United Kingdom
Crinan Canal

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    • Day 9

      Crinan Canal

      June 1, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Der schmale Kanal verbindet zwei Meeresarme im Südwesten. Die Höhendifferenz wird durch 15 von Hand betriebenen Schleusen überwunden. Wir haben Glück und können zusehen wie eine Yacht durchgeschleust wird. Wir übernachten auf dem Parkplatz der 12. Schleuse. Wie fast immer haben wir Gelegenheit einen schönen Spaziergang auf einem Trail zu unternehmen.
      Auf der Weiterfahrt besuchen wir den kleinen Ort Kilmartin.
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    • Day 110

      Cheerful Cairnbaan

      September 25, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      All packed up, said our farewells, and on the road just after 9am. A decided a quick stop back at Grant's Bakery in Corbridge was in order! Bought a couple breakfast items, some desserts to share later, and coffees to go. Thankfully the Bakery was much quieter than the previous visit.

      We cruised westards along A69 towards Carlisle, then north to Glasgow on the M74. We decided to stop in Glasgow to plug the car in for a little extra juice to get to Crinan. Uncle D was gracious enough to offer up his car charger overnight. A found a charging station in Strathclyde Country Park. Upon arrival discovered there were multiple types of charging stations and the cheaper rate was for the slower charger units😕. So we opted for the quick charge to get back on the road faster! ✳️

      After a short walk along the Loch Strathclyde walking path we were off to Argyll. Zipping along the now familiar A82 route along Loch Lomond, and beyond.

      We had a great visit with cousin B prior to arrival at Uncle D's! He prepared us a hearty beef stew along with home grown veggies (potatoes and beans). We contributed the artistic meringue that we had picked up at Grant's!
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