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    • Day 25

      Dar es Salaam

      January 6, 2023 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      After my nice "holiday" in Zanzibar it was time to move onto the mainland of Tanzania which is called Tanganyika. As expected the process for boarding the ferry was absolute chaos, and then the process for reclaiming your luggage was even worse, but I eventually made it into Dar es Salaam.

      If I could describe Dar es Salaam in one word it would be noisy! This city is large, loud, busy, hot, humid, and chaotic, and I just loved wandering the streets. There wasn't a whole lot of sightseeing to do so most of my time was spent running errands such as booking bus and train tickets, and buying essentials. Each task was a massive job as I had to tackle the local transport system with no route maps or timetable information available, but I had a lot of fun just winging it by asking around and just getting lost, often with a bus full of people laughing at the "mzungu" on the wrong bus. Luckily there were always a few people kind enough and with enough English to help me out and point me in the right direction.
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    • Day 41

      Dar Es Salaam, ich komme!

      March 12, 2020 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Endlich kommen wir zum gestrigen Tag!
      Der sehr früh und sehr anstrengend anfing.
      Um 6.40 Uhr sollte der Bus kommen, um 12.40 Uhr waren wir in Dar Es Salaam. 🚌
      Die Busfahrt war spannend, aber die Straße größtenteils recht gut ausgebaut. Sie wird auch intensiv befahren, denn es ist die Hauptverkehrsachse für Gütertransport von 4 Ländern!

      Dank Kontakten hat mich jemand abgeholt und war mit mir im landesgrößten Einkaufszentrum, wo er zufällig auch arbeitet. Er hat mir alles gezeigt, wir waren Mittagessen und dann weitere Stoffe kaufen. Diesmal hab ich genau darauf geachtet, dass es afrikanische sind. Das hat die Auswahl enorm eingeschränkt... Trotzdem konnte ich diese Prachtstücke ergattern. Das war sogar noch günstiger als auf dem Markt!

      Dann ging es zum Beach Village, wo mich dieses traumhafte Chalet erwartete.
      Die kleine Krabbe hat mich auf dem Weg zum Abendessen begrüßt und der begrünte Weg führt von den Chalets zum Strand und Restaurant/Rezeption etc.
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    • Day 173

      Dar es Salaam

      March 24 in Tanzania ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      I took the ferry ⛴️ from Zanzibar a few days ago to get to my last destination in my 6-months long trip: Dar es Salaam (I will abbreviate the city with Dar in the following). Actually, taking the plane ✈️ would have been cheaper but for such a small distance (it’s only a 30 min. flight ) it was simply too much hustle to go to the airport, deal with security control, baggage drop-off, baggage claim, etc.
      I would still have enough of that particular kind of fun when I fly home a few days later 😅 and taking the ferry was a more original experience anyway. After getting off the taxi and fending off some porters who were hell bent on carrying my luggage, I went through the checkin and security control at the port.
      In the waiting hall, I immediately noticed the many destroyed seats💺 Honestly, I haven’t found a single seat that was still intact although the waiting hall was only half full - maybe the unbroken seats were all taken already. 🤔 However, a close by porter seemed to be amused about me making a photo of some seats and jokingly responded “this is Africa!” 😝 On the ferry the seats were very comfy nonetheless. I used the time on the 1,5 hours long ferry ride to continue reading my novel 📖 about the characters experiencing the Nigerian Civil War in the 1960s. So, time just flew by and before I knew it I was already in Dar.
      One of my uncles works and lives since 7 years in Dar. So, I planned to meet him during my stay. Thats why I also picked a Hotel 🏨 in the city centre (close to where he lives) instead of the more touristy district “Masaki” in the north. I was surprised how big and modern Dar was - similar to when I first arrived in Nairobi. The otherwise pretty green city is dotted with skyscrapers 🏙️ and houses with glass fronts standing next to wide tarred streets … I was again reminded of my European prejudices about life in Africa. 😕And another thing, I also immediately noticed: it is loud in that city - engine noises, honking cars, never ending announcements through megaphones from the surrounding mosques 🕌 etc. Well, staying in a big metropolis like Dar was quite different to the calm and relaxed atmosphere that I have gotten used to on Zanzibar, I guess. 😅
      My uncle works as a flight mechanic at Precision Air and had been called in for work on his “free” day. So, we could only meet in the evening after he had finished working. He picked me up with his car and we went for dinner 🥘 to Wavuvi Kempu at Coco Beach. The place seemed to be equally popular among the locals and foreigners. The location right at the beach front was as good as the food. For Tanzanian standards it was certainly on the pricier end of the restaurants 🤑 but coming from Zanzibar I didn’t feel much of a difference. The only caveat was that we sat outside and we had to be cautious of the rain. We managed to eat our dinner while the weather was still dry but afterwards we quickly had to leave because of an intense downpour 🌧️ The rain continued basically for the entire next day but I didn’t want to stay in my hotel room for the whole time. So, I booked a Bolt to the Slipway Hotel in the “Masaki” district. Some fellow travelers that I knew from Kenya and that I actually wanted to meet on Zanzibar got robbed in broad daylight 🤯 a few days earlier while getting into a fake taxi. They were forced to take as much money as possible out of the ATM. One of them even ended up in the hospital 🏥 with bruises and black eyes. Thus, I was wary of walking around and getting around in the city. I avoided any boda-bodas, tuk-tuks and random people offering me a ride to wherever I needed to go in favour Bolt 🚙 as one of the more expensive but safer options to use. The shortest connection between the city centre and the Masaki district led via the Tanzanite Bridge 🌁 It is an iconic sight in Dar that has its name from the blue lights it is illuminated with during the night.

      Fun fact: Tanzanite is a gem 💎 unique to Tanzania that looks very similar to Sapphire but is only 1/10 as expensive (on average).

      In the Masaki district, I went to the Lemon Tree Café to have a coffee ☕️ and do some souvenirs shopping afterwards. By pure chance I also passed the „Crafty Bee’s Brewing Company” - a pub with an affiliated brewery. I tried some tasting samples 🍺while I watched the first half of a football match between Norway and the Czech Republic. What else was there to do with a rainy afternoon in Dar anyways? 🤷
      My uncle had to work that day and the next ones as well so that we actually did not manage to meet another time. Unfortunately, workers rights in Tanzania are not that strong. That's why he and his colleagues work 12-hour shifts for 4 days in a row and then have two days off (if they are not called in) 😕
      There is certainly a labour shortage with regard to engineering jobs in Tanzanias aviation industry. During COVID many planes remained on the ground and the need for personnel was obviously marginal. Now capacities are being ramped up again and that leads to too much work for too few people. That’s why my uncle has good chances to extend his working visa in Tanzania until 2027 before he finally will retire. 👍

      On my last day in Dar, I just walked 🚶around in the city centre for a bit as it had finally stopped raining again. Like in Nairobi, it was not allowed to take photos 📸 in many public spaces … for fear of terror attacks, when I understood the broken English of a security guard correctly.
      Towards the evening I only sorted my luggage and packed my bags 🧳 in preparation for the journey back home.
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    • Day 5

      Voyager plus leger ;-)

      June 9, 2021 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Bon, ben on peut dire qu'on a eu de la chance de tomber sur une personne attentionnée ... je pense qu'il s'était fait la même réflexion que nous: vous voyagez trop lourd les gars !!!

      Du coup, il nous a allégé d'un iPhone ... Merci mec d'avoir pris soin de nous !

      Blague à part, sans cet événement qui un peu chamboulé les enfants, la journée aurait été top !

      On s'est baladé dans le marché le plus Covid friendly qui existe sur terre !
      C'était vraiment super dépaysant: pleins de micros allées ultra bondées, des odeurs qu'on ne connait pas, des fruits qu'on a envie de manger (fruits de la passion, noix de coco, bananes, ...) Mais au bout de 2h, les enfants en ont eu marre ...

      Du coup, petit tuk tuk pour rentrer (serrés comme des sardines)... Elvina nous fait un petit film avec bras et iphone qui dépassent du tuk tuk ... Puis plus d'iphone 😱😂

      On Switch l'iPhone de Côme vers celui d'Elvina et c'est reparti !!!

      J'ai aussi oublié de parler de la l'entaille (plutôt grosse) que Pia s'est faite avant de partir et qui m'a obligé a vivre dans la peau de docteur Quinn l'espace d'un instant ...

      Quelle journée 😊

      PS: merci a Momo, top le service client ... Mais logiquement, c'est plutôt dans l'autre sens (on appelle en Afrique depuis la France)

      PS2: dsl, j'ai pas de meilleures photos, elles étaient dans le tel d'Elvina ,😬
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    • Day 40

      Day 40: Dar es Salaam

      March 13, 2019 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      We are back on Tanzania mainland and spent an afternoon in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s largest city.

      It’s a busy place 😉 We spent the day walking through some local streets and visiting a local market. You can buy anything you need for your home at this market: From fresh fruit and vegetables to clothes and household equipment. It was great fun and also quite nice to walk for a bit.

      But I am a bit sad today as I just realized that more than half of my trip is already over ... time flies and I am sooooo not ready to go home 🤷🏼‍♀️
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