United Kingdom
North Kesteven

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    • Day 1

      In England angekommen- Grantham

      July 19, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Heute ging es endlich zu Carlottas Jane Austen Reise nach England. Als Carlotta 6 Jahre alt war, habe ich ihr versprochen, dass sie eine Jane Austen Reise nach England von mir zum Abi bekommt. Sie hat es nicht vergessen und nun sind wir nach 12 Jahren und 12 Stunden Fahrt endlich hier. Es ging also heute Morgen um 4 Uhr los. Es hat alles gut geklappt. Heute werden wir noch ein bisschen die Gegend erkunden und morgen begeben wir uns auf Janes Spuren.Read more

    • Day 6–7


      May 7 in England ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      (Deutscher Text siehe unten)

      A few days ago, a rubber seal had come loose from the roof of the motorhome and had been flapping loudly in the wind ever since. That's why Rupert got up early this morning and, while I was still in bed, drove to a hardware store and bought duct tape. But that's when the driving around really started. Because we were afraid that we could run out of gas at any moment, we wanted to stock up on a new gas bottle as a precaution. Easier said than done. It took us a few miles and many minutes to finally find a store that would exchange our bottle for a new one. Now we have no fear of hunger, cold, or spoiled milk!

      Over all this, we had completely forgotten to have breakfast and could already feel our hunger in our heads. We quickly made and ate a few sandwiches. And since we were just parked in front of a garden center, we quickly got a purple flowering potted plant as a guest gift.

      At 1 p.m. we were standing at Rudi and Avis' doorstep. We actually kept our promise from October to come back in the spring! Then we sit in the living room of the two for about two hours and chat animatedly about family matters and old times. The life story of the two is highly interesting. They tell us how they met in Jamaica at 15 and got married in Singapore 10 years later. Rudi was stationed there with the Air Force and Avis traveled all alone to this almost foreign man to marry him. It's amusing how the two talk about it. Rudi claims Avis was snobbish as a young girl and ignored him. She, on the other hand, contradicts him and makes it clear that she was simply not so easy to get.

      Throughout their lives together, they have traveled the world with the Air Force and lived in many countries, including Hong Kong and Germany. Now they live a quiet life in their pretty little house with a garden in Peterborough. Both are in their early 80s and unfortunately not in the best of health. In any case, we wish them many more happy years together and say goodbye until next time.

      There is one thing we absolutely have to do today. We need a charity shop! Rupert forgot his only belt at home and is already borrowing mine. But I don't like it when my pants fall down either!

      Now it's getting a bit late and most charity shops close at 5 p.m. That gives us about an hour left. With the help of Google Maps, we quickly find a store, but its assortment doesn't appeal to us much, and they don't have belts anyway. So we postpone the belt purchase until tomorrow. Now all that's left is to find a parking spot for the night, which we soon find. For dinner, we fry up a few Cornish pasties in the pan. Hmmm, very tasty! That's it for today. Good night everyone.
      (Translated with Gemini)

      Vor ein paar Tagen schon hat sich eine Gummidichtung vom Dach des Wohnmobils gelöst und flatterte seitdem lautstark im Wind herum. Deshalb ist Rupert heute morgen früh aufgestanden und, während ich noch im Bett lag, zu einem Baumarkt gefahren und hat Klebeband gekauft. Damit fing die herumfahrerei aber erst an. Weil zu befürchten war, dass uns jeden Moment das Gas ausgehen könnte, wollten wir uns vorsorglich noch mit einer neuen Gasflasche versorgen. Leichter gesagt als getan. Es kostete uns einige Meilen und viele Minuten, bis wir schließlich einen Laden gefunden hatten, der unsere Flasche gegen eine neue umtauschte. Nun müssen wir weder Hunger, noch Kälte, noch verdorbene Milch fürchten!
      Über all dem hatten wir total das frühstücken vergessen und spürten unseren Hunger schon im Kopf. Schnell ein paar Stullen geschmiert und verspeist. Und da wir gerade vor einem Gartencenter parkten, besorgten wir schnell noch eine lila blühende Topfblume als Gastgeschenk.
      Um 13 Uhr standen wir bei Rudi und Avis vor der Haustür. Wir haben tatsächlich unser Versprechen vom Oktober, im Frühjahr wiederzukommen, gehalten! Dann sitzen wir etwa zwei Stunden lang im Wohnzimmer der beiden und plaudern angeregt über Familienangelegenheiten und vergangene Zeiten. Die Lebensgeschichte der beiden ist höchst interessant. Sie erzählen uns, wie sie sich mit 15 in Jamaika kennengelernt und 10 Jahre später in Singapur geheiratet haben. Rudi war dort mit der Air force stationiert und Avis reiste ganz allein zu diesem für sie fast fremden Mann, um ihn zu heiraten. Es ist amüsant wie die beiden darüber berichten. Rudi behauptet, Avis sei als junges Mädchen hochnäsig gewesen und habe ihn ignoriert. Sie hingegen widerspricht ihm und stellt klar, dass sie einfach nicht so leicht zu haben war.
      Zeit ihres gemeinsamen Lebens sind sie mit der Air force durch die Welt gezogen und haben in vielen Ländern gelebt, unter anderem in Hongkong und auch in Deutschland. Jetzt leben sie ein ruhiges Leben in ihrem hübschen Häuschen mit Garten in Peterborough. Beide sind Anfang 80 und leider nicht ganz gesund. Wir wünschen Ihnen jedenfalls noch viele glückliche gemeinsame Jahre und verabschieden uns bis zum nächsten Mal.
      Eines müssen wir heute unbedingt noch erledigen. Wir brauchen einen Charity Shop! Rupert hat nämlich seinen einzigen Gürtel zu Hause vergessen und nimmt sich inzwischen schon meinen. Ich mag es aber auch nicht, wenn mir die Hose runter rutscht!
      Nun ist die Zeit schon etwas fortgeschritten und die meisten Charity Shops schließen um 17 Uhr. Da bleibt uns noch ungefähr eine Stunde. Mit Hilfe von Google Maps finden wir dann auch schnell einen Laden, der uns aber mit seinem Sortiment nicht sonderlich anspricht, und Gürtel haben sie sowieso nicht. Also vertagen wir den Gürtelkauf auf morgen. Jetzt bleibt uns nur noch die Suche nach einem Stellplatz für die Nacht, der dann auch bald gefunden ist. Zum Abendessen braten wir uns ein paar Cornish Pasties in der Pfanne auf. Hmmm, sehr lecker! Das war's für heute. Gute Nacht allerseits.
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    • Day 9


      May 10 in England ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Today it's Rupert reporting.
      This was my first time in the City of Lincoln, and we were lucky enough to find a parking spot right next to the Cathedral. Like all Cathedrals, this was one of a kind. The size of the building, the entrance from the portal and into the nave. And then the welcoming singing from the choir as a greating song. The beautiful tall painted windows with the sun beaming, shining through them makes this now one of my favourite Cathedrals. For over two hundred years it was the tallest building in the world. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincoln_Cathedral

      Heute berichtet Rupert.
      Ich war zum ersten Mal in Lincoln, und wir hatten das Glück, direkt neben der Kathedrale einen Parkplatz zu finden. Wie alle Kathedralen war auch diese einzigartig. Die Größe des Gebäudes, der Eingang vom Portal ins Kirchenschiff. Und dann der einladende Gesang des Chors als Begrüßungslied. Die wunderschönen, hohen, bemalten Fenster, durch die die Sonne scheint, machen diese Kathedrale nun zu einer meiner Lieblingskathedralen. Über zweihundert Jahre lang war sie das höchste Gebäude der Welt.
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    • Day 14


      September 14, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Leaving Cambridge was one of those sad little occasions you have when travelling. You're just getting to know your way around a place, the streets, the cafes, the supermarket, the laundrette, then you have to up 'n go. Oh well. At least we got to see and experience the culture of Cambridge. And I did make some important decisions whilst there, but more of that in another place.

      The trip to Lincoln was uneventful. My driving in the UK is not as stressful as it was last year. Our Mercedes is smaller than the vast Citroen SUV we had last year, as well as the fact that we are not trying to navigate one lane village roads. The drive up here was smooth and the view, although an overcast day, was enjoyable.

      We arrived in Lincoln early afternoon and realised fully for the first time that our apartment was within spitting distance of the famous Cathedral. And it also sits directly under Lincoln Castle, built just after the Norman invasion. This apartment is fun. It is on three levels, with two narrow staricases from the ground floor (kitchen, bathroom) up to the lounge/dining, tv room, outdoor deck, and another staircase from there up to the bedroom and ensuite. Pretty nifty. It is well appointed but has the feeling that we are indeed in a very old house. We both love it.

      We decided that we'd take the afternoon just as it came rather than rushing in to tours. After settling in to our digs, we went for a walk, hit the local pub (there are pubs everywhere you look), had a drink and made a plan. Part of that included walking down Steep Street which, as its name denotes, is steep. It's a long steep cobbled street that leaves the Cathedral quarter behind and descends the hill down to the shopping precinct and river Witham.

      A lovely walk around the city precinct took us into a Norman church, built not long after the invasion, and now a book and comic store. Different. We walked alongside the canal, which is a Roman improvement on the town, for when they lived here, they dug it out and excavated it so it was more navigable, therefore making the town more defensible. Clever Romans. There is quite a lot of evidence of the Romans here, including an arch, which is now the only Roman arch still used by traffic in all of Britain. Not bad. And a pretty arch it is too. I enjoyed walking through it both ways.

      Walking back up to the Cathedral quarter where we are staying, we headed into a cafe for plum toast (it's a thing here) and pumpkin cake, or as they pronounce it, poompkiin caeyke. It too was delicious. We also accidentally went into a galleryor two and bought some more stuff. Evidence of our trek. Really nice stuff.

      In the evening after a beer, we took ourselves into the Cathedral precinct itself, which takes you through a large medieval gate and out onto a wide bare area that looks onto the West front of the Cathedral.

      More on the exterior of the Cathedral in the next footprint, but seriously, the West frontage is absolutely massive. If I can use both the words monstrous and gargantuan without thier negative connotations, then I would use them. It is huge. There are a number of front entrances, but a huge main one in the middle. The whole thing is like a giant terracotta-coloured rectangle decorated in medieval imagery, and then the towers are on top of that.

      Walking around its perimeter, I found myself tricked, because when I though I rounded the final bend and there could be no more cathedral, there was another third of it to go. We took lots of pics then, a few later at night with the whole thing lit up under spotlights, and more the following morning in the thick mist.

      I'll do a separate footprint for each of the exterior and interior of the Cathedral. We do our rooftop tour at 11am tomorrow morning. Till then.
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    • Day 6

      Lincoln - der Geheimtipp

      July 16, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Was einfach ein Städtchen auf der Landkarte war entpuppt sich als echtes Highlight! Wir starten im dog-friendly-Pub mit je einem Half Pint & unser 10l Wasserkanister wird anstandslos aufgefüllt - kostenlos! Dann schlendern wir zum Castle - das aber schon geschlossen ist - durch pittoreske Gässchen weiter zur Cathedral. Wow, die ist eine echte Wucht!! Riesig und beeindruckend! Wir können uns gar nicht sattsehen und -hören… denn sogar das Glockenspiel wird geläutet.. via Steep Hill gehts runter zum Brayford - der Partymeile in Lincoln: Livemusik, Bars, Restaurants, jede Menge gut gelaunter Leute… sogar hier dogfriendly! 😅 die knapp 150 Höhenmeter gehts jetzt wieder rauf.. heute werden wir (wieder) super schlafen… über 23‘000 👣Read more

    • Day 6

      Chilly but Lovely Lincoln

      April 23 in England ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Started with a trip to Lauceston the original seat of Cornwall
      I did not complete a blog yesterday as we spent most of the day on the road from Cornwall to Lincolnshire.
      Notable events include tractors on the M5 motorway and a house cut in 1/2 on 2 trucks, taking up 2 of 3 open lanes on the M6. It is amazing how many times you can go around a roundabout in search of an off ramp.
      We have been spoilt rotten by Katie Wigmore's Aunt Evelyn . Lovely People.
      Freezing day here, but n they took us for a nice wander around Lincoln Cathedral and the central town. Hung out with them and chattered. Relaxing day today, I even spoke to Katie and Royce. Off to Yorkshire tomorrow.
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    • Day 7–8

      Belton Manor und Burgh le Marsh

      May 8 in England ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      (Deutscher Text siehe unten)

      9:15 AM:Just got up, beds taken down. In the distance I hear the "Mr Whippy Van" playing its tune, already advertising its ice cream for breakfast. Rupert recognizes the tune of the English Saturday sports programme in the jingle.

      Our destination today is Belton House and Garden, the best-preserved 17th century English manor house built in the "Carolean Style" with an Italian garden and orangery, surrounded by a spacious park with extensive lawns and mighty old trees.

      The weather is sunny and warm, which means we spend hours in the grounds and skip the interiors. Do we need any more examples of the pomp and splendor with which the nobles surrounded themselves and profiled themselves? But we like that we can sunbathe in their gardens today.

      And I like the many ideas for sustainable gardening that are lovingly documented on blackboards in handwriting.

      Along the way we meet a friendly old gentleman who recommends another beautiful garden nearby. Together with him and his gift in our hearts, we reach the parking lot in the late afternoon and look for a place to stay for the night. We find it in Burgh le Marsh, a small town that surprises us with its ugly front gardens. We hadn't expected that in England. Well, we've seen untidy or unkempt front gardens everywhere, but this systematic ugliness beats everything. One stone desert next to the other, flagstones with a narrow, neglected flowerbed at the edge, or a gravel-on-foil desert with a few potted plants on it that look like someone played Frisbee to place them. Why didn't I take pictures of them?🥴 But what the heck, you have imagination.

      The ticket machine of the central parking lot in the village is fortunately wrapped in a plastic hood, so we only have free parking.

      We would have liked to have another ale at the "White Fleece" opposite, but when we get back from our "Ugly-frontgardens-walk" at half past nine, the pub is already closed. Not bad either, we still have rhubarb juice on board.
      (Translated with Gemini)

      9:15 Uhr, gerade aufgestanden, Betten abgebaut.In der Ferne höre ich den "Mr Whippy Van" dudeln, der schon zum Frühstück sein Eis anpreist. Rupert erkennt in dem Gedudel die Melodie der englischen Samstags Sportschau.
      Unser heutiges Ziel ist Belton House and Garden, das besterhaltene im"Carolean Style" erbaute englische Herrenhaus des 17. Jahrhunderts mit italienischem Garten und Orangerie, umgeben von einem großzügigen Park mit weitläufigen Rasenflächen und mächtigen alten Bäumen.
      Das Wetter ist sonnig und warm, was dazu führt, dass wir uns stundenlang in den Außenanlagen aufhalten und uns die Innenräume schenken. Brauchen wir noch weitere Beispiele für den Prunk und Pomp, mit dem sich die Adeligen umgaben und profilierten? Dass wir uns heute in ihren Gärten sonnen können, gefällt uns aber.
      Und mir gefallen die vielen Ideen nachhaltigen Gartenbaus , die liebevoll handschriftlich auf schwarzen Tafeln dokumentiert sind.
      Wir treffen unterwegs auf einen freundlichen alten Gentleman, der uns einen weiteren schönen Garten ganz in der Nähe ans Herz legt. Gemeinsam mit ihm und seinem Geschenk im Herzen erreich wir am späten Nachmittag den Parkplatz und machen uns auf die Suche nach einem Platz für die Nacht. Den finden wir in Burgh le Marsh, einem kleinen Ort, der uns mit hässlichen Vorgärten überrascht. Damit hätten wir in England nicht gerechnet. Nun gut, unordentliche oder ungepflegte Vorgärten haben wir überall gesehen aber diese systematische Hässlichkeit überbietet alles. Eine Steinwüste neben der anderen, Steinplatten mit schmalem, vernachlässigtem Beet am Rand, oder Kieselstein-auf-Folie Einöde mit einigen Topfpflanzen darauf, die aussehen, als hätte jemand zum Platzieren damit Frisbee gespielt. Warum hab ich keine Fotos davon gemacht 🥴 Aber was soll's, ihr habt ja Fantasie.
      Die Ticketsäule des zentralen Parkplatzes im Dorf ist zu unserem Glück in eine Kunststoffhaube eingepackt, also bleibt uns nur free parking.
      Gerne hätten wir im "White Fleece" gegenüber noch ein Ale getrunken, doch als wir um halb 10 von unserem "Ugly-frontgardens-walk" zurückkommen, hat der Pub schon zu. Auch nicht schlimm, wir haben noch Rhabarbersaft an Bord.
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    • Day 6

      Lincoln unterm Lindenbaum

      July 16, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Heute haben wir unser Übernachtungsplätzli sehr schnell und spontan gewählt! Was nur der Parkplatz für die Besichtigung von Lincoln Castle und Cathedrale gedacht war, entpuppt sich als idealer Platz (wir sind auch nicht die einzigen WoMos). Die 45‘ für den Zeitpocker (4 Pfund/Nacht) überbrücken wir ziemlich elegant… oder? 😇Read more

    • Day 16

      Lincoln Cathedral Exterior

      September 16, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      The sheer size of Lincoln Cathedral, one of the four biggest in the UK, seems to be the message. A message of medieval power, where Church and State merge, where God and King speak with one voice.

      Nothing about this cathedral is small, from its West frontage, its nave, its transepts, its vaulted ceiling, its internal chapels, its organ, its stained glass windows, its doors. Everything is huge. The very space under its roof is massive. Yet it does not feel impersonal or intimidating. Not today at least anyway.

      This cathedral was at one time, the tallest man-made structure on the planet. It originally had a spire on its central tower, but this was blown down in a storm in the 1500s. Until Lincoln Cathedral was built, the Great Pyrmaid in Egypt held the record. Lincoln then held it for over two hundred years.

      Here are some pics of its exterior.
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    • Day 16

      Lincoln Cathedral Interior

      September 16, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      So what's it like inside?

      Light, airy, high, long. The eye travels to what one thinks is the nomral human length of a building, but then has to keep going, higher, further. It's quiet. People all around, not crowds, but people. Talking quietly, just above a whisper. Pointing to this or that, or reading some inscription.

      We took a tour today of the roof (inside). Up multiple winding spiral staircases and out onto timber landings inside the roof cavity above the vaulted ceilings. Lots of oak. Traditional tools used still.

      A slow meander around the floor of the cathedral. Stopping here and there to look at a tomb, at least one Queen buried there, and the mother of Henry VII, the first Tudor, so almost another Queen. A saint. Saint Hugh. WIlliam Byrd, the famous English Renaissance composer was chief musician here. A replica of the organ he played stands proudly in ornamental red.

      A look through the Chapter House, a decadonal building that at one time was used by Knights Templar and Hospitalers, held up by one majestic pillar in the centre. We went into the roof above it to see how they did it. A maze, our guide called it a spider's web, of oak beams in the most astonishing engineering to distribute the weight evenly and down.

      A wonderful and quite other wordly day.
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