Kimberley 2023

toukokuuta - heinäkuuta 2023
"The Wild Wilbers" are travelling to the Kimberley in Western Australia. Time will tell if they make it back home again.
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  • Päivä 21

    One more Bungles

    23. toukokuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    For the final day we returned to the southern end of the park to enjoy the spectacle of ‘the Domes’ up close. Everyone was a bit tired and with school work to do, camp to pack up and a request from the boys to explore the river bed below our camp one last time, we did a shorter, hour long walk through the domes and out to Piccaninny Creek. It was nice to see it one last time.

    Back at camp, after completing some school work, the boys enjoyed making ‘boats’ and sailing them along the remaining waterholes in the riverbed.

    We found the tracks of a few different animals, including lizards, wallabies and dingoes and saw our first dingo too!
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  • Päivä 23

    Wiebe turns 40!

    25. toukokuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    On the 25th May, Wiebe celebrated turning 40. A breakfast of ham and cheese croissants cooked in our camp oven, coffee and some little gifts found along our trip. Later followed by some special cheesecake for morning tea.
    Our first day in Lake Argyle we relaxed close to camp enjoying the stunning views and amenities especially the pool and washing machines! We bumped into some people we’d met on the tag-a-long tour back at Kooljaman and the boys were especially happy to have some familiar faces to play with.
    Later in the day around sunset we went for a short drive to some lookouts around the dam wall and upper Ord River. The colours on the ranges are beautiful this time of the day.
    In the evening we enjoyed some live music, chilled wine and dinner at the restaurant. A nice way to finish the day.
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  • Päivä 24

    Sunset Cruise

    26. toukokuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    The next day after a morning of running errands in town, we took a sunset cruise and saw ‘angler fish’, which have adapted to hunting their prey above water, by firing small bursts of water. Very cool to see!

    We also met the local rock wallaby population, some crocs and plenty of birds. We decided catching a fish tomorrow was inevitable too, given our expertise in the field of fishing…

    A swim at sunset, a beer and a cracker, and we had reached the end of another day :-)
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  • Päivä 25

    BBQ Barge

    27. toukokuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    We hired a BBQ Pontoon today - a self drive boat, with a bbq, an esky and some pool noodles.

    Learning from the sunset tour the night before, we headed off on something of a safari tour, revisiting the rock wallabies, as well as a ‘walleroo’ and lots of birds and crocodiles.
    It was a bit windy though, so we were soon looking for a nice sheltered cove to have some morning tea and a biscuit.

    The boys were itching to go swimming, so we found a mooring at ‘jump rock’, where both Max and Hugo set personal records for the highest rock they had ever jumped off. A very cool formation in the rock meant we could walk up to the high we felt comfortable (or uncomfortable) before jumping and swimming back for another go.

    The sausages tasted good - we realised we hadn’t had a humble sausage in a bun for a while - so it will make a return to the rotation for sure!
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  • Päivä 26

    Bluff Lookout and Homestead Museum

    28. toukokuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Today, whilst Wiebe fixed some things on the car and camper (successfully - hooray!), the kids and I did a 4km hike to Bluff Lookout and the Homestead Museum. The hike took us around the cove closest to the caravan park, across a dry creek, over the range and opened up to a scenic view across Lake Argyle to Pannakin Bay and surrounding ranges in the east and ending at a lookout across the lake and ranges to the south. Max was able to recall the ranges furthest in the distance as “the place where we saw all those cane toads” (ie Cathedral Gorge in the Bungles).

    After the lookout and a small smackerel of muesli bars and fruit we continued on to the Homestead Museum, an 1890s house home to the pioneering Durack family who had extensive pastoral leases in the Kimberley and were involved in the damming of the Ord River and the creation of Lake Argyle as it is today.

    An interesting side note, was to discover that Lucy Durack an actor from Wicked fame, is a descendant of the family.
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  • Päivä 27

    Kununurra and surrounds

    29. toukokuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

    Today was our turn to pack up and leave Lake Argyle - it seemed tougher this time, probably because Centine has found a few fun new skills - screaming, and climbing onto the most precarious spots possible.

    Anyway, a restock at Kununurra, before trying out the local distillery “The Hoochery”. Very impressive set up, and good cakes and rum of course. Rum isn’t really our style though, so a tasting paddle is where our purchase ended… (plus cake of course)

    We stopped at Molly Springs for lunch - a very picturesque little water hole, complete with waterfall. The boys loved it, the girl not as much :-)

    Eventually, time to push on to El Questro. We were in luck, with the road in being corrugated, but not terribly so. The graders had obviously been working hard. The final creek crossing was a bit of fun too.

    Now, set up on a beautiful riverside campsite, we will light the campfire tomorrow. No swimming here though, as the water right in front of the camper may have salt water crocs… eek!

    Max found the words smallest lizard, and has befriended ‘gekky’.
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  • Päivä 28

    El Questro Gorge

    30. toukokuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

    At El Questro now, and exploring the amazing gorges here. “Gorgeous” is used a lot, leading me to wonder the origin of the word…

    We started with an adventurous water crossing at El Questro gorge. Currently 1m deep, it was too much for our disco without a snorkel, however as luck would have it, a nice couple, Ed and Anne, rolled in with a hire car. They offered a lift which we gladly accepted. We barely made it, with water inside the car…
    The drive back out was worse, as the water level had risen, causing the car to float and eventually stop. After a few moments waiting for it to recover, the various warnings on the dash were ignored and we were dropped off, thankful for our working and dry car :-)

    The gorge was (wait for it) gorgeous. Very rocky to get in, but with picturesque little pools, lots of palm trees and interesting narrow clambering to do. We got to the midway point before deciding we could go no further, as we would need to be more aggressive in our rock climbing.

    Max started to struggle a bit on the walk back, but just as a donkey follows a carrot on a string, Max can be motivated with cookies, helpfully on hand. He finished in record time :-)

    Tired and hungry, we meandered back to the campgrounds, hopeful for a burger, only to find the kitchen closed! We drowned our sorrow in a beer and bag of potato chips, before heading back to our campsite.

    We decided to head there for dinner instead, bumping in to our friends with the drowned car (which is all good now, after disconnecting the battery to reset the computers). A steak dinner before heading home to bed, exhausted but fulfilled :-)
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  • Päivä 29

    Zebedee Springs and Amalia Gorge

    31. toukokuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Early start today, so that we could beat the tour busses to Zebedee Springs, a series of thermal pools in the side of the range here.

    Stunning location, and the first time I’ve seen Centine really enjoying a swim - 32 degree water will do that I suppose.
    Lots of little tiny pools and some big ones, some with little waterfalls too, so you end up pool hopping a bit. Getting out needs a bit of bravery - it was 9 degrees when we left camp, and about 11 by the time we were at the springs.

    Still, we managed, and headed just a little way down the road to Amalia springs. A similar start as other walks (except for spotting another disco!), through river beds, but quickly becoming more challenging, including holding on to a chain to stop from falling 5m into water. Baby was strapped down tight for that manoeuvre!

    Hugo has taken a shine to jumping off points into water, so after sending mama in to check water depths, he started to test boundaries…

    Finally, as if the day couldn’t get much better for the boys, a campfire was arranged, complete with marshmallows. Living the(ir) dream!
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  • Päivä 30

    Emma Gorge

    1. kesäkuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Last day at El Questro today, and we spent it mostly at Emma Gorge, a short drive away.

    But first, one more dip at Zebedee Springs!. All three kids love the warm water, and would happily stay there all day I’m sure, building rock dams and clambering from one pool to the next. We did get there a little later this time, though it didn’t feel much busier - that said the top section, apparently fancier than lower, was already full of Insta models (Self titled).

    On to the last gorge we will see here, and another day of walking and climbing up rocks. It’s fantastic to see the boys’ confidence growing each time on these treks - they have their little backpacks with water, an apple and a muesli bar (plus a floaty for Max), and they are ready to take on the world.

    We had a tense moment when Max came upon a snake on the track. The snake was quite upset, ‘rearing up’ to our presence. Thankfully, Max’s backpack also comes with a handy carry handle, which can be grabbed to yank him out of harms way in an instant. The jury is out on what type of snake it was, I (Wiebe) suspect a water python, based on its colour and that it went swimming. Shanti suspects a king brown snake, which is a lot more scary.

    The final pool is as beautiful as it is cold. To give an indication, Shanti experienced numb feet afterwards - something she had never had before from cold. Children don’t feel the cold, though I did notice they stayed in the sunny spot, and where a warm spring entered the pool…

    Emma Gorge is a separate resort, set up to cater for a fancier crowd, and it showed. Lush green grass, a poncy bar complete with snooty waiters. Naturally, we completely ignored this, and drank a beer and ate ice creams whist stinking of the day’s walk with three kids playing loudly on the lawn.

    We finished the day at a lookout over the Pentecost and Cockburn ranges. A bit of a push, as it was getting late (sunset usually is, on an infant’s time scale), but worth the effort. We had hoped to spot a ‘salty’ (saltwater crocodile) however no luck yet this trip…

    Thanks for the comments back too by the way - we L ove reading them all!
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  • Päivä 32


    3. kesäkuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Wyndham. Yeah, not a lot here…

    Arrived after a fairly slow start (pancakes were required, as we were all feeling pretty tired after the various walks), and headed straight to the croc cafe for one of their famous crocodile pies, and indulged in a barramundi pie too. They were okay…

    Back the next day to check out 5 rivers lookout, which is pretty impressive. A great view of an iron ore barge loader too! There were six kites flying around hunting, and demonstrating my utter lack of moving wildlife photography skill.

    We went and had a look at old Wyndham, now Wyndham Port (they moved the town to allow for room for expansion), and wandered out on fisherman’s jetty. It was right on low tide, so the water was very still and the entire scene was serenely tranquil.

    We had a look in Pixie’s Shed, and concluded for the most part it could do with some petrol and a match. Still, bought a stubby holder, so not a total loss :-)

    We will start the Gibb properly tomorrow, so an early night for all :-)
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