United Arab Emirates

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    • Day 15

      Global Village

      November 13, 2023 in the United Arab Emirates ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Das Global Village - hatte ich mir noch vorgenommen und am Abend mal hingeschaut. Die Idee: ein Ort (mitten in die Wüste gezimmert) wo alle möglichen Länder sich vorstellen und typische Waren und Speisen aus der Heimat anbieten können plus jede Menge Zirkus drumrum. Eigentlich ist das eine riesige Shopping und Fressmeile. Ich fands cool. Irgendwie war es auch eine nette Stimmung da und man konnte wirklich authentische Speisen aus allen möglichen Ländern Snacken.

      Europas Beitrag war übrigens armselig - eh schon nur der gesamte Kontinent und dann auch kaum irgendwas spannendes. Manche Länder hatten sich da echt Mühe gegeben.

      So langsam bekomme ich einen Hotelkoller ...heute Nacht hat mich das Hotel mit einem Feuelarm ins Nottreppenhaus gejagt, zusammen mit allen anderen, um dann nicht weiterzukommen weil dort die Stühle für die Konferenzräume gelagert werden. Dann doch Aufzug und dann sowas wie "ja wir haben da n Problem mit der Elektrik" ist aber schon gelöst. Nach der "Lösung" ging es dann im halbe Stundentakt weiter...
      Aber die Erkältung ist schon fast weg 😅
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    • Day 41

      Day 40 Dubai

      October 9, 2023 in the United Arab Emirates ⋅ ☀️ 39 °C

      Another day and another great breakfast in the hotel. Turmeric shots and omelettes for us every day. Then we caught a taxi to The Frame which is a very high structure oriented so old Dubai is on one side and new Dubai is on the other.

      Funny story about this. On my first trip to Dubai with Allan Rohde 8 years ago we went to a park and walked all the way round trying to work out what was inside and how could we get in. I have just today realised that this was the same park and they would have been constructing the frame at the time so the whole area was fenced off as a construction site.

      It was nice again to go earlier in the morning for less people and we were up in the lift pretty quickly and having fun talking pictures. Part of the floor was glass which I didn’t expect. But was thinking the other day that we have never walked on a glass floor after seeing funny videos where the glass floors are shown to crack and seeing people’s reactions. It was quite confronting to walk on it to start with as we were 140m up but we got used to it and just walked across to get from side to side. They did take some great pics of us, but $55 was a bit steep when we took some ourselves as well. That would have been a good place for the selfie stick which wasn’t in my bag.

      Then a Uber back to our nice cool hotel and time to pack up again. It has been nice to be here for 3 nights and able to checkout at 5pm. So plenty of time to pack, then go to the pool and to warm up and do final dry of some clothes lol. We will get a taxi at 5pm for our flight at 9pm. Flying for 7 hours and hopefully sleeping as it will be 9am in Singapore when we get there.

      So far 5,000 steps and 39 degrees.
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    • Day 40

      Day 39 Dubai

      October 8, 2023 in the United Arab Emirates ⋅ 🌙 30 °C

      We did not set an alarm for this morning and didn’t wake up until 8am. So did pretty well being in the taxi by 9.30 and at the miracle gardens by 10. Omg the first thing we saw were the massive grassed horses, 2 of them facing each other just through the entrance. That set the scene for our visit. We walked all around the outside first before crisscrossing through the middle. There were several grass covered exhibits, the horses, 2 elephants, penguins, peacocks and a massive plane with the Emirates logo on the side. We were able to walk up steps to a castle like structure and view things from higher up. The Smurf town was a surprise but very cute with the Smurf music playing. Flowers were everywhere, with heart shaped archways that we walked through. There was a small water feature as well.

      We felt very prepared for our visit with our fans and umbrellas which look great in pics. My umbrella also got borrowed by someone to enhance their pic!

      The surprising thing was the number of vendors around the perimeter selling perfume, scarves, t shirts, roasted corn, fruit drinks, soft toys, games to win soft toys. Also had sideshow areas so well set up for kids. There were lots of places to sit in the shade with alcoves and tables. We did go into one shop for the aircon and had such a nice man not trying to hassle us to buy stuff so Trish ended up buying a scarf.

      We were pleased that we had gone early because it did get incredible hot. Was 39 but Google said it felt like 44 with the humidity and we weren’t disagreeing. So had a lovely ride back in a cool taxi and took cover in our room for a while.

      Then it was time for a swim again. We went earlier today so it was a bit hotter, but there is a huge waterfall feature in the pool which helps to cool all the surrounding area. There was a guy in the pool doing butterfly laps. It was funny when he was trying to tell a family of 5 that their position was impeding his self generated swimming lane. It is a pretty small pool and not really intended for a serious swim but he made the most of it.

      After another small rest in our room, which we love, with the king single beds, and the great aircon! The only tv we get is CNN or BBC and they are both pretty sobering with the crisis in Israel and the earthquake in Afghanistan.

      Then time for the mall. We wanted to get a restaurant table with a view of the fountains, and booked Joe’s Cafe for 6pm. Then there were 3 things I wanted to purchase which I had seen yesterday but decided on later. My crocs, a handheld fan and a phone case. The mall is really huge, but these 3 shops were sort of in a similar place. I was rather impressed that we left the cafe, bought the 3 things and were back within half an hour. Of course then the first show which should have been at 6 didn’t start. But we saw the next 3 shows and had an amazing dinner. Both chose a quinoa and avocado salad and had a dessert.

      It took around half an hour to get back to the hotel. It isn’t a long walk, but we need to go through several sets of lights at an intersection with lots of connecting roads so it takes while.

      15,807 steps and 40 degrees. I am writing this at 10 pm and it is 34 degrees.
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    • Day 39

      Day 37 Travel day

      October 7, 2023 in the United Arab Emirates ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      Well it didn’t need to be just a travel day but that’s what it turned into. We went out and got some goodies for breakfast, watched more Netflix, packed our bags including our extra bag Jony who has joined us to cope with some of our purchases. We packed stuff we cared about less in him in case he got lost.

      A Uber to the airport, I am getting quite hooked on Uber! And we were there at 11.30. When was our flight departing at 3.10, so lots of time. Then got notification that it was delayed and it eventually left at 5pm. So that was 5 hours sitting at the airport and then a 5 hour flight. We went through security early so were limited to some rather uncomfortable seats and limited food options.

      When on the flight I had my fingers crossed as we both had aisle seats and there were singles next to the window. So I was lucky and Trisha was not. But my single by the window didn’t like having to ask me to get up so she could go to the toilet so she left mid flight and sat in the reserved seats at the back. So then Trisha joined me on my side.

      We got to Dubai about midnight and had a long bus ride from the plane to the terminal. Jony had arrived safely so then it was out into the heat and madhouse that was the taxi line, sooo many people and sooo many taxis.

      We are staying in the Swisshotel Al Murooj and it is pretty swanky. We had porters collecting our luggage from the taxi, a nice checkin process seeing as it was nearly 2am by then, and a lovely room with 2 king single beds. We also found that our reservation included breakfast. We booked flights with Flight Centre and the agent suggested this place and booked it for us. We could check in and out late and early and it was only $170 per night and is walking distance to the Dubai Mall.

      So we basically kicked off our clothes and fell into bed!

      9,668 steps, and a nice 22 degrees in Zagreb and an exhausting heatwave of 30 degrees at midnight in Dubai.
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    • Day 2

      Dubai stop over

      August 7, 2023 in the United Arab Emirates ⋅ ☀️ 42 °C

      The airport is very overwhelming, there are people everywhere. The flight was ok, with a fair bit of turbulence in patches. Got some sleep. But I would not recommend being in the back of the plane. It was like the 'do drop in".Read more

    • Day 4

      Dubai Miracle Garden

      March 10, 2023 in the United Arab Emirates

      In the spirit of superlatives in Dubai, the Miracle Garden is the largest flower garden in the world! Over 150 million flowers are waiting here for the flower lovers. The flower garden covers an area of more than 7 hectares, where you can admire the flowers on sculptures, castles and many arches. When you walk through the garden, thousands of scents of different flowers mix in your nose, a unique smell is in the air. The highlight is the Airbus 380, which is in flowers or for fans of Smurfs, Papa Smurf, Smurfette or Gargamel can be seen in the "Flowerland".
      Since the summer in the United Arab Emirates is too hot, the Miracle Garden in Dubai is open annually only from about mid-November to April/May.
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    • Day 4

      Miracle Garden

      January 16 in the United Arab Emirates ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Visited the 'Miracle' gardens today, there were a heck of a lot of flowers and some of the shapes they made were impressive.

      It was a little bit more of a tourist trap than I was expecting, with some clear ripoffs of Disney and lots of smurfs.

      It was nice to walk around, but the thing that hit me was, no bees. No bugs even.
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    • Day 4

      Miracle Garden

      May 28, 2023 in the United Arab Emirates ⋅ 🌬 38 °C

      Heute ging es zu dem Miracle Garden. Dieser war sehr bunt und schön anzusehen in der sonst ständig-gelben Stadt.
      Am weg hin haben wir uns beim umsteigen in der Mall of emirates verlaufen und dadurch den Bus verpasstRead more

    • Day 39

      Day 38 Dubai

      October 7, 2023 in the United Arab Emirates ⋅ 🌙 31 °C

      We were both feeling a bit average this morning after the very late night last night but perked up a bit when we saw out amazing buffet breakfast. We both had an omelette made for us on the spot, fruit, I had mini pancakes, and we both had turmeric shots.

      We had to have a wee rest to recover after that and then headed off to the Dubai mall which is supposedly 650m away but felt a lot further when we didn’t know where we were going and it was around 36 degrees by then. We finally made it and loved being in the cool aircon.

      We saw the aquarium, the ice skating rink, the amazing Chinatown where we had yummy stuff for lunch, Trish finally found her self heating eye masks that she started looking for as soon as we started our trip. And she was so impressed with the price that we went to another Mumuso shop and bought 2 more boxes. I went to a croc shop and was very tempted by another version, which still might end up fitting in Jony. I also have been searching for another cell phone cover so saw a few of those. There was also an amazing sweet shop where you could make your own stuffed toys and they had a little train going round with sweets that you could choose, sort of like the sushi shop idea.

      Our legs got pretty knackered with the walking, and there weren’t many seats for sitting down. A lot of the prices were really expensive, but it was nice to look. So back to the hotel we went and by golly it had got a lot hotter. Our room was very nice and cool though. That was around 4pm and time for a swim in the pool. Our room is so cool that even though there is a drying string in the shower, we don’t think our last batch of washing is going to dry very quickly, so took that to the pool with us as well. The pool was very refreshing and on the shady side of the building so wasn’t too hot.

      The first fountain show was at 6pm and we thought we’d would make the 6:30 but trying a different route did not serve us well but we were there by 7 about 3 rows from the front. That show was to Enrique Iglesias’s “Hero”. We then stayed half an hour for the next one and had front row possie to a song in some language other than English. I love watching the fountains, but it was still pretty hot outside and there were loads of people. So we headed off for the supermarket and dinner. I got some of my yummy grenadilla fruits which were expensive but the one I have just eaten was lovely, not like the one I tried in Frankfurt. And for dinner we had to go back to Chinatown because all the food was cooked from fresh and there was great variety, Trisha got dumplings and I had a spicy chicken with fried rice which came with a clear soup.

      So a pretty fun day was had, 11pm is high time for bed for Trish. I have just said that my first few nights at home will be very late nights for me, just cos I can lol.

      18,774 steps and a very hot 39 degrees where we nearly melted.
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    • Day 4

      Global Village Dubai

      March 10, 2023 in the United Arab Emirates ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      After visiting Miracle Gardens, I remembered Global Village, which I had visited in 2009 and remembered very positively. So we spontaneously went there. Global Village is an amusement park, as there are many in Dubai, but this one is special and certainly the highlight when visiting Dubai. It is open to visitors between October and April. In the Global Village, visitors can "travel" around the world and discover foreign cultures within a few hours. More than 70 countries present their specialties, crafts and traditions in more than 30 pavilions. If you like to shop and eat, this is the place to be. The highlight, at least for us, is that in each pavilion you can sample the local food and drinks of that country. From Baklawa from Turkey, Korma from Afghanistan or Russian Pelmeni. Even Cevapcici from former Jugoslavia countries can be found here. A place that is a must when visiting Dubai.Read more

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