Punta del Cuervo

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    • Day 17

      Duesos, near La Isla

      June 26 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      This morning I went off route. I turned right, along a river path, to the coast, where there were impressive cliffs with arches and chimneys.

      Picnic lunch in Ribadesella, on the best bench in town, then I returned to the coast and passed through pretty Vega village with murals and hórreos (granaries), and a cool beach bar playing Talking Heads.

      My albergue is also off route and is very comfortable. And there is a charming collie called Honey.

      With detours, it's been 29km.
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    • Day 20–21

      Von Pria nach Duesos

      October 12, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Nach der Nacht in der Herberge von Pria erklärte mir die US-Amerikanerin Christl, dass sie wegen Magenproblemen heute nicht weiter laufen könnte. Schade, hätte gerne mit ihr die Küstentour gemacht. Habe ihr ein paar Immodium-Akut da gelassen und ihr gute Besserung gewünscht. Der erste Teil der Wanderung war auch weil es noch dunkel war, wenig spektakulär. Sieht man mal davon ab das an einer Eisenbahnstrecke der Spruch "The Light of the End of the Tunnel will just be an other Train" stand. Gerade ich, der immer ein Licht am Ende des Tunnel wollte, sehe gerne ein das es eben auch das komplette Gegenteil sein kann.
      Danach gings dann an den bunten Steinen vorbei und an einem Garten mit hunderten Ortsschildern. Am späten Vormittag gab's dann in Ribasdaella zwei Schnitzelsemmel und nen "Cola Cao" zum Frühstück, bevor ich in einer Metzgerei für das evtl Abendessen eine Wurst und Brot kaufte. Ab jetzt waren es ja nur noch 16 km. Kurz vor dem Ziel kam ich dann noch an einen Hunde / FKK Strand wo ich mich auch mal wieder in die Fluten warf. Die letzten paar Kilometer zur äußerst schönen Herberge in Duesos waren dann auch gleich geschafft und ich genoss nach einem ausgiebigem Sonnenbad im Garten und Hundesteeicheln das Abendessen mit Adam einem Polen und einer Mutter / Tochtergespann aus Australien. Mit dabei noch drei ältere Franzosen/-innen und eine Spanier, sowie eine Holländerin. Das Essen, eine Art Linseneintopf, mit Salat und Joghurt schmeckte sehr gut, wie der ausgegebene Wein auch. Morgen gibt's noch Frühstück und das alles für 20 Euro - da kannst nicht meckern.
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    • Day 7

      Concierto de Enol y Cupido 🌙🎶🍻

      July 27, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Esta tarde preparamos unos donuts proteicos en casa y después marchamos de nuevo a Playa Madre, a ver unos conciertos al aire libre 🎶

      Se junta mucha gente y vemos cantar a Enol, al que Violeta ha visto ya 4 veces en un año 😆 y a Cupido, de cuya discografía solo conozco su canción con Lola Índigo 😀

      Nos volvemos cuando ya se ha hecho de noche y tras ganar unos pañuelos que usaremos en los eventos que nos esperan los próximos días 🤭
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    • Day 20


      May 7 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Day 20
      Ahhhh, this place and this weather are exactly what I dreamed of for the camino.
      Coastal paths, some made up and some stony tracks, some roads, little pretty villages surrounded by farmland and nature, mountains in the close distance and sea on the other side. Today I took three sea-dips, one a skinny dip with a friend to fulfil a challenge she'd been set!
      But today I undertook to take no photos, apart from new flowers, and only cheated for one selfie with the above-mentioned Trix (Netherlands), one video of what I assume is the collection of home towns/countries of all the guests at the accommodation we were passing, and one pic at the skinny dip beach of what looks like naked woman crouched in the surf (but isn't)! I've also shown a different euphorbia, perhaps the 'euphorbia euphoria'.

      So much more could have been 'captured' on camera, but how can I be really present to an experience if I'm always putting a machine between my face and the Real World I'm wishing to be present to? On day 14 I took a minute long video of the waves thundering into the rocks at the bottom of the cliffs (which I showed here as a single still) and was rather abashed to realise I had 'got it' on camera before I had actually stood and looked at it/ listened to it breathed it/ felt it/l loved it. That's not how I wish to live. I choose to be HERE, NOW, with THIS and with US. Will you join me?

      Letting people speak and listening in such a way as to hear them rather than interpreting and categorising what they say in terms of my life is also how I want to live, and practice living. I've been observing myself and observing others in our getting-to-know-each-other chats day by day, and wondering why people ask certain questions: is it to understand their conversation partner better or to understand themselves? Both are valid! But a balance feels healthy. Don't you recognise that feeling of being peppered with questions and wishing they would Just Stop? And also that experience of being deflected from a real encounter by someone who hides behind clever quasi-insightful probing?
      And don't you know that quality of true exchange with someone when the conversation flows and resonates and feels mutual, warm, accepting?

      Today took me past the half way mark of the Camino del Norte. I have walked around 280 miles. Guess that makes me hardcore!
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    Punta del Cuervo

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