No road to Makonde
November 28, 2023 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 26 °CI try my best to get a glimpse on lake Nyassa. From top of the Livingstone mountain ridge the lake opens in front of me. Or, at least the misty sky reaches farther down than expected and blends neatlyRead more
Traveler You are sure it’s not a millipede
Michi, der I thinks it's a caterpillar rather. Will perform some backward image search to try to identify in more detail 😁.
Michi, der Hmm. I am stuck! Image search always only matches it as "Pseudosphinx tetrio" which is native to the Americas and not Africa. And the caterpillar differs significantly in its head and tail sections. Ich drehe durch!
Traveler Ich hatte drei zur Auswahl, gucke morgen noch mal