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    • Day 26

      Villalcazar de Sirgo

      October 13, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      After our wonderful canal walk this morning, the afternoon walk was a let down.

      After visiting a church in Fromista, we set off out of town. The Camino became a dirt track parallel to a road.

      After 3k we entered a small town, with two route options : a flat straight , boring walk next to the road. Or a flat straight boring walk not next to a road.
      We chose option B. It led us to a small town that was basically closed. The one cafe was closed. The town did have a Jai Alai fronton. Nobody was playing.

      We then used a dirt road across the fields to re-join the main Camino route, which was the shorter walk.

      We arrived in our little town for the night, checked into our hostel and had beers/snacks. The only two cafés in town closed soon after that., Joining the rest of the town for Siesta. Not to reopen for dinner until 9 PM. Fortunately, the Albergue restaurant down the hill will open at 7:30 for a Pilgrim dinner.

      It is not clear anything in town will be open for coffee/breakfast in the morning, so we went to the mini-market for pineapple juice and a bag of mini-donuts for the morning. 6k walk to the next town tomorrow to find an open café!
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    • Day 22


      September 26, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      Just a short 8.6 miles today. My perception of distance is changing. After breakfast, I said to Carol "This is great, we only have 5 more miles of walk. It will be easy."
      It was a mostly flat walk today. The last hour was spent walking next to a canal. We arrived in town too early to check in. So we stopped for lunch. favorite!Read more

    • Day 27

      Poblacion de Campos

      September 11, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 86 °F

      Today started in the dark. Coffee and breakfast had to wait till the next town. Worth it with great coffee and an egg sandwich big enough to share. A lovely morning walk along the Canal de Castillo, waterside with trees and wildlife.Read more

    • Day 27

      poblacion de campos

      September 11, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 88 °F

      What a terrible night the folks in the last town really know how to party and they partied all night and I mean all night including fireworks and cannons and grease makeovers and oh my gosh it was it was terrible for getting some sleep we got up early about 530 and took off before 630 and had a marvelous breakfast sandwich at the next town it was scrambled eggs ham and cheese it was great it started getting warmer and we had a real long stretch to get to our current position but we did have some nice scenery along the way including a waterway with a boat and the first guy I’ve seen fishing although he was fishing for crawdads Buen CaminoRead more

    • Day 23

      San Nicholas to Poblacion de Campos 19k

      September 27, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      A pleasant walk 19k in 5.5 hours. We had a great night in our albergue, the old pilgrim hospital with no electricity. We were woken up at 7am to a Gregorian chant. As the sun does not come up til about 8am we had a candlelit breakfast. We had a group blessing before our departure. It was a later start to our walk (8:45) than usual so that resulted in some hot walking in the mid day sun. We walked a bit with Mary Lou from Florida who we have been meeting up with the last few days. We walked along a beautiful canal for a few kilometers. It was beautiful. Tonight we are treating ourselves to a private room with our very own bathroom!! Woohoo.Read more

    • Day 27

      Pablacion de Campos

      September 11, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 88 °F

      Walked for an hour in the dark today to try to beat the heat, it is 90 so far today.... 13 miles down the road, not a lot to look at today. Got to hotel and took a nap as they had a festival last night and partied until 6 am.Read more

    • Day 24

      Long walk to Frómista

      May 3 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Another amazing day, but quite a long one…about 27 kms, though Amr’s watch says 28…but it again was sensational, except just when we had almost arrived, and were enjoying walking along the canal de Castillo there was a diversion and we had to take a long cut around some works, where it looks like they are putting a highway through…probably only an extra km but it was a bit boring!

      Otherwise it was great - we set off about 9, and it was cold but not icy, and left Castrojeriz and the first thing was a long climb - about 1.5 kms and 900 metres - which we knew from before, but this time it was a sparkling green and amazing panorama back to Castrojeriz. We had always thought wow, but in spring WOW! The you walk across the plateau and down the other side, steeper but fortunately paved so no sliding loose stones, and another great vista on the other side.

      Then it went on, always green and lovely, and undulating, but it was long. There are many wild flowers - rogue yellow rapeseed plants dotted, rosemary bushes now flowering, and we found from Rachel’s app that one rather straggly but pretty flower was “rocket salad” and looked carefully, and smelt the leaves, and it was rocket, arugula. And there are poppies, and we identified a Judas tree flowering beautifully. We stopped for a break (but to my horror they didn’t do ColaCao) and otherwise just plowed on.

      Got to the lovely canal de Castillo before reaching Frómista and stopped in a bar before even finding the hotel. Finally I had my ColaCao, and it was in a ColaCao glass!!! A first! Also, while we were sitting there an American pilgrim came up to Amr and said how much he loved the hat!! I thought all who have commented would appreciate that…Then found our hotel, all in the same one tonight, and a new one for us. A very modern ecohotel, and large modern room and such a huge bed we will lose each other. All meeting for dinner later, at a restaurant they have given us vouchers for.
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    • Day 29

      Milles vies et des coquelicots

      May 17, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      Journée avec plein de moments à retenir, des chemins balisés avec des champs plein de coquelicots,
      voir les randonneurs si attachés et y prendre des photos de tout ses angles en ne sachant pas quelle mouche nous a piqué pour faire le chemin cette beauté naturelle nous transporte avec la sensation du jamais vu.

      Chaque vie à ses raisons bien personnelles de faire le chemin, souffrance,pardon,reconnaissance, recherche de réponses, performance, etc tous unis à reconnaitre la splendeur d'une

      John McCrae médecin militaire lors de la première guerre mondiale avait été inspiré par cette
      plante pour créer un poème pour mentionner toute les pertes humaines de cette guerre dont celle de son meilleur ami, le coquelicot grâce à ce poeme est devenu le symbole de la reconnaissance envers nos militaires au Canada.

      Le coquelicot sera servi par son symbole, sa grâce et sa beauté

      Un couvant du 14 ième siècles aura été un arrêt pour observer la vision de la spendeur que pouvait avoir les architectes de l'époque et comment il répondait a l'inspiration de ce moment (Jésus sur la croix )

      De plus le chemin nous a permis de bénéficier de vent constant sur un chemin sans ombre qui nous a offert une montée de 1050 m que nous avons gravis dun seul coup avec une certaine fierté, l'achalandage commercial asiatique devenu une destination à faire a changé en partie le rôle religieux et historique du chemin, leur priorité n'étant pas les mêmes, compostelles a perdu de sa signification et de son mythe.

      Quand l'humain oublie ses valeurs intérieures issues de son héritage, il cafouille souvent à les remplacer
      par une satisfaction instantanée et de l'obtenir pour soi au dépend
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    • Day 17

      Etappe 14 - Frómista 2

      September 28, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Das Ende des Kanals in Fromista.
      Nach erfolgreicher Suche nach einem Bett, duschen und Wäsche folgt nun noch ein kleiner Stadtrundgang.
      Zum Abschluss gab es noch das Pilgermenü a la Fromista, super Rippchen vom iberischen Schwein, Pudding und Wein. LECKER!!!Read more

    • Day 22

      Fromista - 1st full day on Meseta

      September 26, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      Before I get into the day I just have to comment on something really special in Spain, the showers. Oh my word, in California we have those low flow shower nozzles. They don’t have those here. When you turn the shower on, if you’re not careful, you might knock yourself to the ground. The pressure and volume is amazing!

      Now to the day - Peg woke up still feeling bad after a rough night of coughing and a horrible sore throat. When we discover the town doctor and pharmacy did not open until 11:00 we decided to start walking in hopes of finding medicine along the way. Sabrina at the hostel got us coffee and a Spanish standard, fresh squeezed orange juice, and we where off. This was our first full day on the Meseta, a vast plain that goes on for a week. The weather was perfect hiking weather with amazing color and a constantly changing landscape. Many see the Meseta as boring flats to be endured. We found them to be beautiful with big skies, easily competing with Montana. The walking was easy and Peg tackled it with grace. I was very proud of her, knowing how she felt.

      We grabbed lunch in Boadilla del Camino in a fancy place that was playing jazz from NPR which was very out of place in the small farming town. From here we had a 4 mile walk along a beautiful canal into the town of Fromista. Peg found the pharmacy and got setup with a special 'bag of cures' to fix her up.

      Today finished up at 17 miles. Tomorrow will likely be a lighter day around 12.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Frómista, Fromista

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