Day 23 Grandes to Fonsagrada 472 km
October 15, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 16 °C
It was a very strange place I stayed at the Occidente Albergue. I did not see any other Pilgrims at all. The whole place smelled of fried fish!
Everything was closed because it was a Sunday excludingRead more
Traveler Wow Mom, looks like you're doing great. Another big climb done. It looks very pretty there. How much farther to go?
Traveler 5 days left for the Primitivo and then it joins the Camino Francis
Traveler Kinda eerie but cool looking!
Traveler It was sooooo eerie. The picture captures that. This was better than in the dark for sure!
Traveler You seem to really like cafe con leche!!!