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    • Day 6

      Second day

      April 12 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Hola it’s Eloise

      Today was our second day of the Camino and we did about 10 km. We saw lots of cool things like mini waterfalls, flowers and giant bees 🐝 (there is a photo for you)!

      And today was a very exciting day because we passed the 100 km to Santiago sign! We got lots of photos of it.

      Anyway it’s time for Spanish word of the day: today’s word is adiós which means goodbye 👋!

      Hope you liked this little post and I will see you later

      From Eloise
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    • Day 39

      We Arrive (Very Wet!) in Portimarin

      October 26, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 57 °F

      Today we left Sarria and walked to Portomarin. We didn’t take as many pictures today because it was pouring almost all day!

      Sarria is the beginning spot for the last 100 km of the Camino. To earn a compostela, you have to walk at least 100 km or ride at least 200 km. So a lot of people begin their walk here. So we saw a lot of be people and heard a lot of new stories. We saw a child and a dog in a raincoat out there today!

      Here in Galicia there are a tons of cows and many rural houses have these little structures called horreros. They are grain storage buildings that are elevated to keep rodents out, but they looks like little crypts. Or luxury dog houses. Or…well when you’re walking you get to exercise your imagination making up what you think horreros look like they could be used for!

      We saw long horned cows today and a few goats.

      We have been seeing “our purple friends” all over Spain in more mountainous places. They’re these purple bulb flowers like little tulips. We can go for quite a while without seeing them and then they’re back! Like Camino friends who we don’t see for days or even weeks and then there they are in a
      church or at a bar drinking coffee!

      When we got all the way to Portomarin, we crossed a long bridge over the river and then encountered a steep staircase. It wasn’t as bad as it looked but it was not a welcome sight. I read before we came that Portomarin used to be right on the river but when a dam was built downstream creating a reservoir, the residents disassembled the old town rock by rock and reassembled all the buildings up the hill. They must have decided that all the new buildings would be white because even from a distance you can see that Portomarin is an all white town!

      We crossed the official 100 km to go marker today too. Pretty cool! Some Australian Camino friends walked up just then and we took turns taking pictures with the marker!
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    • Day 5

      Day 1 - Sarria to Portomarin

      September 28, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      I'm finally here. After all those years of thinking about and planning for a Camino; it's finally happening. There were so many of us pilgrims along the Way in the morning, and I have to be honest, it was a little intimidating. Then we got to the 800 year old oak tree, which was described by a friend, when he did the Camino, and I realised that I am just one of the cogs in a very large machine, i.e. we are all in this amazing thing together, and then I began to relish in my very small part of it and welcome the presence of those around me. After a delicious lunch, the crowd seemed to thin out, and I was able to walk alone and relax into the experience. Tonight, our small group was able to celebrate mass in the church at Portomarin (I mean, we had the place all to ourselves) - a church that was established in the 1200s. How awesome is that? And even though I only needed to obtain 2 stamps on my credential today , I ended up with 9! LOL.Read more

    • Day 4

      Arrived in Portomarin

      October 25, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Rained all day but no wind so quite pleasant. Walked for just over 22k very green quiet countryside
      Old churches still standing although most not in use. Quiet walk only a few other pelligrinos which is what those who are walking the Camino are called. Very well signed even I didn't get lost although I did check my position on Alltrails app. I'm glad I've had hiking experience...I had not prepared enough because the trip all happened so quickly
      I've been able to appky some principles which I think helped...start slow and pick up speed as you settle into a pattern, keep hydrated and blood sugar level up rest at intervals....I was very glad to see the town of Portomoran ahead. Any deep and meaningful (D&M...from now on) insights. I thought about the medieval women who have walked this path. We are usually presented with images of male pilgrims but women did as well. Other than that, enjoying the freedom of walking alone in such stunning countryside. Tired but got through Day 1!
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    • Day 39

      Un Canto a Galicia

      June 19 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Na een prima ontbijt met motregen vertrokken van de camping. De 'buren' dit zijn de loslopende paarden die het gras rond de tent 'maaiden' aju gezegd en gaan. De vele wandelaars maakten van deze dag tot een gezellige boel ondanks poncho weer! Veel tieners met begeleiding en ook gezinnen gaan vanaf Portomarin de minimale afstand van 100 km wandelen. Helaas...nog veel regen. Gelukkig kwam ik Ton en Dirk tegen, 2 Brabantse mannen. Na 56 km, samen beland op camping op 46 km afstand van St de Compostela, yes de finish in zicht. Prima voorzieningen incl. resto dus vanavond...uit eten. Toch nog 930 m klimmen enne, zoals gezegd, ik ben nou eenmaal geen geit :)Read more

    • Day 31

      Etappe 26 - Portomarin 2

      October 12, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Nach langem, strapaziösem Weg in Portomarin angekommen.
      Die letzten drei Kilometer bin ich den alten Pilgerweg entlang der Straße gegangen. Der neu angelegte Weg ist ein sehr steiler Hohlweg. Vor diesem wird schon im Reiseführer gewarnt.
      Habe gleich ein Zimmer in der ersten Herberge bekommen, obwohl laut alles ausgebucht ist.
      Nun gerade noch einen kurzen Ortsrundgang vorgenommen und eine meiner absoluten Lieblingsspeisen gegessen: Pulpo!!!
      Jetzt gibt es nur noch eines: Beine hoch!!!
      Gerade kam mein Australier, Patrick, unverhofft hier an. Nun ist Englisch wieder absolut gefragt, zu dem er noch Amerikaner mitbringt.
      Gerade hat Joe aus Österreich angerufen. Er war heute in Santiago de Compostela in der Pilgermesse und holt sich morgen seine Compostela. Massen an Menschen in der Stadt. Er fliegt morgen nach Lanzarote zu seiner Frau und erholt sich von den Strapazen.
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    • Day 7

      Sarria-Portomarin 22,5 km

      July 14, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Sarria til Portomarin var 22,5 km drømmeetappe i forhold til de to siste. Nydelig turterreng og varierende vær, heldigvis ikke regn.

      Som forventet, mange mennesker, gikk ikke alene en eneste meter. Endelig framme og klar for en liten siesta 🙂
      To be continued..
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    • Day 42


      October 11, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Day 38 - Yesterday I had gotten a bit wet in the rain and my shoes had gotten completely soaked! So in Sarria I found a pilgrim equipment shop and looked for shoes similar to what I was wearing. I didn’t find those , but I found a pair of comfortable Keen sandals. I wore those today and they seemed to work fine on the slopes. It was another beautiful walk today, about 14 miles in my brand new Keens. Initially there were hoards of people - because remember I told you that a lot of people join at or near Sarria ? So I walked really fast to get ahead - practically running at times. This paid off and about 6 miles into it I was able to pass most of them and find a wonderful cafe for lunch - a cafe that didn’t have lines. Then stopped in Vilacha, the village just before Portomarin and had a beer at this really cute villa with a courtyard. The owner is Italian and this is his summer home and he runs a bar-cafe. In the winter he lives in A Coruña, a coastal town. I’m quite fascinated by people that have moved from other countries to Spain…and at the same time it amazes me that more people are not moving here. 😀
      Oh and I forgot to mention that it’s my birthday today and my two friends Ginny and Steve took me out to a fancy dinner. They also got me a gift - a silver chain and pendant with a Camino shell. ( Yes Anand, I did get an unexpected gift).
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    • Day 31

      Day 27 to Portomarin

      July 20 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Here in Spain, everything is measured in KM, so today, we walked by the 100 km post, and that's how many kms we have left to Santiago. Today was an easy day. We walked 13 miles with no breaks. There was some rain but pleasant. The next town that had any albergues available was another 8 miles out, so we decided not to push the miles today. We're gonna have to make up for it in the next 3 days. It was lovely coming up to a wild horse just hanging out on the trail. And of course, we love to pet all the pups. One particular dog loved William. Speaking to other pilgrims who have been walking for a few weeks, we all struggled with the new people who just started and are walking the last 100 kms. They listen to their music on loud speakers, they don't say hi or acknowledge other pilgrims. its hard to describe how the Camino has changed in just one day. I know they have their own Camino to walk and discover but this crowded Camino is an adjustment for us veterans. I also know there is room on the Camino for everyone. My mind just has to get ready to join the world again.Read more

    • Day 35

      Day 34 Lestedo

      June 9 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      We left early this morning to avoid the tour groups that are walking the final stage of the camino. Had to laugh when we ran into a Portuguese tour group before we even got on the camino. Lots of forest walking until we got to dairy land. A lady on the road sold us some goat cherse or maybe it was sheep cheese, which we will eat tonight. I walked with a lady from Israel who just started walking 2 days ago, and she was so excited to hear that I started walking in France, that she invited me to be in her video blog, lol. We are staying in the small town of Levardo, such a beautiful place. Our hotel is maybe the nicest we have stayed in. A renovated multilevel hotel with dining room, family room, library, outside dining. Our room, the penthouse, is enormous. The food is amazing and staf is so welcoming. We walked to Viller de Donas, a church built in the 800s. A local 98 year old man opened the church and showed us around. It contained crypts from knights protecting the camino and murals from the 1100s. The man was sharp and passionate about history. He lived through the Spanish Civil War. People in this town live a long time. His neighbor is 103.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Portomarín, Portomarin

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