Today I'm off to find the tourist bus to get around the various sites here I do not want to get lost again!
From Santander web site, I learned that it is the capital city of the Cantabria region onRead more
Today I'm off to find the tourist bus to get around the various sites here I do not want to get lost again!
From Santander web site, I learned that it is the capital city of the Cantabria region onRead more
Town time! Eduardo took us into the city centre of Santander. He met us at our hotel and then we bussed into town. At first we looked for this churro place which he really likes but turns out it wasRead more
Heute bin ich etwas entspannter aufgestanden und habe gefrühstückt. Von meiner Mitfahrgelegenheit gestern wurde mir empfohlen mit dem Boot nach Somo zu fahren, da es dort sehr schön sein soll. DaRead more
Obwohl ich mich dazu entschieden habe den Camino hier zu beenden und die letzten Tage etwas anderes zu machen, musste ich dennoch um 6:00 aufstehen oder mindestens aufwachen, da dann das Licht angingRead more
A nice relaxing day with catching up on a bit of admin, eating some delicious food and not very much walking.
Another beautiful sunny day, starting with some rolling hills and ending at the beach. We enjoyed cooling off with a swim and now looking forward to a rest day tomorrow.
Wir starten am Hafen
You might also know this place by the following names:
Hotel Nh Ciudad De Santander
Traveler Seems like you are very good at meeting up with people in unfamiliar places Linda (Akaroa).
Traveler Lin, that was so amazing a real emotional "highlight" of my year, and today I was just amazed at the coincidence again, not as emotionally charged for myself of course, I hardly know the young woman, but I was so glad to support her on her journey. Thinking of you and sending up prayers every day Lin, ❤️
Traveler That message went too quickly. Also wanted to say how much I am enjoying being able to follow you on your pilgrimage.