Friday Night Setup

Just setting up the venue for tomorrow's graduation party. It's Friday evening here and tomorrow night is the girls big day. 5 years of hard work and dedication.
Both Bec and Shannon were collegeRead more
Just setting up the venue for tomorrow's graduation party. It's Friday evening here and tomorrow night is the girls big day. 5 years of hard work and dedication.
Both Bec and Shannon were collegeRead more
Once grad was over we moved on to the clubhouse venue for the grad party. This was a combined event for both Bec and Shannon and we are so grateful for the efforts of Shannons parents Jeannie andRead more
Well it's that time, graduation day, after five years of hard work. Did not have a very good night sleep, got a couple of hours then woke up early a.m. and could not get back to sleep. So heading offRead more
Had to drop in to a local Harley dealer of course. Could be a good spot to pick up a Harley for our ROUTE 66 ride and then ship the bike home from LA.
You might also know this place by the following names:
Austintown, AUV