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    • Day 57

      No time to zzz in Zurich

      April 18, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      We only have one day in Zurich, so caught the train to the city this morning. This was our first lesson in what an expensive city this is - return train tickets were $22 each (for a 24 hour pass anywhere around the city).

      We walked across the many bridges in the city, up and down the funicular to the university, and around the old town streets, stopping for lunch and a few caches on the way. (Lunch from a street caravan was a burger, pesto pasta and 2 cappuccinos... $57. Ouch!)

      We noticed plenty of Lamborghinis, Bentleys and Maserati's in the streets, and had a quick look in the Tesla dealership in the heart of the city.

      We caught the train back to our airport hotel late afternoon and went for a walk around the park behind the airport, home to the shortest funicular in Switzerland with a length of 78.5 metres and a rise of just 23 metres!
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    • Day 10

      Good Friday in Zurich

      April 7, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Woke up early and enjoyed a slow 5km run around Zurich. Pretty much had the city to myself, everything was shut and no one else was up. Running with the Swiss alps in the background at 450 metre elevation will be one of the more notable slow 5kms I’ll do this trip.

      Today was bitterly cold - and we were all cooked from 9 days straight of 20k plus steps a day - so we got a 24 hour transport pass and caught public transport rather than walk the city as we did the previous days. Except no one checked our pass once - so possibly could have done it without forking out $50!

      Really enjoyed seeing the suburbs and surrounds from a mix of tram, train, bus and again by foot. Zurich is a stunning city with only 430k residents. Every building feels like it’s either from a grand designs episode OR out of a history book OR from a fairytale. Do recommend - and the architecture was a little wasted on us. I’m keen to learn about this more moving forward.

      Today was SO cold though and I’m run down - and our next stop will be colder again - so also enjoyed the respite of sitting on public transport.

      We did the Lindt Factory today which Clare freaking loved. There are sections where you can basically eat as many Lindt balls as you like from all the flavours they have. I ate three, Krissi filled up her handbag….😂

      We made our way out of the city for dinner. Clare had chicken nuggets in a Mexican restaurant in Switzerland. 🙄

      Finishing the day with an Aperol Spritz in the hotel before we make our way to Stalden tomorrow.
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    • Day 51

      Au revoir, auf weidersehen or whatever

      September 10, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      One thing you notice as your train gets closer to Zurich is that the announcements become German instead of French. This has been doing my head in ever since. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm still in Switzerland, not Germany. I'm still using Swiss francs, not euros and certainly not Deutsch marks. I have to remember to say danke instead of merci. I finish up speaking one third French, a third German and a third English in one sentence. It's driving me crazy.

      The other things you notice anywhere in Switzerland are Swiss flags, Switzerland is way more modern/hi tech than anywhere I have seen and that everything is really expensive. Luckily, we're leaving tomorrow, we couldn't afford to stay longer.

      Over the last 7 weeks, we've been in 7 countries with 6 languages and 5 currencies. One country with another language and another currency awaits us before returning to Aus.

      So it's time to say au revoir, auf wiedersehen, dovidenja, farvel, tot aliens and adjo to Europe for 2019.
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    • Day 21

      Oct 10 - Zürich

      October 10, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Some of us who still had some energy joined William on a walking tour of Zürich while the others went to the hotel with Ivan.

      We saw the house where Vladimir Lenin. It was in Zurich that he finished his work "Imperialism: the highest stage of capitalism”. Lenin's interest in Switzerland declined dramatically after he heard of a new revolution in Russia in 1917.

      We visited the Grossmünster, a Romanesque-style Protestant church. Construction began around 1100 A.D. on the banks of the Limmat River and it was inaugurated around 1220 A.D. According to legend, the Grossmünster was founded by Charlemagne, whose horse fell to its knees over the tombs of Felix and Regula, Zürich's patron saints. The church contains the most beautiful pipe organ I have ever seen which is ironic, considering that the Swiss-German Reformation which originated here originally proposed a complete ban on church music.

      We are staying in Zürich at the Hotel Schweizerhof Zürich. This historical hotel is located opposite Zurich's main train station. The famous pedestrian shopping street "Bahnhofstrasse" with its exclusive (which means ferociously expensive) shops is right beside the hotel. The hotel reeks of gentility and Old World elegance. I discovered that the beds have electric controls to raise/lower the head/foot of the bed. We’ve only ever had that feature in a hospital room, never in a hotel room! There was a beautiful real orchid in the room and a fresh rose in the bathroom. A butler came to the door and offered us chocolate, papers, soft drinks - anything our hearts desired. I took chocolate.

      Our quick visit to Zürich has left us wanting to come back again. We had a farewell dinner in a private room that was beautifully decorated. The floral budget for this hotel must be astronomical. We had a lovely time. We traded stories with our fellow travellers of destinations that we have visited and places that we hope to visit. Our next trip is already planned to New Zealand and Fiji in January-February 2020.

      Tomorrow, we are off to Eppelheim, near Heidelberg to do stage 4 of this trip.
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    • Day 7

      Zürich Bahnhof und Christkindl Markt

      December 17, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Selbst der Bahnhof hat innen drinnen Swarovski Lampen. Und einen Laden mit über 200 verschiedenen Sorten Bier🍻🍻😅😅😂😂Aber kein Viking Rökkn 😆🤣
      Und der beste Glühwein ist auch hier zu finden

    • Day 1

      Day 1 in Zürich, Switzerland

      December 20, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      I love going to European Christmas markets in December. This year I am in Zürich, Switzerland. My flight landed at 9am and it only takes 15 mimutes to get to the centre. So I pretty much had the whole day to explore.

      My hotel were nice enough to let me check in at 9.30am. I put my luggage down and headed out to the Christkindl Christmas market in time for the opening at 11am. It was nice and peaceful at this time so I had some raclette for brunch (potatoes with melted cheese).

      Then I decided to walk along the rivrer to a different Christmas market (Dörfli in Niederdorf). This is in a cute old town area and there are only a few stores. I bought some rum punsch from an old Italian man, and then wandered around the shops. There are so many 50% off sales so it looks like I came at the right time.

      One thing I don't understand is why food is so expensive in Switzerland. Clothes on sale are actually cheaper than food. A bratwurst is roughly 10 francs here. In a German Christmas market you would pay €4. But overall Zürich does feel cheaper than my first visit in 2015. Maybe it's because I wasn't an experienced traveller back then.

      Anyway...I enjoyed my first day in Zürich. The locals are very friendly here and the city feels so peaceful.
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    • Day 9

      Mit dem Nightjet von Zürich nach Köln

      April 15, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Um 21 Uhr am Samstag Abend steige ich in Zürich in den Nightjet. Vorher bestelle ich am Bahnhof noch einen Kaffee. Zum Glück kann ich in Euro zahlen. Als Andenken an den kurzen Besuch in Zürich bekomme ich ein paar Schweizer Franken zurück.

      Die Fahrt im Nightjet ist großartig! Ich treffe im Schlafabteil meine sehr angenehme Zimmergenossin, Irene, 32. Irene hat gerade die Familie in Milano besucht und ist auf der Rückreise nach Groeningen, wo sie an der Uni im Bereich Sustainability arbeitet. Mit dem Nightjet reise sie auch wegen der Nachhaltigkeit.

      Im Abteil liegt für jede von uns ein Care-Paket bereit mit Hotel-Schlappen, Ohropax und Hygieneartikeln. Das Zimmer ist eng, aber irgendwie gemütlich. Mein Hochbett ist sehr bequem und ich habe wieder etwas Abenteuer-Feeling. Beim Rattern des Zuges schlafe ich ein.

      Gegen 5 Uhr stehe ich auf und packe schonmal, damit Irene weiterschlafen kann. Auf dem Gang warte ich, bis ich in Köln aussteigen kann. Vom Bordpersonal bekomme ich sogar noch ein Frühstück mit auf den Weg.
      Meine Reise endet hier. Der Nightjet fährt weiter bis Amsterdam.
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    • Day 238

      ZRH - Zurich

      August 26, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      A layover in Zurich. A day to explore the center city 🏙️ first we took a train from the Hotel to get there, we had for lunch an amazing Risotto and Pasta, and after walking a little beat more we had a Swiss chocolate for dessert ( of course ).Read more

    • Day 1–2


      November 1, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Not much to write home about. I didn’t love the city, sadly. However I got along with my hostel roommates suuper well — they truly made the difference. I almost didn’t wanna leave the room and go explore (but I did). There was one guy from Buenos Aires in particular who was really funny and we had lots and lots in common.Read more

    • Day 4

      Parting of the ways

      November 4, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      It's half way through the trip and we had planned to use it as a day to do your own thing. Andrew has gone to Innsbruck for lunch, and I'll add his blog entries later. Meanwhile I had a morning filming Zurich trams until the camera battery ran out. Again I'll include some video later.

      Off to Appenzellerland then.....
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