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Top 10 Travel Destinations Asturias
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    • Day 18


      June 27 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      An overcast, easy day of 24 km. I chatted with a girl from Perth, Australia and a German man who told me how he'd set up his legal business, in detail.

      Tomorrow a decision: stick with the Camino del Norte with cliffs and beaches, to or transfer onto the Camino Primitivo route for the mountains of the Cantabrian Range (Cordillera Cantábrica)?Read more

    • Day 6

      6. Tag Berducedo nach Grandas de Salime

      June 28 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      0km und 0 Höhenmeter
      Da mein Zeh nicht gut aussieht und ich nicht in meinen Wanderschuhe laufen kann ohne es zu verschlimmern, habe ich die heutige Etappe ausgesetzt. Also bin ich mit dem Taxi zum nächsten Etappenziel und dort zum Arzt. Jetzt habe ich ein Antibiotikum und desinfizierenden Verband bekommen und halte heute die Füße still. Ich habe gestern Abend einen super lieben Mann getroffen, der Schulbusfahrer ist und mich netterweise für wenig Geld nach Grandas gefahren hat. Unterwegs hat er sogar für Fotos angehalten und ist mit mir auf eine Aussichtsplattform gegangen ☺️
      Hoffentlich sieht die Welt morgen schon anders aus und ich kann einen Versuch wagen weiter zu laufen. Ich brauche ganz viele gedrückte Daumen, dass ich den Weg hier fortsetzen kann. Aufgeben ist für mich eigentlich keine Option. Zum Glück, habe ich etwas Puffer eingebaut 🙏🏼
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    • Day 19

      Pola de Siero

      June 28 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Camino Primitivo wins. It was my original plan, but I was put off briefly by someone telling me it's very wet and very, very muddy at the moment. I'm now on the link section heading for Oviedo where the CP begins.
      I left Villaviciosa in rain and walked with a very nice American, Eric, to the fork in the road where you take one path or the other. Eric is praying each day for a different person. He has a list of requests. He carries a teddy peeping out of his pack. I left him praying in the chapel at the junction and took the left turn for Oviedo.
      The link road wound up and up into mist and very rural, remote-feeling villages with just a few cows and chained-up dogs. I stopped at the Monasterio de Santa María in Valdedios. My guide said there would be a bar there, but it had been closed for years.
      Finally I reached a misty road junction at Alto de Campo with a closed petrol station and a closed restaurant and began a descent. I came out of the mist, the rain stopped, and I crossed lush woodland with ferns.
      Here in Pola de Siero, I was stopped by two men in a car. Was I wanting to stay in the albergue? (Yes) If I found it locked with pilgrims waiting outside, I should unlock it with the key from an adjacent door (great hiding place) and let everyone in. I was looking forward to this, but I found it open and a Korean pilgrim already installed.
      28.5 km and 590m climb.
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    • Day 68–69

      Day 68 - Soto del Barco to Soto del Luin

      June 28 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      We had a fab breakfast courtesy of our lovely host at Hotel Rural.
      The day was overcast and mizzly, however we stepped out bold in our t shirts!
      We headed out of town and up the first hill of the day. Then across a giant bridge spanning the estuary.
      The path took us through neat Asturian towns with well manicured villas and bungalows. Hydrangeas are very popular. we also like the old fashioned grain stores on their stone plinths, stopping rats and mice attacking the winter storage.
      Then into lots of woods and forest paths. The last few days have been like walking in a reptile display case, with wet gravel, damp claggy air and fruity vegetation - Simon imagines a giant lizard appearing to gobble us up! 😳
      Through a lot of the walk we were either weaving under and over the railway or the motorway.
      So after 2 hours of dripping we head into the mist and the inevitable rain started 💦
      Ponchos on and off we trotted again, then a wind scurried up - which was quite pleasant.
      Today's walk was without other pilgrims until the last half an hour.
      As we neared the end of the walk we saw the sea loom out of the mist , crashing on the bay. We commented on the lack of fog horns, when suddenly there was a series of explosions - not sure what they were! dynamiting at the local quarry maybe 🤔
      So after a number of further uphill plods we eventually made our destination. A quiet, fairly chilly, very local village.
      We did find a good lunch and they will also do breakfast in the morning.
      Simon is missing our access to a kettle as these are not provided in rooms in Spain! So we hit the bar for a cup of tea 😂🫖
      Tomorrow is also looking damp but we hope it brightens up after that 🤞
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    • Day 16

      Tag 16: Na ist denn wieder Wacken??

      June 28 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Ich hatte ja schon irgendwie die Hoffnung, dass mich in Spanien im Juni die Sonne überproportional erfreuen wird … aber da habe ich das Küstenwetter nicht so ganz auf dem Schirm gehabt. Auch heute war ich nach einigen Stunden nass bis auf den Schlüpper, aber auch das ist nur eine Sache der Gewöhnung. Die Aussichten und Strecken waren trotzdem zum Strahlen - also scheint uns die Sonne einfach aus dem Herzchen. 😉
      Nachdem ich mehrfach im Schlamm stand und mich auf Dschungel-Pfaden über Steine und Pfützen hangelte, habe ich mich kurz wie in Wacken gefühlt - aber dafür roch ich eindeutig zu wenig nach Bier. 🤪🤘🏻
      Dafür: lernte ich unterwegs 3 nette Menschen aus der Eifel kennen, die mich prompt zu einem kleinen Metalfestival in ihrem Nachbardorf einluden, inklusive Schlafplatz bei Gabi. 😎 Danke dafür - wir sehen uns! 😬🤘🏻🍻
      Nachdem ich mich zweimal mit dem rutschigen Boden aus der Nähe vertraut machte, war die Freude meiner Mitmenschen groß als ich unbeschadet in unserer Unterkunft ankam - was für ein Weg … hat Spaß gemacht! 🤣
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    • Day 20


      June 29 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Shopping, eating, and a wedding. 

      The 18 km to Oviedo, in rain, were enjoyable but proved that my free rain cape, improved with sticky tape, is not good enough.
      This was a rest afternoon for me. First, I treated myself to lunch in a restaurant! Ate loads and it was all delicious. Pics attached. I wanted to visit the cathedral but a wedding was in progress. Instead, Decathlon sold me a waterproof jacket. 
      There were tour groups around, with guides explaining how the Camino Primitivo is the original Camino because king Alfonso II made the first pilgrimages from here to Santiago de Compostela in the 9th century.
      Back at the cathedral, I was in time to see the happy couple exit with a guard of honour and a band of local Asturian folk musicians.
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    • Day 69–70

      Day 69 - Soto del Luina to Cadavego

      June 29 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We woke to a dull, wet day. We headed up the road to the hotel we visited yesterday for breakfast. They actually offered bacon and eggs which Simon joyfully accepted with a smile. Back to the room to gather our belongings then onto the road again.
      We attempted to start off bold but pretty soon Northern Spain had another idea!! So with the rain on went the ponchos ☹️
      We seemed to be following a different route to the one Trevor planned - after a very long, dark tunnel with a river running through he announced it was no longer 18km but 21 😳👣👣
      We continued following the yellow arrows and he then decided it was 16km.
      However we then hit the mountainous, Forrest tracks that were in fact river beds, full of stones, mud and running water 💦
      On 3 occasions we met an overrunning river that we had to cross with stepping stones. The last one was partially challenging, where it took a while to plot our way across as it was very deep, the water fast flowing with 1 slippery log traversing the crossing. Balancing on a slippy log, carrying a heavy rucksack is tricky!!!
      After realising we had only travelled a further 4 km in an hour and a half we checked out the route more closely and saw that there was a ‘road option’ that added more km but we could make headway. Even the road had quite a number of uphill sections!! We took this route as we had had enough of river beds!!
      So we arrived at our destination having now covered practically 22km 👣👣😵‍💫
      It was a long hard road, looping mountains and valleys.
      We arrived at our destination ready for food after nearly 6 hours.
      Today we surpassed 1000km of walking 🙌🙌
      Our hotel is lovely and located in a beautiful costal spot.
      Of course the sun came out as we arrived ☀️😂
      After showering we wandered down to the headland with stunning views and a lovely little chapel. If we went north on the bay of Biscay we would hit Lands End, Waterford in Ireland, and maybe the Isle of Man.
      We look forward to a good sleep and a fresh start tomorrow on a slightly less 17km 🤞
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    • Day 21


      June 30 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      First day on the Camino Primitivo. Lovely day walking out of Oviedo, meeting new friends and enjoying the countryside for 25km.
      I chatted with a Spanish man called Oscar, he mostly speaking English and me mostly speaking Spanish. Limited subject matter, but still...
      I've walked 485km so far and a wall painting in this albergue says 285km to Santiago.
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    • Day 69–70

      Day 70 - Cadavego to Luarca

      June 29 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      We woke to a dry and bright day. The hotel offered a basic but enjoyable breakfast. Then we were back on the road.
      The weather was much better today as we traversed fields of young corn, growing runner beans and the Asturian orchards.
      The way passed through woods and forests and we encountered streams and mud that haven’t been seen since France.
      Overall the way was a lot more straightforward than yesterday 🙌
      Luarca is a pretty harbour town that could be plonked down anywhere in Devon, Cornwall or the Isle of Man.
      We have met a number of birds - both pigeons and seagulls that have feet or toes missing, what could this mean?
      The Plodicus and Mary are resting their feet tomorrow as we get a bus to the next destination. We did it again - visited the laundry - so we have happy clothes 😂
      Watched the end of the England game so are keeping abreast of the Euros!!
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    • Day 71–72

      Day 71 - Luarca to Tapia de Casariego

      July 1 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      We had a good sleep and didn’t come to til practically 8 due to very good windows and noise control. After some searching found an excellent bakery for breakfast.
      Had a couple of hours resting and doing admin - it has been a rest day!
      The sun has been shining - we then headed for the bus station. Our bus eventually turned up and we all piled on.
      This bus had no notifications as to where we were so had to track the journey with Google maps so we didn’t miss our stop.
      The Plodicus had to get off twice to check our bags weren’t being left on the pavement as others dragged their rucksacks off. He found this rather tiresome!!
      We arrived at Tapia de Casariego unloaded and headed into town. We were too early to check in so sat at the sunny harbour and practised selfies 🤣 we’re still pretty rubbish at these!!
      We checked in and quickly relinquished our bags and ran back out to the sunshine.
      We had a very helpful hotel manager who told us lots of useful info about the town.
      We took his advice and headed back into town via the coastal path, reminiscent of the catwalk in Port St Mary.
      The Plodicus was becoming tetchy as his hunger pangs began to bite!! We headed for a nice restaurant and had a successful luncheon 🙌
      We then went walkabout along the harbour to enjoy the sunshine and the views. It was remarkably hot and still!
      After watching the return of the fishing boat we headed back for a couple of beers.
      We spotted large fish in the harbour that we think might be the same as the Manx callig - all opinions welcome!
      Then back to the room to cool off and blob out!
      The Plodicus is on about ice cream 🍦- we shall see !!
      One can only have so much of a good thing 😆
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Principality of Asturias, Asturien, Asturias, Asturies, Astúries, Asturio, Asturiasko Printzerria, Asturie, アストゥリアス, 아스투리아스 지방, Астурия

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