United Kingdom
Pooley Bridge

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    • Day 12

      Zurück im Lake District!

      May 21, 2019 in England ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      Der Rückweg führte uns wieder einmal durch den Lake District und dabei auch zu einem wirklich schönen Campingplatz. Auch wenn wir uns hier in mehrere Schichten einpacken mussten, um abends noch ein Bierchen zu trinken, lief der Einheimische nachts oberkörperfrei in Badelatschen entspannt über den Campingplatz.

      Muss man erstmal machen ;)
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    • Day 18

      The End of a Wonderful Road Trip

      August 2, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      The lead photo today was actually taken as I arrived at Ullswater and not far from the car park for my overnight stop. I'm not sure you can see that it is raining but it was and I don't think it stopped raining all night. It was heavy at times too, and still raining as I ate breakfast, though by the time arrived home it was dry and 24C.

      A first task today was to make a phone call to arrange for me to stop off in Stoke-on-Trent for a quick van repair, which was fine. So after a leisurely start I headed back to the M6 to continue my journey towards home. The weather had brightened as I left so it was a dry ride back and after about an hour and a half in Stoke, the roof latches were fixed and I continued on my way.

      So that's it then, the end of what has been a wonderfully surprising and enjoyable adventure. It was enjoyable for many reasons which I hope you've spotted when reading my ramblings and it was so nice to meet up with the mariners as they progressed around the UK on their own adventures. What was surprising about this trip was just how much this changed my mood and how it provided ideal conditions for a cloud of calmness to descend over me. That is not something you can buy.

      I will reflect more on this over the coming days and may well post an extra footprint to summarise this trip as a whole and to post a selection of photos from my big camera, but they need processing before I do this so be patient.

      As always, I hope to return from a photography trip like this with a small collection of photographs I can add to my portfolio and which are hopefully good enough to enter into photographic competitions. It would be nice if I could have ten, so that is my aim.

      Thank you for following my journey over the last 18 days or so, which seems no time at all for me, and I hope you have enjoyed seeing my photos and the journal I've created, because I realise I've written quite a bit at times. If you have enjoyed it and if it's brought a smile to your face at times, then that is all I could hope for. Speaking for myself, the travel blogs on here provide a vivid memory of my adventures which I can look back on for many years to come, assuming Find Penguins keeps going of course.

      So maybe I'll see you on the next trip, wherever that might be, but don't forget to check back at some point to see what will hopefully be the ten best camera photos of this trip. Coo, exciting or what?
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