Msimbazi Bay

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    • Day 93


      March 19, 2020 in Tanzania ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Dar is hot, getting here was stressful. Overall I am not impressed and have the need to leave quickly. At the Ethiopian embassy I get my visa within one day! Let's hope that the border crossings will let me through :-\
      Update: Sudan closed all borders and the Sudanese embassy in Dar will not issue a visa for me at this moment :-(

      One night I stay 20 km north in a small beach camp. Calm and friendly it is but the beach is totally rubbished with sea weed mixed with plastic. Getting there and back into the centre takes 1-3 hours depending on the traffic. The second night I try to find a cheap room in the centre but the few hostels I call "are closed because of the virus". I find a small workshop to change my engine oil, oil filter and the totally clogged air filter. The guys are very nice and with Mosses I go for dinner later. The location is used to be crowded in the evenings but yeah, "the virus" starts to show his effect here as well. Mosses also shows me an affordable, simple accommodation close to the workshop and to the embassy. Hell yeah, I really enjoy how everything works out in the end even though 5 minutes earlier it seemed to be a disaster. Again one more evidence to always stay relaxed and calm :-*
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