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    • Day 5

      Einchecken im Airbnb in Lyme Regis

      June 2, 2019 in England ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Unkompliziertes Einchecken bei Lizzy & Familie. Supersüsse Unterkunft mit neuem Bad und bequemen Bett. Separater Zugang mit eigenem Schlüssel. Kleine Küchenzeile im Zimmer, voll eingerichtet mit Tee, Kaffee, Milch, Toast, Organgensaft, Butter, Konfi, Müesli. Wir fahren direkt weiter nach Lyme Regis zum Nachtessen.Read more

    • Day 2

      Cloud to sunshine

      May 22, 2021 in England ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Day started grey and damp, so slow start to the day. Opened the French doors and before too long we had a little four legged friend who had smelled the eggs cooking!
      After I managed to blow up the shaver socket trying to recharge John’s electric toothbrush ☹️ and John had flooded the bathroom we eventually set out to walk up the river to Lyme. Really pretty walk despite the grey day - spring flowers out in their multitudes and the trees in fresh new leaf; some quintessentially English countryside, even a cricket match going on. From Lyme we carried on up the hill on the other side of the village to the top of a wooded ridge and then back down into Lyme Regis, stopping at a restaurant with an outside terrace overlooking the sea for a coffee. Happily the sun began to break through. We walked down to the Cobb - this time not being battered by waves like yesterday, and back along the sea front. We even shed our coats by this point, enjoying the relatively busy beach and prom, enjoying the experience of people and atmosphere. We walked to the eastern end of the prom and sat in the sun for a while before heading back the other way to buy a portion of chips and sit in the gardens above the seafront to eat them and chat with Abbie on the phone and celebrate her and Alex having their mortgage application being approved.
      Thence back to our chalet for a cuppa and to get changed for supper.
      We walked the 10 mins down the hill to the Alexandra Hotel for a belated anniversary dinner. The hotel had lawns facing out to sea and the evening was clear and blue so we took some photos before sitting down in the restaurant overlooking the garden and sea for our meal. We had a beetroot risotto for a starter followed by an asparagus salad- which felt as if they should have arrived the other way round. However they were nicely made with lovely fresh Ingres and herbs, washed down with a very good bottle of red.
      With only sorbet on offer as a vegan pud we wandered into a nice lounge area for coffee and to watch the fading evening light along the coastline. The hotel brought us in a complimentary pud - two tiny glasses of poached strawberries with some pieces of honeycomb, served on a plate with “Happy Anniversary” written in chocolate 😊.
      As we walked back up the hill we were surprised that the foursome in front of us turned down the same track through the woods as us and they seemed equally surprised to be followed. We all then realised it was the owner of the property we were staying in.
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