USA Road Trip 2013

augusti 2013
Hi there and we welcome you to follow our RV trip across the USA commencing on the 7th August 2013. The trip has been planned for nearly 9 months now as part of our daughter returning to her US University where she studies on her sporting scholarship Läs mer
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  • Dag 1

    Just 5 More Sleeps

    2 augusti 2013, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Well its been a long time in the planning and just 5 more sleeps to go at home and we'll be saying by to home and on our way. Travelling with the good old flying kangaroo direct from Brisbane to Los Angeles on Wed 7th at 10:35am and arriving in LA the same day at 6:40 am. Cool, we gain 4 hours.
    Will drop another blog soon as we start thinking about packing and realise we've probably forgotten something.
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  • Dag 3

    Cleveland, Queensland

    4 augusti 2013, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Well finally got the desk tidied so now Sue will let me go on the trip. Just need to get it all approved by the boss (Sue) of course but I think she should be pretty happy as I completed rearranged the whole office to create more space, looks pretty cool now.

    Other completed tasks today were transfer of funds onto the Amex Travel Card, registration on the Australian Smart Traveller Website, confirmed all the travel insurance details, and still managed to get the office cleaned up.
    Am I good or what, imagine how organised our trip is going to be, not.

    Just 3 more sleeps now and we will be on our plane to LA at 10:35am Wednesday morning. Flight is around 14 hours, and should see us landing at around 6:45am the same day, pretty cool getting 4 hours back.

    From the airport we will head east to collect the Motorhome from El Monte RV's at Santa Fe Springs, about 35 minutes by cab, supposedly, but who knows what the traffic will be like that time of morning. At least we should be heading in the opposite direction to the main peak hour traffic.

    Once we collect the RV it will be off to the supermarkets to stock up on supplies and then head out through Palm Springs toward Phoenix. Check out our itinerary as to where we will be heading thought our road trip.
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  • Dag 4

    Newstead, Queensland

    5 augusti 2013, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Getting close now. Well I've got most of the work out of the way and now starting to actually get excited. Currently sitting in Newstead at the Liquid Bar & Grill waiting for my lovely wife to finish work at one of her clients.

    Will probably be late as she has to make sure everything done covers the next 3 weeks or so and all is taken care of. She's a good girl that one of mine, always ensuring that her clients are well taken care of.

    While sitting here have been checking out the trip with flights etc, and with flights to LA 15,200k, RV road Trip 10,186k, and return flights to Brisbane 15,200k, this could be around 31,500k travelled in just 23 days. Thank goodness most of it is in a aircraft, Boeing 747, (Jumbo) to be precise. The exciting part about all of this is that we will be blogging like this constantly for the entire trip.

    All 3 of us, Sue, Bec, and myself, will all be putting our thoughts and experiences up on the site so should be interesting in how we each perceive the different aspects of the trip.

    Bec will of course be leaving us in Youngstown once back at college and Sue and I will continue on back to LA from there using the different northerly route through Kansas, Colorado, and Nevada. Bring on Las Vegas.

    We reckon we might try to catch one of the magic shows in Vegas if there is one, will let you know once we check it out.

    OK, this is thirsty work, best get back to the bar for another drink, bye for now.
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  • Dag 5

    Brisbane International Airport

    6 augusti 2013, Australien ⋅ 23 °C

    That's it, at the airport now, checked in, done customs etc and now enjoying a relaxing snack and coffee at the lounge
    Flight departs in 1hr 25mins and then 13 hours to LA where we collect the motor home and start heading East out through Palm Springs.
    Getting excited now.
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  • Dag 6

    LA Airport, Los Angeles. CA

    7 augusti 2013, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Had a great flight from Oz, left a little late but made up time on the flight and actually landed about ten minutes early.
    Flying Qantas was great as usual with really good meals and free drink, but of course I was driving upon landing in LA so had to be careful. Took in 3 movies and one was an absolute screamer.
    The movie Olympus Has Fallen was absolutely amazing, and a real eye opener as to the security of the Whitehouse. We'll see it happen for real now as movies tend to create a scenario that eventually happens in real life, yeah?
    Now, when we travel we always expect a few things to go wrong and today was no exception. Got to homeland security border control and Bec had a document missing that she needed to enter the country as a Student, an I20, but apparently it was torn out when she left there last time. Fortunately the guy was very pleasant and we sweet talked our way through and got in, would have been a long trip back home.
    Drama then continued when Sue suddenly remembers she left some medication on the aircraft that needed to be kept in the refrigerator. Race back to one of the information volunteers who kindly took off back to the aircraft and managed to collect the package before everyone had left the aircraft, talk about lucky.
    So now into a cab to get out to Santa Fe Springs to collect the RV, nice driver, polite, courteous, well kept, but virtually no English so we had to show him the address so he could type it into his GPS and off we went. Luckily we headed in the opposite direction to the traffic as it was horrendous, bumper to bumper on the freeways to miles and miles. Wouldn't want to be doing that trek every day for work, so true what they say about the LA traffic.
    We arrived at El Monte RV around 8:30 which was perfect timing for a good early getaway, or so we thought. After doing the paperwork, watching the induction video, we headed back out to do orientation of the vehicle only to be informed that there was a problem with a tear in one of the seats and the upholsterer was onto it and should be no more that 45 minutes, I figured he must be a damn good upholsterer to do it that fast. Sure enough I was right, 2 hours and 15 mins later we finally hopped aboard and departed the depot. Leaving at 12:15 after having pre-paid a early departure fee seemed rather pointless.
    So, we hit the road and headed East.
    The smog was atrocious, a dark grey haze that covered the entire city, wasn't until we got right out through Riverside and headed towards Palm Springs. The desert.
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  • Dag 6

    Day 1, Blythe, California

    7 augusti 2013, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Headed out from the RV pickup and as we passed out towards Palm Springs came across this massive bush fire, well probably grass fire, not much bush in the desert. Created a massive amount of smoke. Reached Blythe a few hours late but none the less as per schedule.

    Blythe was expected to be our first night stop as per the original plan but I was doubtful we would make that distance after not getting much sleep on the plan. However, we arrived around 5:00 and headed straight to a cell phone shop to get our phones sorted with SIM cards. Bec already had hers but had to be cut down to a nano size card to fit the iPhone 5, as for they rest of us we will have to make do with Bec's phone until we can get to a bigger city and get another couple of our simple mobile sim cards.

    OK, so we said, lets get a Motorhome so we can cook for ourselves and eat healthy, so straight to McDonald's for dinner and free wi-fi to get some messages checked and do some blogging. Found this lovely RV park at Blythe right on the Colorado river, see the snaps we took.

    Proceeded to hook up the RV to power and water only to discover we had not been provided with a water hose for connecting to the town mains, so much for paying a preparation fee. Time for an early night seeing as we can't get the tv working, no signal.
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  • Dag 7

    Day 2, Tuscon, Arizona

    8 augusti 2013, Förenta staterna ⋅ 19 °C

    So day 2 of our road trip and after waking up a little later than expected 10:15am we unhooked ourselves and off we headed for Phoenix, Arizona. After the long flight and then continuing on after our late departure from the depot it was decided lets just sleep till our bodies tell us they'd had enough.

    Although California has huge motorways, the road surface is pretty disgusting and really need a lot of maintenance. Thankfully Blythe was almost on the border of California and Arizona and not long after leaving Blythe the border crossing was almost like entering a new world. The road went from crap to beautiful surfaces and wider lanes as well, which made a huge difference to the comfort of the trip.

    As we drove we contacted the RV people to have a little bit of a b**** about the fact that none of the keys that came with the RV actually worked in any of the locks, bar the ignition thankfully. They responded pretty well with an address in Phoenix for us to go to and keys for the locks so we could actually leave the vehicle secure, and also provided us a water hose and regulator so we can actually hook up to mains water, unfortunately at our own expense, to be reimbursed upon our return to the depot.

    We got to Phoenix and the GPS was taking us south towards Tucson, our route destination, but alas, the RV place was in New River, 28 miles north of Phoenix. You gotta laugh.

    Well as the day drew to a close we arrived at our RV Park joust south of Tucson and wow, it was a total mind blower, this is apparently the largest RV park in the world, and voted number 1 RV park in the whole of North America. I'm not gonna take away Sue's thunder, I'll let her tell you more about it and post some pics tomorrow.

    So off to bed now and then up in the morning for a workout in the gym, swim in the pool, maybe a stroll by the lake, and then a hearty breakfast at the Bar & Grill. Got you salivating, check back tomorrow for Sue's and Bec's comments.
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  • Dag 8

    Leaving Tombstone

    9 augusti 2013, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Stayed in the most amazing RV park last night. It had 3 swimming pools, one 25m for laps, indoor pool & normal fun pool. There are 1500 permanent residents, Hotel, Bar & Grill. Tennis courts, solarium and is on the bank of the Colorado River. I could retire in a place like this.

    We have just left Tombstone, which sorry to say I was little disappointed. It was good but I expected to see horses tethered in the streets & a few more gun fights. It's great that it has been preserved.

    We are now headed towards El Paso not sure that we will get all the way. Weather still hot but a few clouds around.
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  • Dag 8

    Day 3, Tombstone, Arizona

    9 augusti 2013, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Heading out of Tucson we made our way to Tombstone, Arizona. Well I don't need to tell anyone about the history of Tombstone, most of us grew up with the cowboy movies telling the stories of Wyatt Earp and the shoot out at the OK Corral.

    We headed there thinking it had some sort of theme park but in actual fact the entire town is the theme park. The main streets are still as they were in the late 1800's at the time of the shoot out at the corral. The entire population almost appears to live in the past as they parade up and down the main streets acting out the cowboy era and shoot outs in the streets. Live theatre shows at the OK corral reliving the shooting and the incidents leading up to the event gave the town a real theatrical feel. Not sure whether I was disappointed or ok with everything. Guess the jury is still out on that one, but one thing is certain, it is a relief to see that the people still place such a strong emphasis on their towns history. I think the history is what really keeps the place alive as it died when the water tables rose up to make the mining of the silver and gold no longer viable.

    Four hours at Tombstone certainly placed us a little behind schedule but with the RV refuelled we headed back through Benson to the I10 East and took off toward Las Cruces, New Mexico.
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  • Dag 9

    Day 4, El Paso, New Mexico

    10 augusti 2013, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Day Four - Today was a good start as the first day we did not need a sleep in due to dramas that took away our travel time.
    We all got a reasonably early night and had the alarm set for 7:00 so as to get a good early start to our day. The new plan was to be up early and get to our next night destination by mid afternoon with a few tourist stops along the way. Thanks to some impeccable planning from our master navigator, yours truly, it worked beautifully.
    Our trip today took us out along Interstate 10E toward San Antonio from El Paso. Heading south east first opened up the landscape as we crossed over into Texas, the change in landscapes is quite distinct and unique state to state. Arizona was very much sandy desert with very little growth other than desert grasses, whereas once we entered New Mexico and then into Texas the landscape changed to a lot more more greenery and some light shrubbery.
    Texas is BIG, flat, and incredibly expansive. Temperatures today mellowed a little to just around 95F (36C) but the locals started to suggest the weather was now quite mild. MILD?
    Travelling through Texas much of the Interstate ran along old sections of the original road leaving behind it some extremely old Mexican style buildings vacant and falling apart, old fuelling stations that were no longer viable as the only access now was via the off ramps and the big oil companies had these sewn up.
    We were talking a little about where the original oil fields may have been and then almost as if scripted for a movie we can over a small rise to see the beginning of the Texan oil fields.
    List outside of Barstow is where it began. Continuing NE toward Odessa the wells became more prolific until we reached an area so laden with wells the entire landscape was just a forest of thousands and thousands of power poles providing power to the thousands of pump derricks scattered across the land as far as the eye could see. I could only imagine what this area once looked like in the days before the electric driven derricks, back when all these wells were tall timber and steel structures. It must have been an absolute forest of old style oil wells, standing high off the ground giving the whole landscape an eerie appearance.
    Just before Odessa we managed a detour off the main highway to the Odessa Meteor Crater, now a National Historic Monument. The crater at impact would have measured some 500 feet across and nearly 120 feet deep, but as time has passed over the last 50,000 years much of the original crater has been filled with sand and blows from the numerous desert sand blows that can cause zero visibility. Many areas along the highway even have sign postings and flashing lights to warn of the sand blows and instructions to pull to the side of the road when visibility drops.
    We reached Odessa mid afternoon as planned and proceeded to our RV park and checked in. Odessa is quite a substantial town of nearly 100,000 people, mostly there for the provision of services to the oil industry and of course, the associated service industries catering to all those people.
    Well, after a good stock up of supplies and beverages we settled in to a lovely sunset drink with the stunning Texan desert sunsets. Tomorrow is our next leg to Dallas, the home of JR, and the wealth of Texas. So far we are fully back on schedule and looking forward to leaving the deserts of the southwest and moving across into the more lavish climates of Arkansas and Tennessee. Check out our photo albums and we'll see you again soon, Cheers.
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