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    • Rent or Lease? It's a no brainer!

      22 september 2021, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      I miss Portugal! But this is all a part of the journey. Right? We have to try new places and new things. So we hopped in our brand new car. Seriously, it had 12KM on the odometer when we picked it up. Besides having to get an Uber out to the leasing office, the pickup was flawless. The quick story on leasing is that when traveling in Europe for 3 weeks or more it is LESS expensive to lease a car than it is to rent one. Plus the leased cars comes with full insurance plus you can leave EU states with the vehicle (rental companies will not allow this) since technically you own it.
      We made it from Porto to Gijon in Spain on one tank of petrol. Approximately 80 euros worth or $100. It is nice to have the added flexibility to be able to pull off and see different sights and take photos. Not so easy when using public transportation. For info on leasing see following link.…

      Our drive up to Gijon was interesting, we were inland and you can see the rout on our map here. We did a lot of elevation changes which I didn't really anticipate. From sea level to over 3400 feet. The landscape changed with the Elevation also from lush green in the low lands to baron rock at the higher elevations.ón/@43.546…

      Will fill you in later on our time in Spain so far later today. For now Cheers
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    • Dag 125

      Bizkaia Bridge

      18 augusti 2017, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Suspension Bridge and gondola. We took lift up and walked across river on walkway at about 50m above sea level then took giant gondola back only about 5m up. Gondola can carry 6cars and numerous people. Last photo shows some of the Villas (I think we would call them palaces) that line the Estuary on the East side the west is all industrial. John tells me Guernsey ships some of its scrap to Bilbao.Läs mer

    • Dag 125

      Bilbao sightseeing

      18 augusti 2017, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      So up early for us and on the road by 9.00, walk to Metro and travel to 'old town' of Bilbao, full of narrow cobbled streets, old and new buildings, looking at the Teatro and visited what is claimed to be one of largest covered markets in Europe 3stories fruit veg meat and fish. Then towards the Guggenheim museum, we didnt go inside as raining and ticket queue long but walked around and took photos of exterior which is impressive including spider and dogs, also walk though city seeing churches and other old city buildings we have delicious menu del dia for Eur10. 50 each including 3 course and a drink and bread, with choice of food, while we were eating it hammered down but only drizzle after. On next post I have attached photos of Bizkaia Bridge,the hanging bridge, the oldest shuttle suspension Bridge in the world there is a gondola that hangs from the Bridge that moves people and cars from side to side.Läs mer

    • Dag 4

      Portugedes y Getxo

      12 juni 2018, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Today we headed north to the costal and port towns of Portuguedes and Getxo. First however we needed breakfast. After Kent found us a great place to eat, and after we walked 40 minutes to get there, we found that it was closed. I mean, why would a breakfast place be open at 10.30 in the morning??!

      Hopped on a metro to head to Portugedes, we met an American man on the train who told us his wife’s mum was from the region and then just wanted to talk about the Royal family and Netflix series. Honestly.

      Portugedes is a quite a small place with no result centre. The big (well more like small to medium) draw here is their bridge. The first transporter bridge in he worked was built here in the 1800’s and its quite something! It’s exceptionally ugly but also quote a feat of engineering. We stopped to have a coffee, admire the river and bridge and then headed up.....

      It was SOOOO windy at the top!!!!! A little scary at times to be honest but we were caged in so all was well. I can’t say the views were great as there wasn’t that much to look at!! The area has a port and that’s about it!

      We headed back down to go and get some lunch and ended up at a locals place. I find heading into a locals restaurant to be the most daunting thing in the world, it always feels awkward and confusing. A feeling not helped by the first waiter who when I asked (in Spanish!) if they had a table for two hoe just walked off to find someone else to talk to us.... food however was great!! We both had a salad, tiny little fish for main, a hunk of bread (which was just sat on the table when we arrived), and I had a banana (skin on and just popped on the table for me) as desert. My other desert choice was an apple. We had ordered 2 glasses of wine with lunch, and we were just given a bottle. After waiting 10 mins for someone to pour our wine, we just did it ourselves. Total bill €22 and he wine was free..... no wonder the place was rammed at 3pm. #livelikealocal

      Next a stroll over to the beach, a coffee (where Rather Be was being played!) and home for a much needed nap!
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    • Dag 9

      Crossing by various means

      16 april 2018, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Earlier start than the hosts would've wished but he hid any displeasure he might have been feeling, very well. In fact he couldn't have been more hospitable - that said for all I know he could've been calling me all names under the sun. We muddled through - some very nice honey & fruit muesli. Loaded up & was assured that the weather would pick up. From the start things looked bleak - straight up hill & within a couple of miles roads didn't exist - twice. To top it off - big climb, only to find that the road had been closed for tree felling. All was not well with the world. Found a main road & battled with the traffic until I was taken under the wing of 2 wisened cyclists. They were quite taken with the bulkiness of my task & insisted I follow them tk a better route into Bilbao. And indeed it was - a cycle path that was as flat as a pancake - no mean feat around these parts. Mentioned about the Vizkaia Bridge & they made a detour to make sure I found it. At which point they scooted off happily waving - their work was done. The big deal about this bridge is that you ride a lift upto the top of the towers & see the workings. Oh & get great views of the estuary. Helps that the sun made it's first appearance. Took the bridge across & then walked back along the top - twice.Läs mer

    • Dag 125

      Getxo marina (coastal Bilbao)

      18 augusti 2017, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      We traveled on along the coast passing Urdaibai bird reserve, then Bermeo fishing port, also San Juan de Gaztelugatxe a church on the top of the hill out to sea where historically people left offerings in return for a sailors safe return, Armintza a gorgeous little harbour the inner bit much too small for us to even go in but so very pretty, Islote Billao where we stopped for a dip and a smack, before Plentzia (beach and resort) where there was a beautiful big old building and a monster island (inflatable in the sea). Then Bilbao harbour which is actually 20km from Bilbao city. There is a 2mile submerged breakwater with a restricted area around it to the East that we went around only to see the locals going over!
      We stopped in Getxo Marina but after finding out the price we wished we had tried the Las Arenas yacht club, which the pilot book said was basic as Getxo is Euro83 per night. We are hoping to stay just 2 nights as have some sightseeing lined up in the morning in Bilbao city or 1 night would be enough at that price. Another hot day but as we were on the water it didn't feel as bad.
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    • Dag 14


      21 juli 2017, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Tag 14: Freitag, 21.07.2017

      Mit der Bahn ging es dann in 20 Minuten nach Portugalete. Diese Strecke ist wohl eine der unschönsten des Weges und ein bisschen Achtsamkeit sich selbst gegenüber schadet ja auch nicht. Das Nickerchen im Zug war auf jeden Fall sehr erholsam. 😴

      In Protugalete gab es dann erstmal ein wenig Sightseeing. Es gibt dort eine hängende Fähre, die wir direkt mal zweimal benutzen (mussten wir ja eh) und das für 0,40 € pro Fahrt! Den Berg wieder hoch ging es auf einer Outdoor Rolltreppe.

      Suzie setzte sich schon hier ab, da sie noch einiges einkaufen wollte und so liefen Neill und ich -im strömenden Regen wie es sich für einen echten Iren gehört- vor. Die letzten Kilometer lief ich dann jedoch alleine weiter (brauchte dringend Zeit für mich und musste auch ein wenig Tempo drosseln meinen Knien zur Liebe). Am Strand von La Arena trafen wir dann in einem extrem entspannten Surfer Café wieder aufeinander, wo der Kellner uns erstmal eine Tüte Chips schenkte. Offensichtlich sahen wir sehr bedürftig aus. 😬
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    • Dag 9–10

      Tag 8 : Bilbao nach Portogalete

      27 maj, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Heute war ein entspannter und zugleich aufschlussreicher Tag auf dem Camino del Norte. Gegen Mittag zog es mich entlang des schönen Flusses Nervión. Vor dem Aufbruch warf ich noch einen letzten sehnsüchtigen Blick auf das ikonische Guggenheim-Museum in Bilbao. Seine glänzende Titanhülle und die beeindruckenden Kunstwerke im Inneren wirken wie ein modernes Heiligtum der Kreativität und Innovation. Doch mein Weg führte weiter nach Porto Gallete, einer Strecke von etwa 15 Kilometern.

      Der Weg dorthin bot ein interessantes Panorama der Gegensätze. Auf der einen Seite sah ich moderne Neubauten, auf der anderen Seite standen armselige Behausungen, die teilweise direkt an der Bahnlinie klebten. Besonders ein Haus fiel mir ins Auge – es wirkte, als könnte es jeden Moment von einem vorbeiratternden Zug aus den Angeln gehoben werden. Ein beeindruckender, wenn auch etwas bedrückender Anblick, der die sozialen Kontraste dieser Region deutlich machte.

      Die Strecke war ansonsten wenig anspruchsvoll, was mir nach den letzten Tagen durchaus gelegen kam. Das Wetter hielt sich gut, und so konnte ich ohne größere Strapazen mein heutiges Hostel erreichen. Jetzt sitze ich hier in meinem gemütlichen Zimmer, bereit für ein Webinar, das mich heute Abend noch erwartet.

      Morgen steht eine sportlichere Herausforderung an: 25 Kilometer liegen vor mir, wobei ich das genaue Zielgebiet noch herausfinden muss. Doch das gehört auch zu den Abenteuern des Camino – die Flexibilität und das sich Einlassen auf das Ungewisse. Jeder Tag bringt neue Entdeckungen und Herausforderungen, und ich freue mich schon darauf, was der morgige Tag bereithält.
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    • Dag 10


      13 maj, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Sommige straten hebben een roltrap of people mover naar boven, zodat je niet hoeft te lopen.

    Du kanske också känner till platsen med följande namn:

    Getxo, غوتكسو, Geĉo, Guecho, ゲチョ, Gečas, Гечо, 格乔

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