
    • 日13

      End of day 13 Huntington to Kington

      2023年6月10日, イングランド ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Walked the mile back along quiet lane to where I left Offa's Dyke path yesterday then swung right / north to walk over undulating fields then a minor road for a mile into the village of Glasestry. Stopped here for a roll and Cider at the Royal Oak. Tried Robinsons as recommended by my brother Martin. It is now my favourite Cider!

      Immediately out of Glasestry, began the main challenge of the day - 4 miles of Hergest Ridge. Its name choosen by Mike Oldfield as the title for his second album that followed Tubular Bells.

      I passed a dead sheep soon after stepping onto Hergest Ridge common. A mile further, a farmer in his Land Rover driving across the common asked if I had seen an injured sheep. I was able to update him with the unhappy news.

      Thr descent from Hergest Ridge common lead past Hergest Croft Gardens then into Kington. My campsite was Fleece Meadows where I was cheerfully greeted by wardens Paul and Sue who kindly insisted on brewing me a cuppa and seating me. In their words "You looked knackered" - I was! They kindly loaned the chair to me for the two nights I was there. Aware of the forecast thunder storm I pitched on a slight rise close to the Afon Arrow river. Facilities block was okay with 2 showers, 2 toilets, 2 basins for gents and a wash up area for £11 per night. Site is quiet being well off any roads but was packed with campers both because it was a weekend and because many were there for the evenings wheel barrow race.

      The wheel barrow race began at 18:30, the Police had closed the 'High Street' of Duke Street and Victoria Road. Competitors had to stop at each pub, I think there were 5, and drink a half at each. It was a complete hoot with hundreds of spectators. I was throughly entertained. I watched from Ye Old Tavern at the east end of the course which had been recommended by Trevor whom I had met in The Swan the previous night in Huntington.

      The storm never materialised but there was very little rain for about 10 minutes late evening when I was back at campsite. I heard from many others they had a soaking.

      6.5 miles from Huntington to Kington completed at end of 13th day of walking and 7th on Offa's Dyke path.
      Total miles so far : 143.5
      Average speed : 1.3 ... so slow!
      Weather sunshine and glorious. Another hot day this time with no breeze so really hot!
      Number of people passed : 8

    • 日14

      End of day 14 day in Kington

      2023年6月11日, イングランド ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Sunday today so day off in Kington. Attended morning service in St.Mary the virgin CofE church then walked back up towards Hergest Ridge to spend the day in Hergest Croft Gardens. It rained a little mid afternoon when I was in tea rooms. Fabulous gardens, particularly the Azaleas and Rhododendrons.

      Ended the day eating and drinking in Ye Old Tavern. Trevor was there again and introduced me to more locals including the ones I photographed from the wheel barrow race yesterday.

      3.5 miles around Kington completed at end of 14th day of walking.
      Total miles so far : 147
      Average speed : 2.5
      Weather sunshine and glorious. Another hot day with a rain shower mid day and heavy rain overnight.
      Objective tomorrow: Presteigne or Knighton

    • 日15

      End of day 15 Kington to Presteigne

      2023年6月12日, イングランド ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Steep ascent our of Kington up Bradnor hill onto a gold course. Usually good Offa's Dyke path signage not quite up to par here causing me to walk off route around a few greens before I found my way out. Ascent of Rushock hill next, then descended to a bwlch/saddle before skirting Herrock hill with a gradual descent to the valley floor. On Saturday my left shoulder had been aching. I thought this would go away with Sunday's rest but it now returned. As I visualised the contents of my rucksack, I suspected that I had more weight on the left than the right. Ditchyeld bridge had a shaded section of wall where I stopped for lunch and unloaded and reloaded my rucksack moving some of the smaller items from left to right. Hey presto, shoulder ache gone!

      Another ascent followed through Burfa bank woods, then open farmland then Granner wood. Final climb was up and over Pen Offa then long descent to the B4356. Here, at the village of Dolley Green, I left the Offa's Dyke path to walk east the 1.25 miles to Rockbridge Park caravan and campsite arriving about 16:45.

      I was greeted very cheerfully by Becky who booked me within 2 pitches of the facilities block. All excellent except that the showers were fixed height, fixed temperature and push buttons for a short shower. Small details that let down an otherwise excellent site. £12 including showers.

      After laundry (£3, tumble dryer £1), pitching and shower the threatened rain had started so I donned my wet weather coat & trousers and walked the 1.2 miles to The Royal Oak in Presteigne. This is one of those pubs that is half pub, half indian restaurant. Perfect for me 'cus I imagine all the 'proper' pubs stopped food at 8 ... if they ever started as it is Monday. Run by charming lady Kat from the Punjab. She made an excellent chicken curry which washed down a treat with a Pint of Robinsons Cider.

      On my walk back in the dark with head torch was only passed by 2 cars.

      13 miles from Kington to Presteigne completed at end of 15th day of walking and 8th on Offa's Dyke path.
      Total miles so far : 160
      Average speed : 1.5 mph
      Weather sunshine and glorious and very hot until late afternoon then thunder rumbles and showers in the evening.
      Number of people passed : 3
      Objective tomorrow: Knighton and perhaps beyond


    Kington, کینگتون، هرفوردشر, Kington i Herefordshire


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