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    • Dag 9

      Universitätsstadt St. Andrews

      22 augusti 2022, Skottland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Wir haben mal wieder eine Burgruine besichtigt, nämlich Dunnottar Castle. Danach war eine Führung einer Wisky Destillerie an der Reihe, mit Verkostung. Ich werde definitiv kein Freund von Wisky (egal wie man es schreibt). Einen Golfplatz, einschließlich Museum haben wir uns auch angeschaut. Warum weiß kein Mensch. Hiervon gibt es keine Bilder. Danach die nächste Kathedrale, diesmal in St. Andrews. Ist eben eine Studienreise. Als dann auch noch ein Castle drann war, haben wir gepasst und lieber einen Stadtbummel gemacht. Und haben das Café gesehen, wo sich Kate und Prinz William das erste Mal begegnet sind. Zumindest der Legende nach. Danach Aufbruch nach Edinburgh, unserem letzten Aufenthaltsort. Morgen Abend zum Military Tattoo Festival. Sind schon alle gespannt. Immerhin das weltgrößte Tattoo Festival.Läs mer

    • Dag 8

      Flying over Edimburgh Letters 🕊️🎡🏘️

      24 november 2023, Skottland ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      Hora de visitar el Princess Street Garden, aunque de camino me encuentro una libreria de segunda mano (al estilo de Re-read) y me veo totalmente forzado a comprar dos libros más 🙂 #ayuda

      Al llegar a Princess Street, avistamos las letras de la ciudad y vamos a hacernos la foto de rigor, con la Noria y el Monumento Scott de fondo, un impresionante obelisco neogótico erigido en honor al escritor escocés Sir Walter Scott ✍🏼

      A la hora de la puesta de sol necesitamos recargar pilas y vamos a un Pret a Manger para que Violeta pruebe el café de allí antes de ir a hacer una visita vespertina a la "aldea molinera" de Dean Village 🌙🏘️

      Para acabar este Black Friday de pocas compras, nos deleitarnos visitando la librería Waterstones de Princess Street, la que voy a decir que es la más grande de Edimburgo 😄 Violeta compra dos libros y sale muy contenta! Ya podemos decir que ambos nos llevamos libros de Reino Unido 📚🙌🏼
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    • Dag 7

      The Royal Mile

      1 september 2023, Skottland ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      Day 6
      Edinburgh is a pretty big place if you want to venture beyond the old town. We did a little bit of just that by taking a trek over to Dean's Village. The Leith River runs through this section of the city and is surrounded by some old buildings that make a nice setting. On the way there, we got some great views of the castle from a park below it on the east side.

      We had heard that a fun thing to do in Edinburgh is to go on a ghost tour. We chose one called City of the Dead - underground. This was both enjoyable and educational. Our guide, Natalie, first asked us if we believed in ghosts. Well, of course I believe in ghosts. I believe in the Holy Ghost and in "spirits," but that's not what she meant. Many on the tour were hoping to see orbs, hear moans, feel tingling, chills, and touching by those "BOO" kind of ghosts. At the end of the tour, I experienced no ghosts, but one lady said she got a picture with an orb in it.

      Now, there was some great info she shared as we passed through underground chambers. The early city was a sad place to live if you were poor. Chambers were formed in the archways of bridges when the city built buildings up against the bridges to as high as 14 stories - in the 1700s. The poor lived and died in these chambers. Bodies of the dead were sold to the university for medical disection. Gangs even dug up the newly dead from graveyards and sold the bodies. Down in the revine next to the old town, there was a lake of sewage that washed there from residents dumping raw sewage into the streets. It was so thick that you could walk across it. But, it was risky as sometimes a person would fall through and drown. Many bones were found in later times.

      On a lighter note, we were told that the official animal of Scotland is the unicorn. This was set back in the 1400s when people believed in fairies and mythical creatures, and some still do. And then there is this dog called Bobby that slept by his masters grave for 14 years. The graveyard is behind our AbnB. There is a statue of the dog and people touch its nose for good luck. I skipped this activity as I considered the millions of hands that had touched that thing. Another note is that the buildings are black stained because of the soot from coal burning over a century or more ago. I wonder if a power washer would help?

      This day had another first for me. I ate a haggis pie. I've included a picture. It is essentially sheep organs ground up, seasoned, and cooked. My pie came with mashed potatoes on top. It was good. Especially the potatoes. The haggis was highly seasoned.

      Tomorrow, we we are off to the highlands.
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    • Dag 7

      Auf dem Weg nach Schottland 3rd part

      1 augusti 2023, Skottland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Nach dem letzten Stopp an der Küste sind es noch einige Kilometer bis zur Grenze zwischen England und Schottland. Das Foto dazu ist Pflicht.
      Mehr oder weniger entlang an der Küste erreichen wir am Abend die Hauptstadt Edinburgh. Nach kurzer Suche beziehen wir unsere Ferienwohnung. Die Suche nach einen Parkplatz und dessen Gebühren stellen sich als größere Herausforderung heraus. So fahren wir mit dem Auto ins Zentrum und gewinnen einen ersten Eindruck von der Stadt.Läs mer

    • Dag 3

      Dean Village

      17 juni 2023, Skottland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Ich fahre mit dem Rad ein wenig aus dem Stadtzentrum heraus, vorbei an fragwürdiger Kunst, zum Dean Village. Hier gab es früher unzählige Wassermühlen. Heute drängen sich Besuchermassen durch die eigentlich ganz hübschen Gassen. Entlang des Flusses Leith fahre ich nun aber zurück zu Findus.Läs mer

    • Dag 10

      Edinburgh! 🤩

      22 maj 2023, Skottland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Die schottische Hauptstadt erstrahlte für uns in ihrem vollen Glanz.
      Bei bestem Wetter genossen wir einen Gold Label Highball bei Johnnie Walker und machten uns am Calton Hill auf die Suche nach einem Geheimagenten, um weitere Punkte für die Erfüllung einer Secret Mission einzusacken. Mission complete 💪🏼😎Läs mer

    • Dag 30

      St Andrews and Edinburgh

      28 maj 2022, Skottland ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

      We’re down again today with two more having tested positive. Need to make it to 4:10 tomorrow for “good to fly” test. Need good thoughts coming my way!

      We took off to St Andrews. What a cool town with St Andrews Golf Course, St Andrew’s University, ruins of a castle, ruins of a cathedral and the beach all close to each other. St. Andrews dates to the Middle Ages when St. Andrew (patron saint of Scotland) made the town cathedral one of the most important pilgrimage sites for Christians. After the Reformation the mayor started introducing a popular game called golf.

      St Andrew’s, considered the mecca of golf, was first played here in the early 15 century. It’s nicknamed “Old Grand Lady”. The St Andrew’s Golf Club is one of the oldest clubs in the world and is celebrating its 150 anniversary this year. There are 7 courses with the Oldest Course the most popular. The Swilcan Bridge on the 18th hole of the Old Course was built 700 yrs ago for shepherds. The course is not private but owned by the town. It’s a beautiful setting at the edge of the bay. I learned what a links golf course is, too. Basically links are built on sandy soil on coastal land that is buffeted by the wind. There are few if any trees but it has tall thick grasses (some several feet) and there are many bunkers of which some are quite deep. Tiger Woods hates it here…to hard with the grasses and wind, I guess.

      We’re back in Edinburgh for the last two nights and Nigel took us on an orientation walk of the neighborhood. It is quite close to where Rebecca and I stayed at the Airbnb. This hotel is probably my favorite. I have a view of the castle, cathedral, and it is beautiful. Rebecca has a view of what we call a fairy tale village. The two of us explored and wandered until we found the place. It’s my favorite area of everywhere we’ve been…so peaceful, beautiful, and just magical. We had such a large lunch and dessert that we skipped dinner and enjoyed conversation in the lobby with an employee, Ronnie. This whole afternoon and evening here has made a wonderful memory for me.

      Wee bit of info: There’s a good chance that Scotland will break away from England because the Scottish people were against the Brexit exit and have completely lost trust in Westminster and Parliament. Ninety two percent of the people voted in Scotland compared to about 61% in our election.They are not against the monarchy. They want to keep the Queen, but if they do she will be known as Queen Elizabeth I here in Scotland. There’s never been an Elizabeth on the throne in Scotland. She would still be Queen Elizabeth II in England. These names are so confusing on how they change.
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    • Dag 1

      Ankunft & Unterkunft inspizieren

      1 september 2022, Skottland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Nach einer aufregenden Tramfahrt, welche uns vom TicketChecker empfohlen wurde trafen wir in der Unterkunft ein.
      Unsere Unterkunft ist sehr schön. Vor allem schön laut an der Schnellstraße 🙉
      Erstmal sortiert und die Betten belegt und dann Lebensmitteleinkauf bei Lidl erledigt und mit Abendbrot gestärkt.
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    • Dag 2

      Tag 2, ohne Ende Sightseeing

      2 september 2022, Skottland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Zwischendrin versteckte Gärten, bei bestem Wetter. Übrigens haben wir auch mal etwas gegessen. Die meisten haben sich auf Fish&Chips verlassen, aber Susi hat die heimischen Gerichte wie Haggis oder Yorkshire Pudding probiert. Wenn man schon mal die Chance hat 😉Läs mer

    • Dag 5

      Le piccole avventure tragicomiche

      16 augusti 2023, Skottland ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Dopo essere tornata a casa, mi sono apprestata a farmi la doccia anche perché ero un bagno di sudore. La nostra doccia è situata dentro una vasca da bagno che, mannaggia a loro, non ha un tappetino antiscivolo. Diciamo che con questa premessa è abbastanza chiaro dove io voglia andare a parare: ebbene sì, sono caduta 😵‍💫 ho cercato di mantenermi per quel che potevo ma nulla, ho fatto uno scivolone e ho sbattuto il gomito. Non si è rotto, ma è rimasto un livido bello scuro.
      Dopodiché ho iniziato a prepare il pranzo per il giorno dopo, non riesco più a trovare il coperchio.
      Tragedia vuole che dietro al lavandino ci fosse uno spazio vuoto ed è caduto dietro la lavatrice. Ci sono volute tre persone per spostarla e recuperare il coperchio, ma bisogno ricordare che il pavimento non era "reale": sotto c'è il parquet e sopra una specie di adesivo che dovrebbe ricordare i mattoni, abbiamo dovuto sistemare anche quello 🫠
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