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Le 10 migliori mete di viaggio Nottinghamshire
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    • Giorno 14

      Nottingham felt weirdly like home

      9 settembre 2022, Inghilterra ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      I went to Nottingham because of a family connection - one of those stories where genealogy gets overgrown with mythology, like lichen on a gravestone. What started as a researched story about my paternal family's connection to the Nottingham lace industry sort of became in my imagination a deep ancestral connection stretching back to the crusades.

      So maybe I was primed to connect with the place before I had even arrived there, no matter what it was like.

      But it really was EXACTLY my taste. We started our morning there going for a swim at our host's posh corporate gym, a converted railway station with a massive underground shower / changing / locker room. (The only thing I've ever seen like this were the showers at the Hilton in Queenstown where, frankly, I could happily return when I become a spontaneous millionaire, or at least when I get hired to act as caretaker of its hedge maze when it gets snowed in. This tangent was a reference to "The Shining.")

      We went for coffee at an outlet for 200° - Nottingham's local roastery. This was exquisitely good coffee, matching the Australian standard and perhaps even surpassing it. I did find it strange to see the local hipsters ordering a "flat white" as if it was the most stylish thing ever. Strewth. It's bloody International Roast mate! But 200 ° was like much of Nottingham some red brick industrial building happily repurposed, its original aesthetic touches now gratefully displayed.

      Stu and I went for a walk along the canals, looking at the whole Lace Market district and even doing a little shopping at Marks and Spencer.

      There were flowers laid on the steps of Council House for Queen Elizabeth, and posters of her face everywhere. I saw that one had been smashed. Former Prime Minister and interview darling Kevin Rudd was on British television giving an eloquent colonial viewpoint on the tragedy.

      Elizabeth's death has been accompanied by no shock at all. In fact, the death of Olivia Newton-John back home was a bigger shock. We've all been doing preparatory grieving for years now. If I were writing this as a fantasy story, I'd probably have King Charles dying within a year of his accession, but then I have the typically sadistic imagination of any fantasy author.

      That evening, our host Luke was convening his LGBTQIA+ Christian group at St Andrews Church with Castle Gate. Stuart was to be a guest speaker. I didn't want to go, and in fact had a full on freak out about going which left me a wreck. I had been so uneasy about Luke, a stranger, offering us free accommodation on the strength of him liking Stuart's book, only to find myself standing at a Church door feeling pressured to go in. And I really lost my shit.

      It was a horrible night after that. I walked around until I didn't feel upset anymore. Talking to Stuart about it later, I realised that I had been "triggered" - a word that gets thrown about so casually, but actually represents something quite devastating. I'm scared of being recruited into a religion. I'm scared of being love bombed and won over and broken down. And I was so far from home, I didn't have anywhere safe to go to, just this Christian man's house. I've stayed in a three houses now for free accommodation from fans of Stuart's book; it gets harder each time. I'm not sure how I'll handle the publication of his memoir. Maybe I'll invest in a Romani caravan and follow him around the world on that, I don't know.

      Every holiday it seems I have some really shitty moment, and my panic attack at the doors of a Church in Nottingham was this holiday's shitty moment. I toyed briefly with the idea of abandoning Find Penguins because my inner goblin now was pointing out (with a factual air that was very Kevin Rudd) that all travel was irremediably ruined forever. But what would my inner goblin know? And what would Kevin Rudd know for that matter?

      I asked the next morning if we could just move on to York one day early. Stuart was more than amenable. I had scared him with my freak out, and frankly I had scared myself too, walking off in a strange city.

      I love Nottingham - I want to go back there - but maybe not the religious side of it. If anything, Nottingham struck me as kind of countercultural and irreligious - and certainly very multicultural. There was melanin here that was almost absent from Surrey. And for all the scruffiness of its architecture, the streets were clean - clean of litter, of pigeon-shit, of takeaway containers, of cigarette butts. Clean! Livable! Growing! This place wasn't a repository of yesterday's dreams, excepting the dream of renewal. I felt it giving me energy somehow. I felt so weirdly at home.
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    • Giorno 3

      Sherwood Forest

      9 giugno, Inghilterra ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

      Wir haben Robin Hood besucht 😃
      Und sind durch die Überreste des legendären Sherwood Forest zu Major Oak spaziert.
      Eine beeindruckende Eiche, die etwa tausend Jahre alt ist.
      Es gibt noch mehr ancient oaks in dem kleinen Waldstück, auch wenn diese nicht ganz soo alt sind, sind sie doch nicht minder beeindruckend.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 39


      16 giugno, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      A rebel. A revolutionary. An icon. We saw the statue of Robin Hood outside Nottingham Palace today 😊

      Deep in the heart of Sherwood Forest, among the ancient oaks, the King’s road between London and York would be raided by outlaws. The rich were forced to surrender all they had, while the common folk went free. Those in need were clothed, fed, and housed. This band of outlaws, who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor, stood against the tyrannous yoke of unjust lords and sheriffs. The leader of these fighters for social justice? Robin Hood.

      Nottingham is a quaint city with many beautiful historic buildings and modern architecture. We really enjoyed walking around and taking in the views
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    • Giorno 104

      113ème étape ~ Nottingham

      14 novembre 2022, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Et voilà que nous avons découvert la fameuse ville de Nottingham.
      Nous avons eu l’honneur de rencontrer Robin des Bois devant le château de Nottingham.
      Le shérif ne devait pas traîner dans les parages.
      Nous avons aussi été boire un verre dans un Kitty Café.
      De manière générale, nous n’avons pas vraiment apprécié cette journée. Nottingham n’a rien d’exceptionnel. Et le kitty café était un peu décevant. Les chats ne sont pas très sociaux. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    • Giorno 36

      Auf den Spuren von Robin Hood 🌳🌳🌳

      11 giugno 2023, Inghilterra ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Bevor wir heute Morgen ENDGÜLTIG Schottland verlassen wollten, ging Wilfried noch einmal an den Strand und entdeckte dort unterhalb unseres Parkplatzes ein Hotel, dass in eine Grotte gebaut war. Es gab dort einen Privatstrand, der zum Verweilen einlud 👌. Ein wunderschöner Platz zum Sitzen. Diesen nutzen wir und genossen, ganz nah an der Nordsee, die kühle Luft und die würzige Meeresbrise 🌊. Jetzt mag ich Schottland noch ein bißchen mehr 🤗🤗🤗 Gegen 11 Uhr brachen wir dann Richtung England auf.
      Nottingham war unser nächste Ziel. Nach ca. 250 km und gut 3 Std. (zum Glück fast nur Autobahn) fanden wir einen schönen freien Platz zum Stehen, direkt am Sherwood Forest. Von dort aus gingen viele Spazierwege in den Wald. Besonders interessant wäre die 4,5 km entfernte 1000 jährige Eiche zu begutachten gewesen. Da ich aber, wie ihr weißt KEINE große Fußgängerin bin 🥴, war die Stimmung leicht getrübt. So nah bei und trotzdem den Spuren und dem Zauber von Robin Hood doch unerreichbar weit entfernt. Beim Einparken entdeckte ein älterer Anwohner wohl mein trauriges Gesicht und fragte mich, ob er helfen könne. Er berichtete dann, dass der Waldweg nicht wirklich geeignet wäre, Fahrrad zu fahren, aber dass es doch ein Versuch wert wäre.
      Auf diese Idee waren wir selbst nicht gekommen 🙈🙈🙈. Und so starteten wir mit den Rädern auf dem Feldweg, Richtung Major Oak. Es wurde ein wahrhaft anstrengender Ritt, aber wir haben es geschafft 💪🤠👍. 4, 5 km Sand- und Schotterpiste, aber
      es war ein irres Gefühl, sich vorzustellen, dass hier der Rächer der Enterbten vor 500 Jahren für Gerechtigkeit gesorgt hat und wir nun auf seinen Spuren wandelten 😋. Den Weg zurück, konnten wir größtenteils über die Straße nehmen, so dass das kein Problem mehr darstellte.
      So konnten wir auch diesen Punkt unserer To-Do-List abhaken und den Feierabend einläuten!!!
      Jetzt freuen uns auf die nächsten Tage in England 🇬🇧.
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    • Giorno 40

      Warhammer world!!

      17 giugno, Inghilterra ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      We are surrounded by........nerds

      Games Workshop Group (often abbreviated as GW) is a British manufacturer of miniature wargames based here, Nottingham. Its best-known products are Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000, but there are heaps of Lord of the Rings figures too (which is what I like, hehe)

      This place is nuts!! I have such an appreciation of the time spent artists have spent on these figures.

      Mal and Ben even got to have a go and putting one together. While they do that.....I'm off for a coffee ☕️
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    • Giorno 87

      Merry men

      29 novembre 2023, Inghilterra ⋅ ☁️ -1 °C

      Today we finally encountered our first sub 0 temperatures. It got down to -3° last night and by 10am when we started on our hour long walk into Nottingham it was a toastie -1°.

      Our gear held up quite well and we had no issues with the cold at all, although it's not even winter yet so we'll see how we go!

      We enjoyed crunching on the icy leaves and grass and made our way to Nottingham castle and a Robin hood statue. After our chilly morning walk we decided to stop in at a cafe - and oh boy did we stumble across a good one. A cat cafe!!

      We enjoyed a hot beverage and just before we were about to get up and leave a cat named Popcorn jumped up on Bec's lap and fell asleep, so naturally we stayed another 30 minutes before we left to go explore under the city.

      Nottingham has the UK's largest network of caves - over 800 are hidden beneath its streets. So we soaked up the extraordinary atmosphere of the ancient caves carved deep beneath Nottingham’s in the attraction 'City of caves' which had a WW2 air raid shelters and a medieval tannery. 

      From here we fuelled up with a baked spud which was delicious before checking out ANOTHER Christmas market, this one was a respectable size and when we had enough of smelling the delicious food stalls we headed on the hour trek back to our uni accommodation. But midway back we came across The Haunted Museum, so we obviously popped out heads in.

      After checking out some very spooky items and potentially getting haunted we finally made our way back to enjoy some warm soup for dinner while planning some next steps

      16.9k steps
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    • Giorno 13

      Robin Hood Nottingham

      30 maggio, Inghilterra ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Wir waren wieder on the road. Gefrühstückt hatten wir in einem kleinen gemütlichen Café in einem der Orte, die auf dem Weg lagen.
      Wir kamen on Notthingham vorbei und fuhren durch den Sherwood Forest. Da ich die Geschichten um den Bogenschützen mag, fuhren wir in Besucherzentrum und wurden maßlos enttäuscht. Nur Kitsch aus Thailand und China. Keinerlei Informationen zur Legende von Robin the Hood. Den Abstecher hätten wir uns sparen können. So fuhren wir auch direkt weiter zum nächsten Ziel.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 95

      Clumber Park Walled Kitchen Garden

      26 agosto 2022, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      The Walled Kitchen Garden in Clumber Park can be described in superlatives! The huge garden takes up 4 acres. The 350 ft greenhouse is the longest one in the National Trust system. The apple orchard has 72 varieties of apples, many growing trellised against the garden walls. The garden also has 130 rhubarb varieties, the second largest collection in the world. No wonder Yorkshire is known for rhubarb!

      The garden is maintained not only for its beauty, but also to preserve its heritage fruits and vegetables.
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    • Giorno 29

      Day 28 Nottingham, UK

      4 gennaio, Inghilterra ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Nottingham will not be on my list of places in the world you must visit, but we have made the most of the day but there will be few photos! We drove here in two hours and it was a reasonably busy road, but an easy drive into the city, where our hotel is very close to the centre. It’s an old fashioned hotel but described on Google as ‘ one of the most prestigious boutique hotels in Nottingham’. We walked around town for an hour or so before finding lunch at a very average restaurant. We decided to then visit the National Justice Museum in the Lace Market area of Nottingham, England. The museum is housed in a former Victorian courtroom, prison, and police station and is therefore a historic site where an individual could be arrested, tried, sentenced and executed. Our visit began with a theatrical performance in the courtroom with some audience participation, including David as Constable Dodd. Quite funny and a good start to exploring the museum which was interesting. I did however have my second panic attack of the day as we went down into the dungeons and pits where prisoners had been incarcerated and I could not see an exit sign (my first had been when the hotel lift did not open immediately). Anyway I survived both. We wandered back but were too late to visit Nottingham castle. After a short rest we headed out to find the Thai Street Food restaurant we had found online and we were not disappointed as the food and atmosphere at Zaab was excellent. We wandered back and had a relaxing drink at a very quiet bar across the road and that too was enjoyable but we are really surprised at how quiet the city is with few people around. Nottingham is not what we expected even though it is the 9th biggest city in the UK. It generally seems very run down and the people look pretty miserable. It is the first city we have noticed to have a lot of homeless people. We are pleased to have only one night here even though the day ended nicely.Leggi altro

    Potresti conoscere questo luogo anche con i seguenti nomi:

    Nottinghamshire, NTT, Ноттингемшир

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