Estados Unidos
Apollinaris Spring

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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 10

      Yellowstone 3 (Lamar Valley e G. Canyon)

      22 de agosto de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      Dopo due giorni a vedere la terra ribollire, oggi si cambia rotta, si va a caccia di orsi nella Lamar Valley. Sveglia alle 5.45, colazione già in macchina e si parte. Già a Gardiner avvistiamo decine di bellissimi deer mules. Un po di lavori lungo la strada co rallentano ed arriviamo alla Lamar alle 8. Ci sono decine di persone appostate lungo la strada con spotting scopes sui cavalletti. Da quanto avevo letto mi immaginavo di trovare animali a bordo strada, invece servono queste attrezzature per vedere due orsi ed un lupo in mezzo alla prateria. Elemosinare qualche occhiata e riusciamo a vedere un orso ed un lupo.
      Quello che di sicuro non manca sono i bisonti che circondano letteralmente la nostra auto.
      Tornando indietro ci fermiamo al Tower General Store, dove prendo un cuscino per il divano, poi di nuovo al Canyon Village dove prendiamo due felpe per Miq e Gio e prendiamo informazioni per la visita del Grand Canyon. Ci suggeriscono di fare il South rim, ci ferniamonper un pic nic e andiamo a fare i due trail per la lower fall (circa 1+1 km) e l'upper falll (500 mt).
      Rientrando a casa ci fermiamo a fotografare un mule deer che bruca l!erba in un giardino osservato dai cani di casa dietro la porta finestra e incontriamo la nostra host Julie che ci offre di portarci il suo spostino scoopes per il giorno dopo. Cena a casa con hamburger cotti sul loro bellissimo barbecue.
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    • Dia 25

      Day 24 - Las Vegas to Yellowstone

      8 de junho de 2017, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Two planes and a 3hr drive through the most picturesque mountainside I have ever seen and we arrived at our destination Gardiner the north entrance of Yellowstone National Park.

      Along the way we saw Bison, Elk, Deer, Bear with cubs and Coyotes. What a wonderful start to our adventure in Yellowstone.

      We also stop to see a Geyser

      We have a lovely cabin right on the Yellowstone River. Tony and Gail have the cabin next door. After unpacking we had drinks and pizza sitting on our balcony overlooking the river. Weather was very warm didn't even need a jacket and had thongs on.
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    • Dia 2

      Yellowstone day 1

      26 de outubro de 2017, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 -3 °C

      So we made it to Yellowstone last night and camped at Mammoth. It seemed fitting that my road trip filled with National Parks started here. However, my car was having issues starting this morning. Some nice young guys from Massachusetts tried to give us a jump but that didn't work either. We had to be towed to the nearest town where it started right up for the mechanics and couldn't find anything wrong. So hopefully it was just a weird fluke and won't happen again. First real day of road tripping and a car problem already. Hopefully we just got it out of the way and it'll be smooth sailing from here on out.

      After that whole debacle, we went to the Mammoth hotsprings boardwalk and saw some cool geothermal features. It's really pretty here.

      After out little walk it was getting dark so we tried to find a campsite but wouldn't you know it they're closed for the winter. So we ended up driving into a national forest in Idaho. At least I get to check another state off my list!

      More adventures tomorrow!
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