Tasman Sea

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    • Día 52–53

      Feb 14 & 15. Phillip Island & Sea Day

      11 de febrero, Tasman Sea ⋅ 🌬 68 °F

      Phillip Island lies just off Australia’s southern coast. We tendered in early this morning only to find that the island was completely out of power due to a fierce storm last night. They said it was the worst storm they've experienced in a long, long time. We stayed awhile on the island, and it was fun to experience the area and walk around its very quaint and lovely town. We walked back with Catherine and Tom, thinking that we would take a beautiful coastal hike to our tender location. However, we ended up spending 1 1/2 hours lost in the Australian bush!! I exaggerate, of course, but we were lost a few times. The old-fashioned maps that were posted can't be compared to my Google Map app! We were tore and hungry, found the highway, and flagged down a bus! The lovely bus driver stopped for us, and we made it back to our tender site! 5.7 miles total 🤣

      Later, we took the tender back to the Island to Summerland Beach to watch the Penguin Parade, where little Blue Penguins come ashore in groups. (No photography is allowed. The Penguin photos attached are from the National Parks website). The photo of the 7 week old chick, (taken before sunset) was shot by fellow passenger, Sally Corte. In approximately one more week, this chicks' parents will leave & s/he will be on its own and off to sea to fend for itself. We bought a knitted Penguin jacket! These jackets/jumpers are knitted by volunteers from all over the world and used to save the lives of little penguins affected by oil spills.

      Fun facts: they are the only blue penguins in the world; they have around 10,000 feathers; their poop looks like fairy dust because of the oily seafood they eat. They're adorable!! It was a wonderful day and evening! When we returned to our ship, close to midnight, we were welcomed back with hot chocolate, warm soup, and tasty sandwiches! This Viking crew is unbelievably gracious!

      Feb 15. Jul & I took another Needle Felting class today where we made tiny Penguins! Tomorrow, we dock in Eden, Australia,
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    • Día 52

      Feb 16. Eden, Australia

      11 de febrero, Tasman Sea ⋅ 🌬 66 °F

      Eden is a coastal town in the South Coast region of New South Wales, Australia. The town has a population of 3,000. It was an important port for Australia's powerful whaling industry for more than a century. In many ways, this quiet little seaport town reminds Julie and me of Edmonds. We toured the country and saw some wildlife, including the Grey-Headed Flying Fox Bats, which were sooooo spectacular!!! (see pics & video!!!) We ended the trip at the Eden Killer Whale Museum. The museum displayed the written history, photographs, and tools used to hunt and slaughter hundreds of thousands of Baleen Whales, over the course of 120 years. Eden is obviously very proud of their museum, but the experience left us both feeling sad and heavy hearted.

      Tomorrow, we'll get up early to view Sydney Harbor as we sail into port!
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    • Día 63

      Somewhere in Tasmanian Sea

      5 de marzo, Tasman Sea ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      Today is the second day on our way to NZ. We are crossing the Tasmanian sea. Tomorrow on the schedule was Milford sound, but we are not stopping there. The sea is very rough, swells are up to 25ft. Lots of people, including our cruise director, sick. Yesterday, the dinning room was practically empty. Boris and I are okay, but sleeping is hard.
      The ship’s speed is slow, otherwise it would be even worse. Hopefully by the end of today, the weather will improve.
      Our next stop day after tomorrow is Dunadin, NZ
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    • Día 15

      Melbourne - Australien 1

      24 de marzo, Tasman Sea ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      Angekommen in Australien. Die Überfahrt von Neuseeland war aufregend. Ein kleines Schiff in der wilden Tasmanischen See (immer auf Krawall gebürstet). Man wird in den Schlaf geschaukelt und morgens am Buffet muss man immer einen anderen Punkt anpeilen als den wohin man eigentlich möchte. Den Rest macht das Schiff. Man läuft im Tanzschritt. Immer volle Konzentration. Nach eins-zwei kommt Cha-Cha-Cha.
      Melbourne ist die an der Südostküste Australiens gelegene Hauptstadt des australischen Bundesstaats Victoria. Im Stadtzentrum liegt der moderne Federation-Square-Komplex mit Plätzen, Bars und Restaurants am Fluss Yarra. Am südlichen Flussufer im Kunstbezirk der Stadt befinden sich das Arts Centre Melbourne – ein Zentrum für darstellende Künste – und die National Gallery of Victoria, in der Werke von australischen Künstlern und Aborigines ausgestellt werden.
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    • Día 70

      Whales, Dolphins and Seals

      17 de junio de 2022, Tasman Sea ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      The whales are back in the Australian water!
      We take the opportunity to go and see them. Besides whales, there are plenty of bottle nose Dolphins in the bay at Hawks nest, and there are seals swimming around too. Enough to see! We take the boat from Tea garden, it is a bit fresh, but the water is not to rough and the sun's out! We see lots of whales splashing around, seals lying on the rocks ib the sun. And the Dolphins outswim our boat! A gorgeous sea adventure today 😀. Now into the car back to Sydney.Leer más

    • Día 123

      Biker-Treff auf Cook-Straße

      9 de febrero de 2023, Tasman Sea ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Die letzten Kilometer der Nordinsel führen uns über eine Bahntrasse mit riesiger Hängebrücke und neuen Flussradwegen in die beschauliche Hauptstadt Neuseelands, Wellington.

      Wir verbringen zwei Tage in der Stadt und genießen zur Abwechslung das Stadtleben mit wuseligen Menschenmengen, lebendigen Cafés, lauten Bars, nimmermüden Jogger*innen, modernen Museen, historischen Aussichtspunkten, rasenden Elektrorollern, versteckter Streetart und Sushi.

      Dann geht es mit der Fähre über die Cook-Straße zur Südinsel. Zu unserer Überraschung treffen wir auf dem Schiff jede Menge anderer Bikepacker*innen - mehr als wir in den vergangen drei Wochen insgesamt getroffen haben. Einige - so stellt sich heraus - haben wir auf der Nordinsel nur knapp verpasst. Die Überfahrt ist ruhig, aber spektakulär: In knapp vier Stunden verlassen wir die Bucht Wellingtons, überqueren die Cook-Straße und schlängeln uns im sommerlichen Frühabendlicht durch enge Durchgänge der schärig-fjordigen Nordspitze der Südinsel. Hier zeigen sich dann endlich auch ein paar Delfine, die für kurze Zeit das Kielwasser des Schiffes erkunden, sich dann aber schnell in eine der einsamen Buchten zurückziehen.

      Mit Richard, einem Bikepacker aus Jena, der in die gleiche Richtung wie wir unterwegs ist, fahren wir die nächsten beiden Tage gemeinsam Richtung Nelson. Ein Highlight - bzw sealight - erwartet uns am Abend: Wir zelten direkt am ruhig darliegenden Meer und bemerken beim Abendessen ein leichtes Glitzern in den vereinzelten Wellen. Drei Minuten später und sechs Kleidungsstücke ärmer sind wir im Wasser, wo jede Bewegung hunderte Kleinstlebewesen zum Leuchten bringt. Es wirkt als sei der ganz Körper mit goldenem Glitzer überzogen. Ein Meeresleuchten dieser Stärke hat keiner von uns bisher erlebt.
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    • Día 73

      De Sydney a Noumea

      19 de marzo de 2023, Tasman Sea ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Ce matin nous sommes de nouveau dans le pacifique sud, nous suivons une route nord est vers Nouméa à 1043 Mn de Sydney.
      La mer est belle avec un grand soleil. Ici c’est la Fête des Pères. Suite aux attaques récentes de requins toutes les plages de Nouméa sont fermées.
      Vers 13h00 nous sommes remontés à -30 deg de latitude il fait chaud et très beau, un déjeuner en terrasse s’impose.

      20 Mars, toujours très beau temps sur le grand bleu.
      Nous avons à ce jour parcouru une distance supérieure à la circonférence de la terre. Pour la beauté des yeux une photo de l’opéra de Sydney illuminé pour la St Patrick.
      Dans l’après midi nous allons de nouveau rentrer dans la zone des tropiques
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    • Día 188

      ab ufd südinslä

      9 de mayo de 2023, Tasman Sea ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      am morgä fruäh mached mir üs, vu üserem stellplatz, ufä weg ufd fähre. d fahrt duret ufd südinslä knappi 3.5 halbstund. mir hend numal e schöni sicht uf wellington. neuseeland het sehr viel wiigebiet. 🍷Leer más

    • Día 11

      Cruising the Coral Sea

      22 de diciembre de 2023, Tasman Sea ⋅ 🌬 73 °F

      Quiet day at sea. A bit windy … with 10-foot swells. But we don’t feel the movement much … especially in our stateroom which is low (deck 4) and midship.

      Tonight was the Captain’s Welcome Celebration party … typical format — receiving line headed by Captain Giulio and General Manager [GM] Dimitris; introduction of senior officers; toast to smooth sailing; a song or two and dancing.

      Drinks on the Captain tonight until 8:00p … all around the ship.

      We’ve already come across several crew and staff familiar from our world cruise on Insignia earlier this year … including Sasa, who has since been promoted from Restaurant Manager to Food & Beverage Director.

      We wrapped up our day with dinner in Toscana … where we were served by Charmaine, whom we first met on Insignia. It’s nice to see faces break out in smiles when we encounter crew who know us from previous cruises.
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    • Día 40

      West Coast Day 3 (making miles)

      4 de enero, Tasman Sea ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      The wind completely disappeared today. Don't worry, we expected and planned for this! We put the headsails away for most of the day and motored straight towards Taranaki with just the mainsail out.

      We were once again visited by a couple of albatross, which are simply majestic, beautiful animals. They glide across the water with almost no effort, turning to "surf" down the faces of the waves.

      After whipping up some "zhoushed up" 2 minute noodles (with meatballs and some spring onions), the team took a breather and put our swim gear on. Safety first though, we slowed the boat down to less than 1kt, had two lines trailing in the water for safety and a third line ready to throw if needed, and always kept one person on the boat. We then proceeded to enjoy the gorgeous blue waters of the Tasman Sea.

      The water was beautifully warm and clear, but at 1500m deep there was little chance of seeing the bottom. After a couple of dives, a short drag behind the boat and some obligatory manu's, we climbed back on board, dried off, opened a couple of cold ones, and continued South.

      The forecast Westerly breeze started to fill in, so we pulled the big genoa back out and made good progress, at times cracking 8kt. Unfortunately the breeze didn't build as we hoped and we've been averaging closer to 6.5kt since. Regardless, we made a heap of miles in the right direction today, and the mood on board has been very light and happy.

      Plan is to head in close to the Taranaki coast to get some updated weather forecasts, and update family, friends, and Coastguard of our whereabouts and eta into Nelson. Fingers crossed we'll get a beautiful sunrise with Mount Taranaki in the background in the morning!
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    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Tasman Sea, Mer de Tasman, Te Tai-o-Rehua, Тасманове море, Тасманово море

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