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    • Day 29


      September 21, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Started the morning with a beautiful sunrise. As we were parked up right next to the beach, we walked over there as soon as we saw the sun rise. A couple of sun salutations and a walk later, we were off on our next stretch into Tinença de Benifassà national park on the promise of wild vultures. That never happened but we did stop at a random quirky garden (El Jardi de Peter) of a German artist called Peter Buch. He’s over 80 years old, according to my limited research, and has been constructing his mosaic home/garden since the 90s. What I thought would be a ten minute crazy arty curio garden turned into an immense, creative, incredible space with practically no surface untouched from the artist‘s creativity. He definitely has a unique style and the enormous amount of space and detail shows his lifetime’s work. It was brilliant. We were both blown away. We could hear him pottering about towards the back of his land on his next project. I was intrigued and wanted to meet the man behind the work so we went to find him. I ‘think‘ he was pleased with my contribution of a set of google eyes? My contribution from one artist to another. (We also donated too).
      We drove back out, unable to locate a cave with old paintings that I’d earmarked. I’m sure there’ll be others.
      We headed towards Tarragona and into Catalonia province, hoping to find a stop over in the area but they all seemed to not be rated too well. Stopped close by for a quick brew and another look online - gets a bit draining trying to find things to do and places to stay every day. It’s not all glamour and flouncing about on beaches ;0) Having said that, we headed to the beach for one last look at the Spanish coast before we headed inland/northbound with the plan to leave Spain within the next 24 hours.
      We found a really quirky, festival style site to stay on called Himalaya, in Montgai, heading towards Andorra. The owner, Carlos is a bit of an alternative type with land behind his house that he’s converting to house campers. He has a climbing wall area and the camping section outside is set out very relaxed and lovely to hang out. The host was super friendly though the language being the barrier - good old google translate again. He has 2 friendly dogs free roaming but that did mean lot of dog caca. Sadly, it rained as we got there and over night so we stayed inside. Bit chillier overnight, temperatures cooling slightly as we head more north.
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