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    • Day 107

      Was fürne lustige Tag 1.0

      July 18 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Mir si ah Strand, das mau mitem Bus, u hei am Busfahrer gseit er söu üs säge wenn usstiege.. auso d Elena hets übernä Sprachnachricht gseit, u dr Busfahrer het gnickt, zum Glück heimer no sones App abeglade, di het de gseit ds das dr gwünscht Stopp isch, dr Busfahrer het nüt gseit u mir si de usgstiege. Am richtige Ort🥳Read more

    • Day 107

      Was fürne lustige Tag 2.0

      July 18 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Füre Tag abzschliesse simer bir römische Villa ga ne Ufführig luege.
      Sie düe dert einisch ihr Wuche eh ihblick gä is römische Läbä vor Familie wo dert gwohnt het. No fägig gsi, am Makajo hets ou mega gfägt. Zwar uf Spanisch, aber meh het dr Sinn doch vrstande. Die hei ire Richtum us dr Salz gwinnig und em Verkouf gmacht.Read more

    • Day 10

      A 3 choc donut breakfast!

      May 17, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Well, there might have been a Snickers involved, too😱🙄😅.
      After last night's paucity of food (apart from a tapa) we were very much looking forward to this morning's breakfast. It was going to be huge! We were having the lot - Spanish croissants, orange juice, tostadas, you name it, we were hungry!
      The reality was, of course, hugely different 🙄😅. Every one of the cafés at Patos Beach was closed, so we walked on... Surely one of the small villages or hamlets would have a café of some sort, if not a shop? How on earth did residents shop, otherwise? Again, we were hugely disappointed 😕🤭. Not one place to buy even a chocolate bar until we reached Oia, approximately 2 hours away! And then, the only shop we could find was a Tabac. So snacks it was!
      Now, chocolate donuts are a bit of a ritual on our caminos - I don't think there's been one camino when we haven't indulged in just one of them. They're cheap (usually!), pretty tasteless, nutritionally questionable but very welcome when you've been walking for a while. So our shopping basket included a pack of 4 donuts (and a Snickers).
      We walked to the beach and deposited ourselves in some shade.
      The donuts made an appearance and I quickly devoured mine 😋😋😋. On offering them around, however, no-one seemed too interested!😱😱😱. How could that be? This was a tradition!!! Well, it was in my world! Fortunately, OurJan came to my rescue and ate one of the remaining 3 donuts, which no-one else was interested in. There were still 🍩🍩 left, though, so it was eat them, pack them or fling them... You can imagine which option I chose🍩🍩! Oh, and the Snickers... of course! 😱😅😆. Whilst we were scoffing our food, we watched a seniors football game on the beach, the pitch being moved whenever the sand became too soft🤣.
      With all that sugar, I was fair flying for much of the walk ahead. It was a really pleasant walk along the coastline and sometimes along the road until we reached Bouzas for lunch (something a little healthier this time). All the time we were skimming beaches and coastal woodland areas that offered us small amounts of shade, which were perfect for a really enjoyable walk into Vigo. The walk skirted the industrial area which was interesting in its own way, especially as there were such wonderful smells from the jasmine that had woven itself through the fences.
      We found out that evening that today was a feria, a holiday in Galicia, celebrating its literature. That explained the lack of food available and the activities going on around us. These included a fun run and what seemed to be a sporty day on the beach, and best of all a personal performance from a lovely chap we'd met earlier in the day (video attached). There are islands off the coast which were visited by Jules Verne and are where he had his ideas for 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea!
      Our accommodation for the two nights in Vigo is a fabulous apartment with a washing machine - hurrah, no more hand washed clothes smelling of shampoo😆. The entry system is all led from your phone, which is scary when you're a technophobe, but we're in and going nowhere. It's a chance for our feet to recover a little before we head off to Santiago de Compostela on Friday (I think, I'm not sure of the days anymore!)🤣
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