Forbes Reef

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    • Day 19

      Malolotja Nature Reserve

      November 22, 2014 in Swaziland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Unsere Unterkunft haben wir uns ausgesucht, weil in der Nähe das „Malolotja Nature Reserve“ liegt, eine tolle Gegend zum Wandern!
      Also begeben wir uns heute auf eine 3h-Wanderung. Wunderschöne Natur, bestes Wetter und tolle Aussicht!Read more

    • Day 6

      Malolotja Nature Reserve

      July 31, 2012 in Swaziland ⋅ 🌙 11 °C


      Today was our earliest start yet. Breakfast SERVED at 5.15am in anticipation for a 6am departure from Lower Sabi, for our last early game drive of Kruger. Again, it was a relatively uneventful morning, with few extraordinary sightings. A few cool things to mention included a dwarf mongoose, some tree squirrels and a frisky Honey Badger.

      Before we knew it, we had left Kruger and were heading towards the landlocked Kingdom of Swaziland. The border crossing was extremely quick and painless. Once the formalities were done, we walked across nomans land and entered Swaziland, the only non-democratic nation remaining in Southern Africa, ruled by a king; Mswati the 3rd. The population here is around about a million people and its currency is called the Illangeni (on par with the South African Rand). Swaziland has the highest AIDS rate in the world at over 25% of adults. It also has the lowest average life expectancy, being 35.

      Our destination for the day was the Malalotja Nature Reserve, a game park with cottage accomodation in unspoiled mountain wilderness. We checked in and embarked on a 10 kilometre sunset walk through the mountains, treated to some spectacular scenery and spotting Bresbok antelope and occasional hyena tracks along the way.

      Thankfully, there were no leopard or hyena attacks, and we arrived back at camp in time for delicious roast chicken and vegetables for dinner. We were befriended and essentially stalked by the camp resident domestic cat, TC, who followed us everywhere, spending all his time camped on our cottage doorstep. What a beautiful place Swaziland was!
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    • Day 24

      Malolotja Nature Reserve Pt.1

      May 12, 2018 in Swaziland ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      D Malolotja Nature Reserve isch gmäss üsem Reisefüerer de untouristischti NP vu Swasiland. Da das Land wohl suscht scho nid massehaft Touriste azieht und mer etz i dr Low Season sind, hemmer i dem Naturpark tatsächlich niemert gseh - und de Park churzerhand in Lonely Reserve umbenennt.
      Uf relativ guete Dirt Roads chunnt mer ufeme Parkplatz zmitzt im Nirgendwo a, mit Wiitsicht uf grüeni Hügel und Täler. Denn simmer es steils Wägli zude Maloloja Falls derab, mit 95m die höchste vu Swasiland, aber leider het de Pfad nur zumene Lookout und nid zu Badepools gfüehrt. Darum simmer ufem Rückweg über Stock und Stei zrugg an Bachlauf oberhalb vum Wasserfall, da hemmer herrlich chenne vertwiile, was ässe und ga bädele. De Sämy het sogar sin private Whirlpool entdeckt :)
      Derach sind Regewulche ufzoge und mer hend en schöne Sunneundergang inkl. Blesbok Herde derfe gniesse. Unglaublich wie die Landschaft i jedem Liecht chli anderscht usgseht!
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