World Cruise: Paul and Donna

Aralık 2023 - Mayıs 2024
A once in lifetime opportunity, turning dreams and fantasies into reality. Okumaya devam et
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  • Gün 6

    Day 6: Birds (1 of 3) Cozumel, Mexico

    28 Aralık 2023, Meksika ⋅ ☀️ 46 °F

    Here is my first attempt at more serious bird photography - I took over 300 pictures, and narrowed it down to 60 - (FindPenquins allows 20 pics per posting) - So there are 3 posts of bird pictures (Please let me know which ones you really like).

    Geoff Carpentier, the onboard Bird Watcher Lecturer, from Canada spent time with me naming these birds. — Granted for real bird watchers, going to the Cozumel National Aviary is pretty much like fishing in a barrel.

    #myvikingjourney #vikingneptune #birdwatching #birds #nature
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 6

    Day 6: Birds (2 of 3) Cozumel, Mexico

    28 Aralık 2023, Meksika ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

    Here is my first attempt at more serious bird photography - I took over 300 pictures, and narrowed it down to 60 - (FindPenquins allows 20 pics per posting) - So there are 3 posts of bird pictures (Please let me know which ones you really like).

    Geoff Carpentier, the onboard Bird Watcher Lecturer, from Canada spent time with me naming these birds. — Granted for real bird watchers, going to the Cozumel National Aviary is pretty much like fishing in a barrel.

    #myvikingjourney #vikingneptune #birdwatching #birds #nature
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 6

    Day 6: Birds (3 of 3) Cozumel, Mexico

    28 Aralık 2023, Meksika ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

    Here is my first attempt at more serious bird photography - I took over 300 pictures, and narrowed it down to 60 - (FindPenquins allows 20 pics per posting) - So there are 3 posts of bird pictures (Please let me know which ones you really like).

    Geoff Carpentier, the onboard Bird Watcher Lecturer, from Canada spent time with me naming these birds. — Granted for real bird watchers, going to the Cozumel National Aviary is pretty much like fishing in a barrel.

    #myvikingjourney #vikingneptune #birdwatching. #birds #nature
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 7

    Day 7: Meet Carmila - Good Morning

    29 Aralık 2023, Caribbean Sea ⋅ ☁️ 81 °F

    Meet Karmila , each morning along with the sunrise she brings her smile, a smoothie, and a cup of coffee to my morning sacred place place to pamper me as a reflect on the events of yesterday and plan with anticipation the new adventures ahead for Donna and I today.

    It’s nice to wake up with other early risers - we each have our own little rituals to preform as bring in the day. For some it is check email, the headlines, to read their scriptures, or to sit and just be quiet.

    For it’s coffee and a smoothie - I try to journal 3 full pages - watch the sunrise - and look for a single picture for me to capture to remember this one moment in time which will never come again.

    Good morning from Colon, Panama we are nearing the dock. Donna just walked by me - with a tap on my shoulder - I know she is heading to deck 7 to see Karmila - Donna knows Karmila’s smile and a bowl of fruit and fresh oatmeal will welcome her day.

    It’s time for me to leave my morning meditations and have breakfast with my wife.

    #myvikingjourney #vikingneptune
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 7

    Day 7: Hello from Colon Panama

    29 Aralık 2023, Panama ⋅ ☁️ 81 °F

    We arrived at Colon, Panama this morning. We had breakfast onboard at Mamsen’s, then disembarked for our 9:30 excursion through the old Panama City. We hoped on a bus for an hour. That’s how long it takes to get from the Atlantic Ocean side in Panama to the Pacific Ocean side, overland.

    Panama is a much more prosperous country than Columbia was. In Columbia there was trash, and piles of it, littering every single road. There was very little of that in Panama. Another difference is that in Columbia, almost everyone got around on scooters. I saw a family of 4 on a scooter. The small child stood in front of the father, who was driving. The mother sitting behind the man was holding a baby. In Panama, I saw few motorcycles/scooters. The better paved roads had many cars. I saw Toyota, Mazda, Kia and a few Chevys. All in reasonably good shape.

    Our guide, Maria explained that Panama makes money by moving goods, whether that would be overland, via train or over water via the Panama Canal. She also explained how there were/are 3 Panama Cities. The original city was burned to the ground by Invaders. Then it was rebuilt. That is the Old Panama City. Now a new, more modern Panama City is being constructed as an extension to the Old City. We toured the Old City which has old architecture and narrow cobblestone streets.

    Driving is not for the faint of heart and I am not sure that being a passenger is either. Drivers more or less rely on the courtesy of other drivers. I saw cars driving straight past stop signs. Our guide explained that what is commonly called the Panama Hat is not. Teddy Roosevelt may have gotten his from someone in Panama but it was actually made in Ecuador. I did buy a ‘REAL’ Panama Hat. It is adorable and I will post a photo of me wearing it.

    Our tour was cut short by a downpour after we had toured a church. We waited until it slowed down and made our way back to the center of town where we boarded our bus to return to the Atlantic Ocean side of Panama to board The Viking Neptune.

    #myvikingjourney #vikingneptune
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 8

    Day 8: Good Morning Panama Canal

    30 Aralık 2023, Panama ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

    It’s a busy place this morning on deck 8 of the Explorer’s lounge. The normal morning quiet is replaced by the excitement of many of our fellow travelers all sharing in the moment entering the Panama Canal.

    After the passing under the bridge the canal splits in two; go to the left you are traveling the newer wider canal. To the right (Our choice) we will pass through the narrowing older canal.

    You will notice pics of the mules towing the ship through the locks.

    I kissed my wife Donna in the Panamá Canal.

    You will also see a ship coming through the other direction.

    #myvikingjourney #vikingneptune #Panama. #panamaCanal
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 8

    Day 8: Lunch on the Panama Canal

    30 Aralık 2023, Panama ⋅ ⛅ 88 °F

    So, what is lunch like on a cruise ship while traveling through the Panama Canal?

    We arrived at “The Restaurant”. Which is its actual name on deck 2 a bit early. Which gave use time to do 4 laps around deck 2 for a total of 1 mile.

    They paired my Rueben sandwich with a Bottega - Pinot Grigio Venezia which was lovely, Donna had a nice burger (no bun or cheese) - Paul had Salad and Donna had the Lentil soup - the Mixed Berry Sorbet was a refreshing wash of elegance across our palette and the Blueberry Mouse Cake was so light I am positive it doesn’t have any calories.

    We met Mike & Carol, as well as, Madeline & Jay at the tables next to us. Which honestly is a huge part of the cruise experience - it isn’t just about the amazing places we visit - it is about the amazing people we are meeting.

    There is a pool my old boss/manager is running - the stakes are pretty high $$$$$$$$$ How much weight will Paul gain (I started out at 252 pounds when I boarded the ship) by the time he arrives in England on May 10th.

    So, in my on defense of gaining too much weight Donna and I are trying to take the stairs as often as we can. You can see some pics at deck 1 and then the stairs and finally making it up to our floor on deck 8.

    The scenery was lovely as we passed through the canal. An interesting factoid is they keep the land well groomed almost like a putting green to help keep the mosquitos away along the canal.

    There is an old and new canal our ship the Viking Neptune is 105 feet wide we squeezed into the old canal at 107 feet wide. When the canal was built the width was determined by the width of the largest warship in the USA.

    As a child in 7th or 8th grade we all took history & geography class and learned about the Panama Canal — but it as so far away — but to cruise smoothly through it - and kiss my lovely wife Donna along the canal route is beyond my imagination.

    We are now approaching the looks on the other side of the lake - it is raining now - the ship is we go in and out of each lock the process of the water going up and down is beyond belief.

    #myvikingjourney #vikingneptune #Panama #panamaCanal
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 8

    Day 8: Dinner at Manfredi’s

    30 Aralık 2023 ⋅ ⛅ 82 °F

    So first, I promise to not provide this level of detail for every meal we have over the next 130 days. The fellow Neptune traveler’s know what is served, and my friends back home (Esp. You Tom U) warned me if I over do it he will stop following our blog.

    There are two types of traveler’s onboard - The well seasoned traveler may have done 10, 20, and even over 30 cruises and there are us “The First Timers”. Yesterday, another person named Tom, also a first timer, remarked as we travelled through the Panama Canal for the very first time - he felt like a kid in a candy store - and by the way we can eat as much candy as we want. I am sure the seasoned traveler looks at us and smiles remembering their first voyage.

    The Neptune has many places to dine and share in a meal where each bite is a musical array of flavor. The Chef’s Table (Haven’t been there yet) and Manfredi’s are two onboard restaurants in which you must set up a reservation to attend. These are quieter dinning venues with more specializes options. Last night was our first experience with Manfredi’s.

    The Wine Pairing:
    - Donna had a white (she is not a red wine person) The Tommasi Pinot Grigio, 2022, La Rosse - we had this other night with dinner - it is already becoming our ‘go to” wine - it is a delight to drink - refreshing.
    - Paul ventured out with a red - Leone De Castris, Villa Santera, Primitivo Di Madurai from Italy —. If you drink this wine slowly the taste from the start to the end are an array of enjoyment. There is a hint of dry, without being too dry that you have to fight to find the flavor - this red paired very nicely with our main course.
    - (A point of honesty) Donna and I are not advanced in the art of wine tasting - we are newbies learning the ropes. I am sure there are many on board this ship who could educate us beyond the basics of our experiences - yet - this is where we start. We have many ore miles and glasses of wine before us to educate our palette.

    - Donna had the “Il Tagliere del Salumiere” which is bresaloa, coops, prosciutto, grilled marinated eggplant, zucchini, scallions.
    - Paul had the “Fritto Gameroni e Clamato”

    - We both had the “Zappa del Casale” the flavors are a blend of elegance and country cooking which welcome us to a dinning experience I am sure these first timers to Manfredi’s will remember.

    - Donna had the “Spaghetti alla Caronrar o Bolognese” and Paul had the “Gnocchi alla Sorrentina”

    By this time in the meal you can really have a sense of a journey which is choreographed as a fine ballet. I forgot to mention Thomas our waiter our tour guide on this culinary journey. He explains each of our ports of call as we venture through this experience. If we need to make an adjustment along the way, Thomas is an accommodating host.

    Main Course:
    - Donna and I both had the “Costata di Manzo Sull’osso” - slow cooked beef short ribs on the bone, polenta from ante; red wine sauce. Speaking of adjustments Thomas was happy to add asparagus and potatoes to Paul’s meal.

    The only concern we had was why did they provide a knife? The ribs were so tender they fell off the bone as our forks approached. The flavor of the sauce and tenderness of the meat was the summit of our journey this evening.

    After the meal the Chef came out to great us. There are over 100 chef’s onboard the Neptune. In talking with the chef we learned something very important to us. Over the past four years Donna and I have become educated on the differences of olive oil. We are self-proclaimed olive oil snobs - not experts - but we know the difference. With each meal Paul has requested olive oil to have with bread instead of butter. Much better flavor and healthier too. The waitstaff brings us a small dish of a basic lemon flavored oil. The chef taught us the trick to getting good olive oil - we are not to ask for just olive oil; Rather we are to request “Natural Olive from the bottle” from the chef. They will be happy to accommodate.

    For desert:
    - We both had the Mixed Berry Sorbet - it is always a refreshing way to end a meal. Paul is a chocolate person most of the time - We didn’t need to end this journey with the sweetness of rich chocolate.

    Danger Ahead:
    - Wanting a nite cap before we ended our journey - we asked Thomas our culinary tour guide for one last recommendation. A small rose shaped glass with clear liquid was before us. We were introduced to Grappa, a grape-based pomace brandy of Italian origin. It’s 35 to 60 percent alcohol or 70 to 120 US proof. We Googled it and Wikipedia provides tons of information. It’s a fancy name for Italian moonshine. Before the glass hits your lips your hair is standing on end. We didn’t drink it all. It woke our senses. Had we finished it we would have needed a wheelchair to make it back to our room.

    So, I promise I will not document every meal or provide this level of detail. Today’s post was due to the excitement of this new experience and provide a taste of what we are experiencing. Yes, the hardest decision a married couple has to make - Is where do you want to go out to eat? Even on the Neptune that question is asked, but the answer is always right.

    Enjoy the photos of each of the steps, our ports of call, on last night’s culinary journey. Thank you Thomas for being a wonderful guide.

    #myvikingjourney #vikingneptune #manfredi’s
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 9

    Day 9: Good Morning - Back to normal

    31 Aralık 2023, North Pacific Ocean ⋅ ☁️ 82 °F

    After all the excitement yesterday going through the Panama Canal - it is nice to wake up with my morning cup of coffee and smoothie. Fellow early riser Leon (In the cabin next to ours) makes coffee and gets a muffin to give to his wife back in their room. Yesterday’s crowds are gone - the sway of the ship - the vast horizon of sea and ski - brings amazement at how marvelous and majestic our world and our universe really is.

    Today is a sea day - boy do we need it. First this quick post. Then journal my 3 pages (Google Julia Cameron - The Artist’s Way) I have hundreds of photos to go through and delete most of them to find the ones which are shareable. I have journalling to do. I am sure Johnathon and I might get in a game of chess. Meals will be lighter today, looking forward to writing a post about Donna’s and my first dinner at Manifredi’s.

    The upper deck of the Explorer lounge is a peaceful place to reflect with the sunrise and center ourselves for the day.

    We are traveling up the Pacific coast of Central America heading towards Costa Rica our next port tomorrow.

    Happy New Year’s Eve - And Happy birthday to my friend Heather back in Rhode Island.

    #myvikingjourney #vikingneptune
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 9

    Day 9: Meet Beka & John

    31 Aralık 2023, Kolombiya ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

    It took me a couple of days and I finally have Beka’s and John’s name saved in my memory banks. Which by the way is one of the hardest things to do on this cruise - is remember everyone’s name. If there was a final exam I would surely fail.

    Both Beka and John have been working with working with Viking for about three years now. On their last cruise they were roommates. Beka is from Georgia (not the state in USA), married with a lovely wife back home. John is from the Philippines (I think?) and is also married with two children. The hardest part for them is being away from their families, so the staff become a family to each other - then that family is extended to us the passengers. Beka remarked there are 72 nationalities on the Viking Neptune staff - we are all different - but when you put away those differences we are all the same. Those core attributes which make us up as humans are the things we should focus on in our lives.

    It is good to hear the staff have a lounge and activities and support systems to encourage each other. They enjoy their jobs here on the Neptune. They know their service and smiles to us give us joy. I believe we are here on this planet to create art. Our canvases are different. John and Beka use the canvas of service and smiles to create for each of us and experience which changes our lives and our view upon the world.

    I learning to no longer see the 500 or so staff members onboard as our waitstaff - rather they are Performance Artists who can join the ranks of Adrian Piper, Nick Cave, Wu, Tsang, Guerilla Girls, Marina Abramovich, Ragnar Kjartanson, Ana Mendieta, Yoko Ono, Tehching Hsieh, Joseph Bueys, and many others.

    Today as the staff serves us, I choose to look at them as artists painting upon their canvases service and smiles. The 72 nationalities are demonstrating to each of us what it means to live in a world were there is faith, hope, and love - Art is meant to change us, to change our view of the world, to challenge us.

    Please meet today’s artists - John and Beka.

    #myvikingjourney #vikingneptune
    Okumaya devam et