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    • Dag 24


      18. mai, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Day 16 Hornillos
      Distance from Burgos to Hornillos 24kms

      Camino Part 2/3 - ‘Mind’.
      Having completed Part 1 of the Camino - ‘Physical’ we were about to start Part 2 and walk the Meseta (plateau)
      with its relentless kilometers of wheat and oats and not much else for several days. We were ready.
      The sun was shining and as we were leaving Burgos were fortunate to spy a pair of storks high up on a monument feeding their young.
      We came upon a tiny chapel with a nun in attendance and as we entered were given a necklace (our shield and strength along the way) and a blessing. The nun was so small in stature but so great in her faith.
      What a beautiful day it has been walking in such a peaceful setting passing sheep with a shepherd watching over his flock before we stopped for a picnic lunch. The winding path continued but it was flat and we set a good pace.
      Hornillos our village for the night is small with many homes abandoned and mud houses still standing some decaying. After checking into our albergue we took a walk around the village and came upon some hobbiton like dwellings and cute cottages.
      We loved the first day of the Meseta.
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    • Dag 19

      Day 19 Castrojerez

      24. mai, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Do you see that first picture of the white house with writing on it? I took the pic walking into Hontanos today. It says Santiago is 248 miles away! We will officially be halfway to Santiago when we get to the town of Shagun. We had a mixed day of hills and flat areas, and I can't stop taking pictures of poppy fields. Castrojerez is a large town, and it's built way up on a hill. The owner of our albergue insisted that Kristina and I use her jacuzzi, so we appeased her by sticking our feet in it while enjoying our afternoon snack of fresh apricots, figs, cheese and olives.Les mer

    • Dag 19

      Day 18 To Hornillos del Camino

      24. mai, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      Beautiful walk out of Bergos into the rolling green hills along the way to Hornillos. The scenery was beautiful, fields of poppies and an expansive view of the city from high above. We saw exquisite cathedrals yesterday, but none compare to the simple chapel we passed by today in the countryside outside Rabe de las Calzatas. A nun invited us into the chapel, asked my name, touched my head and extended a blessing on me "Katarina," also my family, friends, all those doing the Camino de Santiago. She presented me with a medal. The chapel was simple, photo attached. Our albergue is nice. It's new, and the private room is perfect. We have a shared common patio with people from Germany, Australia, New Zealand, France, Japan. Communal dinner tonight with Spanish paella.Les mer

    • Dag 16

      First day on the meseta

      6. juni, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Which for those of you who don't know, is the enormous plateau that covers most of central Spain, from La Mancha south of Madrid to the mountains just north of us here. In my experience it is either baking hot like today or very cold in Winter.
      As there has been so much rain the poppies, thistles and other wild flowers are stunning.
      We are staying in a hostel Fiona knows from last year in a sleepy village that has the good fortune to sit on the path to Santiago, and is making the most of it by catering to pilgrims. There's a man in a small shop across the road selling tiny shampoos, suncreams, blister stuff, and food in small packets as well as making nice sandwiches.
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    • Dag 14

      Day 13 not walking!

      21. mai, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Super paella last night!
      But my bruised big toe was really painful yesterday and throbbing overnight, so decided this morning to get it checked out. As we were staying in small village of Hornillos, had to get a taxi back to Burgos which took about 30 mins and us over 6 hours to walk yesterday!!
      My suspicion was confirmed when the doctor told me it was infected, so have got antibiotic cream and tablets etc, very efficient system at A&E and was prob in and out in just over an hour! Isn’t Google translate marvellous?!! Getting back to town was less efficient, but that was my fault, wish my Spanish was better!
      My friend Fiona carried on walking today and I’m meeting her at our accommodation later. I was told to not walk for 2-3 days, so will be taking the bus to our pre booked accommodation and see how it goes. The doctor told me to buy bigger shoes, I didn’t argue but I already bought larger than normal…. don’t think it’s the shoes but the number of Km we’re covering!
      The next bus to our next stop at Castrojeriz is not until 5, so after chilling in cafe, I have taken refuge in the public library to kill time, as I don’t want to walk about that much. So I’ve taken few more photos in Burgos of some things that caught my eye plus the enormous chicken paella from last night!
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    • Dag 23

      Burgos Cathedral

      28. mai, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      As I shuffled into the city of Burgos like Tim Conway on the Carol Burnett show.

      See video of Tim Conway….

      As I approached my hotel I knew I was about to walk past the Cathedral. I knew I had only so much energy and so I opted to take pictures from the outside and vow to return someday to see the inside.

      I looked at my pictures and they don’t do the Building justice. Regardless take my word for it. It is massive and impressive ! I enjoyed gazing at it in the day and night time.

      A picture of me shuffling through Burgos on the way to my hotel being guided by yellow arrows. Also some Torrenzos before dinner.
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    • Dag 14–15

      Day 13 to Hornillos del Camino

      19. mai, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Lovely little town. Walked with Cathy, met Rob, Matteo, Monique, Herman, Allyson and saw the young folk from Belorado... Tom decided to pack his bag and walk 10km on... cause hostels were full and people needed beds. I think my boys would've done the same... what a champLes mer

    • Dag 20

      Day 18 - To Hornillos

      26. september 2022, Spania ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Day 18 - To Hornillos
      (pr. Horneos)
      21 kms; Difficulty 2/3

      Today was a VERY interesting day.

      I travelled through a small village and saw a little church that I decided to stop at. There was a nun there who gave everyone a miraculous medal around their neck, put her hands on our shoulders and said a prayer. I don’t know what it was about that little church, but many people became quite emotional when inside. This nun was from the St. Vincent de Paul order who are committed to serving the poor. She told us the story of how she became a nun.
      Many years ago, on this one particular day, she was in Paris with friends. She got separated from them and got lost. She saw a “shrine” and went in, prayed, and asked herself what she should do with her life. She heard a voice tell her that she should join the St. Vincent de Paul order. And so she did. That was 40 years ago! And she has been serving ever since.

      A couple days ago I was phoning around looking for a place to stay at Hornillos. At one hotel I talked to a man named Samuel. He told me if I couldn’t find a place to call him back and he would see what he could do. So I called him back. He set me up at a place about 10 km out of town called El Molino, his parent’s place which is usually closed down but they were willing to open it up for desperate pilgrims. When I got into town I went to see Samuel and he called someone to come and pick me up. By then there was several others that had joined the group to go out there. While I was waiting for the ride I saw a picture on his wall about the movie “The Way” and he proceeded to tell me this story:
      In 2003 Martin Sheen, and Emilio‘s son Taylor did the Camino Trail. I read that they did it by car, I guess because they only had two weeks.
      It turned out that they stayed at El Molino. Taylor and Samuel's sister met, fell in love and eventually got married.
      In 2009 they all went back to Spain for Taylor‘s wedding and stayed to shoot the movie. Samuel told me they shot scenes of the movie at El Molino and a man by the name of Maxi, who was also in the movie, is still at El Molino. So I was anxious to get there and check it out.
      El Molino is a BIG beautiful place that kind of reminds me of the plantation homes in the southern states. I can tell it was an active Albergue at one time, still beautiful, but becoming rundown. Samuel‘s parents live in Burgos and I guess they have Maxi looking after it. I took many pictures and when I have the chance I will watch the movie again to see if I can recognize any parts of El Molino!
      Photo of Samuel and you’ll see a picture of the movie on the wall. If you zoom in you will see it signed by Martin Sheen in 2011.
      You can see Maxi in the bottom left corner of the last picture.
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    • Dag 15

      Day 11- Jaunt to Castrojeriz 20km/12.4m

      10. oktober 2023, Spania ⋅ 🌙 46 °F

      After an incredible gift from the Camino last night, we were up at 6:45 am and out the door by 7:30 am to begin our trek over the ancient Meseta.

      As hot as it was yesterday afternoon, it was that cold this morning (43 degrees). We had our cold gear on for the first time. (Joan left her puffy coat in Pamplona, so out came the raincoat- with tag still on it). It was an invigorating way to begin the day.

      Only two cities / stops / rest on our 20km hike today, but both were traditional Camino medieval towns with rich histories.

      We stopped mid-day (10km in) for lunch in Hontanas, our only rest of the day. Joanie got her watermelon and it was a good stop all around. We are getting to know some of the new pilgrims on this leg.

      After Hontanas, we emerged from the dusty hot, gravel roads to the San Anton Monastery and their ancient ruins. We could have stopped and slept outdoors under the stars with no electricity, but Kenzie suggested a 5 star Spa and relaxation resort and we hoofed another 5km to Castrojeriz and our 5 -star resort.

      We could see the next city, Castrojeriz, their beautiful church and the castle ruins high up on the hill, and those last 5km were hard.

      We came in hot, dirty, dusty and with very sore feet. Luckily Mackenzie’s recommendation did not disappoint and we limped into a desert oasis. Our first stop was the cold water foot plunge and cerveza’s. We finally had a proper siesta and a wonderful dinner with local wine.

      We are now so tired, waiting on our clothes to dry 9:30 pm. Tomorrow we train to Leon (45 min) to explore the city. We are cutting two days of the desert Meseta. We end with 13+ days of consecutive walking to Santiago . We still have 309km / 192 miles from Leon to Santiago. We believe we are halfway. Buen Camino!
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    • Dag 16

      Vaya noche!

      5. mai, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Hornillos del Camino es un pueblo con 58 habitantes. Quién me iba a decir que pasaría una noche tan divertida. Paseando por la calle me encontré con Omar, un Senegales que regenta un restaurante en el pueblo (solo hay 2, aparte de los 3 o 4 albergues). Así que me fui a cenar allí. Me sentó en la mesa con David, un chico americano de Austin, Texas. Y además de la comida de Senegal, disfrutamos de un espectáculo de música en directo con música pop y óperas. Divertidísimo y surrealista todo.Les mer

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