La Medina

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    • Day 9

      Tunis Medina

      February 5, 2023 in Tunisia ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      An unserem letzten Tag erkundeten wir endlich die Medina von Tunis. Übrigens auch Weltkulturerbe, falls die Frage im Raum stand.
      Allerdings auch zurecht, da insbesondere die Straßenzüge um die Moschee wieder wunderschön waren.
      Aber auch die Neustadt, welche sich anschließt war schön, erinnert sehr an Frankreich mit seinen weißen Häusern und kleinen Cafés.
      Also Fazit: Die Leute hilfsbereit und netter als wir vorher gehört hatten. Schöne Altstädte, insbesondere wenn man die kleinen Gassen mag. Leckeres Essen, auch wenn uns die Restaurants nicht umgehauen haben und das Vegetarierangebot ausbaufähig ist (sprich: mehr als Salatblätter ohne alles). Aber auf jeden Fall eine Reise wert, gerade im Winter, wenn die Sonne wärmt und die Touristenmassen noch fern sind.
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    • Day 2

      Day 71: Medina & “Warmth of the People”

      March 21, 2024 in Tunisia ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

      At the previous evening’s Iftar, we spoke with a Tunisian couple who lived in France and Canada for several years, and when we asked what did they miss the most while living abroad, they said, “the warmth of the people.” And we felt that today!

      We ventured into Tunis City Center and Medina with a large bag of laundry looking for any open laundry mat. We found one, but they were closing in 1.5 hours. The father and daughter deliberated for several seconds, and they agreed to take the laundry in. We walked around the center and enjoyed the building designs and Independence Day decorations in the meantime.

      After picking up the laundry, we accidentally bumped into an older man and apologized. He said, “cafe?” and pointed to two non-descript doors. We said no thank you at first, but Mary noticed he was wearing a Spock Star Trek t-shirt and she told him she really liked his shirt. He bowed, shook our hands, and said, “Cafe?” We had to say yes now. Little did we know the door opened into a male only Hookah den (which Tunisia is known for) with smoke and dimmed lights. We doubled checked with him that Mary was allowed and he nodded many times. We got some coffee and orange juice and enjoyed the beautiful mosaics, colors, and atmosphere. When we left, we shook hands again and departed.

      We then enjoyed walking around the central market and watching the vendors sell fish, nuts, fruit, and vegetables. Everything was colorful and street cats ran around our feet.

      Next we ventured in the UNESCO site Medina with traditional Arab architecture. Due to Ramadan it was mostly closed and empty, and this was right around Kieran’s hunger limit. However, we stood outside a restaurant and this man came up and asked if we would like to eat. We said yes, and they opened up the cafe and served us soup, salad, brik (fried egg in bread wrap), and lasagna. When we left, the owner gave us a free orange. The man then met us on the street, took us into his perfume shop, and we caved on a lemon message oil. Finally, he walked us into a carpet shop to see an incredible view of the city. We departed ways and said goodbye.

      We ended the evening grabbing some chawarma and chatting with two German girls we met at breakfast. It was a wonderful day with memories and people we won’t forget.

      Maakoulet Echem

      Salade Mechouia
      Shorbat frik

      Tunis City Center
      Central Market
      Terrasse avec vue panoramique
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    • Day 47

      29 unplanned days...

      March 11, 2020 in Tunisia ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Today it became obvious.
      Traveling to Italy makes no sence at all.
      Not only due to the travel restrictions, but also our plan was to just cros the country and sail to Albania.
      And Albania has closed its border for travel from Italy.
      Game over.
      So. We rebooked our sail for the 9th of April.
      That means 29 days in Tunisia which were not planned.
      What are we going to do?
      Lieske still has a small problem with her prop shaft, so we need to spare her. A bit...
      Today Seif came to visit us in Tunis, and we just had a nice walk around. What else ? ;)
      We still did not visit Carthago.
      Maybe tomorrow?
      29 days left anyway.. ;)
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    • Day 3

      Tunis -Teatr, tramwaj i fioletowe drzewa

      May 13, 2023 in Tunisia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Teatr Miejski z 1902 roku - zapierająca dech perełka Art Nouveau.
      Wszędobylskie wysłużone żółte taksówki i bajkowe fioletowe drzewa. W bocznych uliczkach balkony z kutego żelaza, które ledwo co trzymają się elewacji bo swoje już przeżyły. Przez centrum kursują tramwaje ale niestety nie udało się nam ich dorwać.
      Stolica na swój sposób robi wrażenie!
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    • Day 3

      Tunis • Kościół i wojsko

      May 13, 2023 in Tunisia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Katedra św. Wincentego a Paulo, największy zachowany budynek z epoki kolonialnej Tunisu, w stylu neoromańskim z 1882 roku z elementami gotyckimi, bizantyjskimi i mauretańskimi. Wchodzimy do niej z bocznej metalowej bramy - mało widocznej, przymkniętej i obserwowanej przez znudzonych wojskowych. W środku też "jacyś" strażnicy. I piękny ołtarz a w apsydzie nad nim fresk ukazujący scenę wpowadzanego do raju św. Wincentego a Paulo w chwili śmierci. Uprowadzony do niewoli Wincenty został wywieziony do Tunisu. Po odzyskaniu wolności zainteresował się poprawą losu i wyzwoleniem niewolników w tym rejonie.
      Przed katedrą posąg Ibn Chalduna, jednego z najwybitniejszych arabskich historiozofów i wykładowców uczelni przy meczecie Ez- Zitouna i zaparkowane wozy opancerzone z wojskiem.
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    • Day 68

      Medina Madness

      February 20, 2024 in Tunisia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today was just one of my two full days in Tunis, and I spent it exploring some of the older parts of the city. This started with the Avenue Habib Bourguiba Clock tower, which wasn't anything too overwhelming. I eventually made it to the busy Medina. This was much more interesting and exciting as the cramp streets and busy shops make the walkway cramped for the many visitors to the site. This is exaggerated as a tourist in these areas as many give extra attention to try and sell you their stuff. Nonetheless, I wandered around before being shown a viewpoint of the Medina. It wasn't a particularly exciting view as you could only see the rooftops, but it did give me a nice view of the Ez-Zitouna Mosque. This was my next stop, but unfortunately, it was prayer time, and given I didn't know when that would end, I figured I would settle for the view of the outside. After some more time exploring and getting lost in the busy streets, I eventually found my way out and headed to the last site for the day. The Cathedral of St Vincent de Paul and St Olivia of Palermo. This wasn't as exciting as previous cathedrals I have seen, but given the fact that a cathedral exists in the heavily and historically Muslim country, it was interesting to see. After this, I headed home, grabbed some dinner, and called it a day.Read more

    • Day 3

      Tunis • Medyna i souk.

      May 13, 2023 in Tunisia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Medyna w Tunisie jest wpisana na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO. Jeden krok i przenosimy się w świat, który już nie istnieje. Widzimy jak złotnicy tworzą metalowe świecidełka, jak rzemieślnicy robią szeszije - tunezyjskie filcowe nakrycie męskiej głowy. Zapachy perfum i kadzideł, rozgardiasz dostawców i natarczywe zaczepki kupców we wszystkich językach świata - bo przecież którymś trafią w narodowość turystów 😄 Sklepione łuki, kolorowe paskowane kolumny i herbaciarnie całe w ręcznie malowanych kaflach. Zdobione fikuśne klatki z ptakami prawie nad każdym wejściem do sklepu-kramu. Labirynt uliczek różnych suków. Idziemy głównym aby dojść do Meczetu Ez-Zitouna czyli Drzewka Oliwnego.Read more

    • Day 3

      Tunis • Bab el Bhar - Brama Morza

      May 13, 2023 in Tunisia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Brama Morza (Bab el Bhar) na Placu Zbawiciela, pozostałość po miejskich fortyfikacjach z czasów średniowiecza sąsiaduje z kolonialnymi domami Francuzów, dziś pełniącymi funkcje hotelowe. Barwy, mozaiki, okiennice, kraty w oknach i balkony wprawiają w osłupienie i przenoszą w inny świat. Witamy w stolicy Tunezji.Read more

    • Day 183

      Its to hot to travel...

      July 25, 2020 in Tunisia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      We cleared our room.
      Put the luggage in Lieske on a disorganised way. Think we will have time enough to sort it out as we will be waiting for the gates of the port to be opened..
      Nervous as hell.
      Drinking another bottle of water and looking to find the courage to go.
      It's so hot outside, Lieske is an oven.
      We probably have to spent more than 6 hours waiting in the harbour before the tickets can be exchanged for boardigpasses .
      The most fear is for the customs. How will they react on our invalid "permit de conduire" and the double stamps in our passport.
      How high will the fine be we will have to pay before we are allowed to leave Africa.
      I guess it will be around 10hours from now...until we know.

      Take a deep breath..
      And enjoy the ride!
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    • Day 10

      Die Gruft der Könige

      August 15, 2022 in Tunisia ⋅ ⛅ 40 °C

      Bei der Besichtigung der Medina durften wir auch die Gruft der tunesischen Könige, Königinnen und ihrer verdienten Minister besuchen. Nach der Unabhängigkeit Tunesiens wurden alle royalistischen Bestrebungen verboten. Die Moschee Ez-Zitouna in der Medina ist gleichzeitig eine der ältesten Universitäten der Welt. An jeder Ecke gibt es hier Bauwerke mit Geschichte, die aber zum Großteil heute noch ihrem ursprünglichen Zweck als Hospital, Moschee usw. dienen. Trotz 39 Grad am Nachmittag war es in der Medina im Schatten auszuhalten.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Délégation de la Médina, Delegation de la Medina, La Medina, ةنيدملا

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