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Earls Court

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    • Tag 107

      A drizzly London day

      13. November 2021 in England ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Today was a bit rainy but it didn’t matter as we planned to spend it in the National Gallery. We walked there, via Green Park, still looking gorgeous, with leaves just dropping down all the time as you watched. Past Buckingham Palace where they were about to change the guard and there was quite a crowd, and on to Trafalgar Square. You had to book in with a QR code - this was to control the numbers in the gallery, but in fact there wasn’t a crowd and you could have walked in, except they had set this up in case so you had to log in and do all the palaver! Anyway, we got in and we and Omnia went separate ways as it is impossible to all stay together…Amr and I for the first time almost feel we went through in proper order and not getting lost or straying into a completely new era of paintings! We had fun and took our time, and had a break in the middle. Very good, and at one stage we heard what sounded like pouring rain, and it probably was, as when we finally emerged there were lots of puddles, but by then it was almost sunny…it was lovely seeing old favourites…one is the Tax Collectors, which we always rudely send to Peter. And to quietly find some Caravaggios that we almost walked past…and to look at things in more detail.

      After that we walked to Regent street, in an alley where Amr has found a favourite coffee shop, and then we wandered back to Leicester square and Covent Garden as we were going to a play at the Gielgud Theatre, and before that an early dinner at Dishoon - a fantastic Indian restaurant. Amr had researched that and found that they only take bookings before 6, so we had a reservation for 5.15, and were so thankful for that….when we arrived (and met Omnia there) there was a line right down the block waiting…we got in almost right away, and could see why there was such a queue…fantastic food, Indian as we haven’t had before, and it deserves its reputation. By the time we left the line was even longer.

      Then we went on to the theatre and saw The Mirror and the Light…the stage adaptation of Hilary Mantel’s books about Thomas Cromwell…excellent and I enjoyed it immensely…not sure how it would be if you weren’t familiar with the history etc…but we loved it..although maybe not as good for Omnia as she hadn’t had those history classes or read the Mantel books.

      No more cultural bookings now. We do have a Syrian restaurant booked for tomorrow though which should be great. We had found the museums delightfully not crowded, but Friday night, walking round Leicester Square and Covent Garden, even on a cold wet November day, there were lots of people, and when we went through Piccadilly Circus to get the tube home it was very packed. Already Christmas decorations are being put up, Christmas markets being set up, and all festive.

    • Tag 105

      Another day, another concert

      11. November 2021 in England ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      A good day again. We started out going to the Tate Britain, the original one on the river bank near Vauxhall bridge. That was good, and amazingly uncrowded, as is the whole city. You can walk down Oxford street without being permanently on a collision course with people. We actually walked to the Tate which is a fair way from Earl’s Court…we had been going to get a tube to Victoria but decided to walk and it was longer than we had anticipated.

      After a sandwich at the gallery cafe, Amr and I both took the underground - he to do some of his special things - the TinTin shop, Jermyn street for shaving things, and I went back to the hotel for some downtime. I find I am finally getting to the end of sightseeing and doing interesting things!! And it was good to just read and relax for a little while. Then we met up again at 3.30 and made our way to the Barbican as we had a concert there tonight and we wanted to find our way as it is out of our usual London area…we have been there before, but ages ago. So we found it - such an ugly area of huge concrete buildings built in about the 50s or 60s and the concert hall part is not user friendly either so it was good to find where we needed to be. We also found a nice Italian restaurant in the building too where we booked to eat before the concert, and that turned out to be excellent.

      Having sorted it all out we went to a pub on the corner - the Jugged Hare - such a typical pub, until it suddenly became totally crowded with rather spivvy financial types all having after work drinks (?at 4.30!)… Anyway, we met Omnia and had the good dinner, and a fabulous concert! The London Symphony Orchestra this time, and another great programme - Saint Saëns piano concerto No 2 (a special favourite) and Beethoven Eroica!!! What could be better…and even the shorter starting work was 18th century music by an unknown (to me) composer and not some modern discordant stuff. So very happy - I think they are putting on programmes that they know people love after the drought of concerts during covid! And it looked like a full house and it was excellent to see lots of young people, not just old fogeys, so there are some young generation lovers of classical music…refreshing to see…they seemed enthusiastic and happy. Not many photos…

    • Tag 104

      Another London day

      10. November 2021 in England ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Just back from a fabulous concert…the London Philharmonic and Schumann’s piano concerto plus Sibelius symphony No 2…both familiar and special favourites! So my brain is whirling with delicious music.

      We started out this morning, doing separate errands…Amr wanted to do some shopping, and to call in on Spiked where Brendan O’Neil is the editor…and I had a small amount of shopping…I find that I only enjoy shopping if I have something I am looking to buy, not just wandering through shops without purpose, so it was a bit frustrating as it was a misty moisty day and not good for sitting on a park bench to read which I would have enjoyed…but it wasn’t actually raining most of the time so just walking the streets in the lovely cool air was better than inside!

      Amr and I met up at 1 o’clock and had a little sushi lunch in Selfridges (weird because of covid it wasn’t a train, you had to order online and your food came round on the train and stopped at your place!!)…and then we went to the Wallace Collection which is an amazing collection of paintings and other artworks in a big private house in Manchester Square (which inspired Frick to make his collection similarly). That was excellent, then we went to Piccadilly Circus to meet Omnia who had been also doing her thing, and we walked down to Embankment and found a place - Italian this time - to have dinner before the concert. Had a pizza for the first time for months! A good day.

    • Tag 103

      Lots of walking round London

      9. November 2021 in England ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Today we set off at about 9, and had breakfast at the Caffe Nero up the street. We had planned to have it at the hotel, but as a covid change breakfast now consists of a pickup bag of goodness knows what from reception, we took up their offer to cancel and got a refund of about £90! So Amr got bananas and mandarines from the shop which we had in the room, and then pastry and coffee at Nero…perfect.

      It being a cloudless and glorious morning we set off walking, this time up Kensington High Street and into Kensington gardens. Went through into Hyde Park, and up to Marble Arch where they have built an artificial “mound”…Amr climbed the many stairs up to the top but I stayed below on a bench, when I noticed huge clouds gathering…but nothing dramatic happened, it just became a cloudy day, no rain. At that point it seemed a good time to venture into shops, and we went to M and S and Selfridges, and I bought some boots (low and black) so that I don’t have to wear my walking shoes all the time, even when trying to be dressed up!

      Then we wended through Mayfair, loving all the buildings, then as it was still a lovely went again into parks - Green Park, and then after passing by Buckingham Palace to St James Park…so lovely at this time of year with the autumn leaves. Can’t remember the exact route, but we walked along the Strand and on to Covent Garden and sat and had a drink. Thus fortified, we decided to walk back, along Piccadilly, Knightsbridge, and Old Brompton Road…so it was quite a walking day all told…about 21 kms my Apple Watch tells me.

      Omnia arrived by train from Birmingham where she had been with friends, and got to the hotel around 7. So we all went down to the Indian restaurant down the road which we have been to quite a few times in the past and had a delicious meal….flavours we haven’t had for quite a while.

      Tomorrow evening we have a concert in the Royal Festival Hall on the Southbank…I think we are all going to shop and do our own thing till we meet up in the afternoon….will be good.

    • Tag 62

      British musum and Matilda japanese

      16. August 2017 in England ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C


    • Tag 62

      Matilda and British museum

      16. August 2017 in England ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Today we went to the British Museum and saw Matilda the musical. We walked to the British museum and I recorded some notes and some photos while I was there. Firstly, (photo below) is a decorated limestone sxarphagus and is a coffin. It said that a boy aged 11-12 years died and put him in there.
      Secondly, the jar in the middle was used to make oil flash and was a perfume pot, made in 1857.
      Lastly, there was a iron tyre that was made in 300-200BC and the next picture is the wheel of the carriage.
      That was all I 📝 recorded down, but I also have another one. The Rosetta Stone had things written in 3languages. 1greek, 1hierogryphs, and the other one was the demotic script. I am happy that I learned that. :)
      I had raw salmon and rice and was deeeelicious!
      I didn't know if I would like Matilda, but I actually did. Everyone did. I got a Matilda Tshirt from Nanny and Grandads money,( thank you!!) Matilda was being played by Lilian Hardy, Miss trunchbull was being played by a man! and my favourite character was the mischievous 😏 🙏🙏(rubbing hands) boy called Bruce I think because he was funny. Very funny. Hahaha! But I realised it was very different from the book because in the book when I read it, it didn't have the part of Matilda's story, or Miss Honey was the actual child of Matilda's story and that Miss Trunchbull was related to her, so that was new to me! Matilda was fun and next I want to watch school of rock!

    • Tag 18

      London Day 1

      9. September 2015 in England ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Our first day in London! What a cool city this is. I was expecting to hate the built up metropolis and for it to be overcrowded, noisy, smelly and generally pretty unpleasant. Boy was a wrong. The countryside coming in from the airport was beautiful: canals with boats, forests, rolling grassy hillsides and pretty buildings.
      Our first day here was busy and interesting. We began with finding a supposedly very good Lebanese cafe down the road in Earl's Court. It was as good as I we had heard: fantastic little Lebanese coffee shots, tapas-like platters for the olds, and smoked salmon, mushroom scrambled eggs with fresh made pita bread for me. All accompanied with some sweet croissants.
      The first stop on our day's itinerary was getting deep downtown on various tubes and taking the light railway to see the Cutty Sark. The beautifully restored vessel was just as awe inspiring as I had heard, and we all thoroughly enjoyed looking around her. The size and quality of everything from hull to rigging was just excellent, with plenty of accompanying information.
      Up the road from Cutty Sark was the national maritime museum. We went in looking for information on longitude (it being situated in Greenwich, 0 degrees longitude) and information on Captain Cook. Alas we found neither.. so just took advantage of the cafe for a quick refreshing drink before carrying on down the the Thames waterfront. From the Greenwich ferry berth we caught a fast cat down the river, past tall ship Tenacious, HMS Belfast, various Thames barges and the city in general. We got off the ferry near Borough Market (see tomorrow) and went to the tube station.
      Zoom zoom zoom.
      Up we popped in Picadilly Circus and Regent street. We had afternoon tea of salads, cakes and tea at the Hotel Royale Cafe which was.. interesting and not amazing but an enjoyable borgouis experience.
      From the Royal we went to Hamleys. . The most amazing toy shop.. 6 floors of childhood delights from Lego to soft toys were seemingly never ending. Just had a god look around before leaving as it was CHAOTIC. But very cool.

      I'm writing this a little late so admittedly may be missing details or not remembering as much as I'd like. . IL try to keep more on top of it in future.
      Dinner this day came in the form of another multicultural Earl's Court experience. This time a wonderful Japanese place with great dumplings, tempura soba noodle soup, sweet chilli beef and teppenyaki noodles. Very nice and very enjoyable. But definitely was time for bed back in our little apadtment.


    • Tag 4

      Dinner with Jacqui & Hayley

      4. Oktober 2016 in England ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      We caught up with my cousin Jacqui (and her daughter Hayley) for dinner. It's been over 40 years since I saw Jacqui!

      We met in the city and went to a lovely restaurant.

      It was so nice to catch up, thanks girls!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 49

      Drinks in the hood

      6. September 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      The Hansom Cab, Earls Court, London.

    • Tag 17

      Aegina to London

      8. September 2015 in England ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      I'm writing this a little late so hope I do t miss anything. We had a full day of travel, leaving Perdika early and dropping off our car in Aegina. A quick coffee and croissant before getting on the hydrofoiling fast ferry was a little much needed sustenance get us through the long hot day ahead of us. We stopped off in Syntagma on our way through Athens between Pireaus and the airport and had yoghurt with honey and fruit, with a very rich, thick, sweet and strong iced coffee milkshake to accompany it. The railway delivered us to he airport in good time and we dropped of our bags and sat around waiting for our Ryan Air flight to London.
      The flight took about 4 hours but was very pretty over Italy, France and the English Channel. A long train ride followed by a few tube rides through the London underground spat us out at Earl's Court Station. We wandered down the road, fumbled with some keys to get into our flat, wandered upstairs and collapsed from such a long and exhausting day in our lovely little apartment.

      Oh and forgot to mention the Chinese we got quickly for dinner.. it was just excellent! Highlight being blackpepper and honey duck, but black been beef and sautéed prawns were also nice.. not to mention the excellent dumplings!

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