Day 73

      Fruity Slovakia 🇸🇰

      July 6 in Slovakia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Must have slept like a log as I woke to find the mosquitoes had feasted on me in the night. I was covered in big red itchy bites. Apparently they love my particular blood group (O), but don’t much like the taste of Darren’s (A+) so he was comparatively left untouched... probably just not enough red wine in his bloodstream, I mean comparatively speaking like 😂

      We’d been parked right on the border so it took just seconds to arrive at the checkpoint for entry into Austria. Unlike every crossing so far on this trip there were soldiers (with guns might I add 😮) Alarmingly we were instructed to pull over so that they could perform a search of Ivy and check out our passports. However, as Darren pulled open the sliding door and the soldier stepped forward to go in, he somewhat comically jumped back the moment he set eyes upon Bliss. ( who was just sat calm as you like looking out at him and wondering what all the fuss was about) He turned to his mate sat inside the border hut and said something that we translated from his body language to be along the lines of “I’m not going in there dude, they’ve got a bloody wolf in there!” 🐺 😂
      He proceeded to hastily and bravely wave us on through and so we continued on our journey having a giggle at his expense. 🤭 I then patiently and dutifully listened to Darren as he described in detail more stories of having done many similar guard duty roles “during the war” 🫡 Almost as if after 35 years of being together I was somehow completely unaware of the life he’d led up until our union 🤭
      Of course I on the other hand, as everyone knows and will attest to, have no such propensity for repeating myself hehe 🤥
      It was such a relief to get back to the immaculate road surfaces of Austria 🇦🇹 after yesterday’s earthquake simulator ride in Hungary, roads which we traversed for the next hour or so on our way to the next new country on our list.
      As we entered into Slovakia 🇸🇰 we were immediately confronted with the largest, busiest city we’ve encountered to date. It was however really interesting, full of many historical looking buildings mixed with the very modern. Most interestingly of all we crossed over the Danube River which was just immense. I had no idea it was even here.
      Gradually the metropolis was replaced by farmland, forests and a sprinkling of small towns and villages.
      One of the things that caught our eye early on was that the roads were all lined with fruit laden trees. Apples, pears, damsels, cherries and plums everywhere for mile after mile. Wonderful really, and again something I would love to see adopted at home.
      Our park up tonight is at the foot of a derelict castle sat on the top of a steep sided hill. As we pulled up I immediately knew I was going to like this spot. We’d only been there long enough to have a cup of tea when a tractor arrived to collect up the freshly mown hay in the field directly outside our door.
      We had a great view of the meadows and forest below us and we were hopeful of seeing some deer, so we sat watching intently into the evening. No deer appeared unfortunately, but I did make friends with a sweet little black cat who was out hunting mice in the field outside. The friendly cat was either overly confident or possibly a bit dim. He came and sat boldly as brass within a couple of feet of Bliss before I spotted him. Bliss was so good, bless her. They each just sat looking at one another without an ounce of malice from either.
      As darkness fell we felt a little disappointed in ourselves for having been too lazy to venture up to the castle ruins, high up on the mound above. I think we missed a great sunset from up there and I’m sure it would have been really interesting to explore. But nonetheless I thoroughly enjoyed this most tranquil and serene park up at the edge of a hay field in Slovakia 🇸🇰 . Before today I had absolutely no idea what this country was like, no clue even where in the world it was... and now I do 👍. That’s a good thing right?
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    • Day 31


      July 23, 2018 in Slovakia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Back to warm temperatures and sunny skies as we made our way to Skalica this morning and our third concert of the tour in the Jesuit Church of St. Francis Xavier. We unloaded and then had some free time to spend wandering around the town, finding lunch and generally relaxing in beautiful surroundings. Slight aberration in in the planning was the fact that I hadn't twigged that Skalica is actually just over the border into Slovakia so we needed Euros today! Fortunately there was the option of getting a packed lunch from Olomouc before we left this morning so everyone is covered. My mistake, sorry!!

      The concert this evening is slightly earlier than the others with a start time of 6.00pm. The church itself is lovely, with a fantastic acoustic for the choir's sound to soar in, and it will magnify the orchestra too, so we are really looming forward to tonight's penultimate concert! Afterwards the plan is to have dinner and stay in Skalica for a while before making the journey back to the hotel, arriving around midnight.

      Back to the lovely weather!
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    • Day 31

      Needle Quartet

      July 23, 2018 in Slovakia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      The Needle quartet performed outside the church this afternoon. In gorgeous sunshine, but shaded by trees on the lawn, they performed three movements from Dvorak's American String Quartet. It was a bit quiet "locals - wise" but those that were there were very appreciative. And of course with NMPAT students being so nice and supportive, there were plenty of fellow musicians around to listen!Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Trnava, Nagyszombati körzet

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