Klara Strand

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    • Jour 5

      Bog people, French horns, meteors

      3 juillet 2018, Suède ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We visited the Danish national museum. We started with a one hour tour called "We are the Danes" that explained how Denmark starting in the depression in the 20s had slowly became more socialistic. The bicycle represented part of this idea as everyone would be equal with a bicycle. I found that somewhat interesting as in addition to seeing a lot of bicycles in Copenhagen I also think that I saw more Tesla cars then I have ever seen. Denmark had historically controlled all of Scandinavia but had gradually lost territory through poorly planned wars such that by the 19 century they were a very small country. They developed a philosophy of looking inwards rather then looking outwards. We also learned had Danes love their home and the coziness and comfort that their home gives them. They call it Hygge.They also are very private about their homes and will never invite close friends into their houses. The Danes are ahead of us by 10-15 years on maternity leave, same sex marriages but not yet marijuana legalization. Chris, Cheryl and myself enjoyed the tour, Madeline and Andrew less. We went and had lunch in a courtyard beside this big rock which looked a little unusual. We realized later that it was a giant meteor from Greenland. It was huge. After lunch it was onto the fun stuff. I told everyone that they had an hour and a half to see whatever they wanted. The museum has a huge collection of Bog people, that is bodies buried between 2000-3000 BC in bogs in oak logs allowing the body and possessions to be preserved. The clothing and shoes were perfectly intact and not that different from our clothing although it was all woven. The bodies were less preserved.There was a bog girl who was dressed in a miniskirt and "crop" top. It was the type of provocative clothing you wouldn't want your daughter wearing. Times don't change. They had a wonderful collection of lur horns from 1000 BC. The lur horns were the precursor of the French horn. My colleague Ross who collects antique French horns will have to get a Lur horn. Lots of ornate jewelry from prehistoric times. There was also lots on the Danish colonies of US Virgin Islands, Gamba,Greenland and one in India. All lost to the US, Britain or independence. By then our time was up and we headed off to swim in another canal pool as it has been quite warm in Copenhagen. This had a 75 metre pool and a five metre diving tower which my kids made me go off.En savoir plus

    • Jour 12

      The Stockholm archipeligo

      10 juillet 2018, Suède ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Today we headed off to the Stockholm archipelago which consists of a lot of islands in the Baltic ocean which have summer houses and summer communities. We decided to head to the community of Voxholm which is about a 45 minute ferry from Stockholm. Enough to give us a taste of the archipelago but not long enough to get bored. The archipelago struck me as a Muskoka done Scandinavian style.Lots of large Swedish looking houses on islands. We got to Voxholm and did the Rick Steves tour of the town having an opportunity to see the quaint fisherman's cottages which have all been converted into multimillion dollar summer homes. We hung out at a beach with the locals for a while, visited a playground where Andrew got stuck in a child's swing and received a lot of funny looks from the locals. All three of us had to work to pull Andrew out of the swing. It was a very unusual situation but Andrew was pretty happy when we got him out. We checked out the castle before heading back to Stockholm on the bus. This island happened to be connected to the mainland by a bridge. Of course the kids didn't realize this until we were waiting for the bus.En savoir plus

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    Klara Strand


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