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    • Day 3

      Day 3

      June 22, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Landscape is changing. Definitely rolling today. But easier than expected. That may change tomorrow as we walk to Foncebadón at ~1500 M!
      Morning nice, Casa de los Dioses was a welcome sight. Found a stone for Ellie.
      Started to rain around noon and continued to rain to Murias de Rechivaldo.
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    • Day 28

      Hospital de Orbigo to Astorga

      June 19, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      After dragging myself away from Albergue Verde felt like nothing would be the same -
      And it wasn’t really.
      Howver, a lovely walk with increasingly different scenery to our days on the Meseta. More undulating and greener, with more trees and less sky. Weather was mixed, cloudy but warm and then rain as we came into Astorga.
      First coffee was at Santibañez de Valdeiglesias - advised by Cally (from Albergue Verde) that the coffee wasn’t good, unfortunately listened to another guy who said it was fine. It really wasn’t - pretty i drinkable and very expensive.
      High point of the day, apart from the Palacio Gaudi in Astorga, was the donativo rest area run by David between Santibañez and St Justo. Wonderful fruit, and all sorts of other food as well as places to rest. I satisfied my craving for watermelon and also had a banana - just what I needed at that moment. A very generous place driven by love of the Camino.
      Then continued into st Justo, where I went into a farmacia to see if they could give me something to help with my wrist - think I was bitten by something in the garden last night and it has swollen up - a bit like my shoulder did previously. The stuff they gave me in Carrion de las Condes didn’t seem to be working - this farmacia advised something else. So I’m hoping, but it’s still fairly itchy and swollen at the moment.
      Into Astorga, in the rain, over a crazy bridge!
      Astorga seems a bit run down, very quiet and a bit dull.
      Our Albergue is clean but expensive for what it is and have just paid €17 for a plate. Of rice and beans - which seemed expensive. Basically back to 1970’s UK when vegetarians got the main course less the meat rather than an actual meal. It was fine but a bit boring, even when sliced up with loads of Tabasco. And I felt slightly cheated when we had to pay the same as the people eating loads of meat! But you win some, you lose some, and last night was a privilege, as was the donativo rest stop today, so I’m very happy.
      The highlight of Astorga for me is the Gaudi Palacio. Quite astonishing and I could have happily spent hours in there. Another weirdly emotional place for me - he seems to be an architect that has the power to move in an almost religious way - the chapel within the palace filled me with awe - I would come back to Astorga just to be there again.
      Something in the palace made me think of Healah from RAK, who I haven’t heard from for ages, so I WhatsApped her and she wrote back immediately - that too was a gift and very unexpected.
      Also good was meeting the other (all new) fellow pilgrims at dinner and having a drink with Bart (we met at Albergue Verde) in one of the squares.
      Need to go to sleep now as have to be up early to get to Rabanal to ensure we get places at the Confraternity hostel.
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    • Day 26

      Hospital de Órbigo to Astorga

      April 27 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 39 °F

      339 miles done. 161 to go.

      More scenic landscape today on this other side of León. Was a short day and I was finished walking for the day by 11:30 am, so I was able to walk around Astorga and visit the Cathedral and the Palacio de Gaudi.

      By 3:00 pm, I was starving and at both a hot dog and a flatbread (don’t judge) and then decided to take a nap. Woke up 4 hours later… whoops! Hopefully will still be able to sleep tonight!
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    • Day 26

      Hospital de Orbigo to Murias de Recheval

      June 16 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Woke late (for the camino) - 6.30. Our room mate had left much earlier and silently which resulted in the lie in.
      Left after breakfast around 7.45 and walked out into a beautiful and still morning. Peaceful
      First 10k eventually meeting two new people, Laura from New Hampshire and Patrick from Australia.
      Got to the amazing Donativo I remember from last year - everything you could possibly want to eat or drink in exchange for a donation. I had coffee, watermelon, peanuts, toast and marmalade, a banana - all good.
      Walked on eventually getting to Astorga (via the annoying bridge) at about 12.30. Visited the Gaudi palace where you can leave your rucksack for free in a large locker. Breathtaking architecture and interiors. Then hared back to a little place I’d seen on the way in where they had home made empanadas. I had a delicious goats cheese, quince jam and walnut one which made a perfect lunch.
      Then on in the heat and increasing wind to Murias de Rechevlado and the Las Aguedas hostal where we are staying (one I saw last year in passing that looked good).
      It is lively but quite basic - a busy dorm and the bathrooms are quite a long way away. But it has a lovely courtyard with a bar, a big garden and a veggie meal tonight which is good for me.
      It has a hammock too which I’m going to lie on if it’s still free now!
      It was free so chilled there for a bit then tackled the phone charging issue - very slow today - and cracked my head on the bunk above as they are very low. Luckily I don’t seem to have anyone above me tonight which is good but won’t prevent me from banging my head again if I need to get up.
      Dinner was great - lots of new people. Bernie from Austria is a character but we are a bit concerned about how much he will snore as he had a lot to drink tonight. Menu was vegetarian - soup (smooth mixed vegetables with a bit of spice, then pasta with vegetables and a delicious home made pudding). Wine as well of course - all for €14.
      A good day but the long stop in Astorga to see the palace made the last bit seem quite long and hot. Tomorrow will be a list the same distance but definitely don’t want to get to Foncebadón too late as it’s hard work (or seems it) later in the day.
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    • Day 21

      in Astorga

      April 30, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      Last night, I met people who I really enjoyed talking to. This morning I asked one of my fellow pilgrims, Daina, from Germany/Lithuania if they wanted to walk together to Astorga. I soon learned Daina and I have very different Camino styles - we were on the road at around 9:45 😅😅 I had been accustomed to starting my walk a solid 3 hours earlier, before the sun was up. I met whole groups of people today that I had not yet interacted w yet solely because they all prefer to leave much later. Anyway, the walk today was gorgeous, but I didn’t take many pics because I was busy talking/listening.

      Astorga is very cool! There is a cheese festival here right now. My friend and I ate so much cheese we’re not feeling too well great right now tho 😂
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    • Day 18


      May 25, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Got here this afternoon and will wait til siesta time is over before I explore. Gaudi Palacio and Cathedral call me but I will not have time to take in much here. Tomorrow heading out for along hike up into the mountains so need to prepare mentally.
      Walked all day with young Abby, 22, who is walking with her dad and brother who are from the DC area so we can relate.

      I love talking with young people who are old souls, and I had a strong sense that I was intended to spend this time talking with Abby, as she opened up about her life to me, a stranger. It is often so on the Camino that we meet to share our souls and share solace and words of encouragement with each other. I felt honored to be able to listen to Abby’s story on this hot afternoon walk together.
      She reminds me of my dear Gwen at home, another young old soul.
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    • Day 45

      Camino 9 Leon to Astorga

      July 11, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Leon is a bit crazy to get out of, but the second half of the day improves as we ride through more stunning towns, and then into the hills again - we've had a few days off from climbing and now we're back on. The hills are red and stark - they remind me of outback Australia.
      My bike is being a pig and I haven't got my climbing gears, plus my hands are permanantly black and greasy from putting the chain back on.
      Astorga is a charming town on a hill and our hotel is overlooking the main plaza. First job is to get my bike to the mechanic arranged by Tour N Ride - our bike hire company. Liz puts her bike in too. 3 hours later we pick them up and wow - I have smooth and perfect gear change, just in time for some climby days coming up.
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