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    • Kentucky & Kittens

      20. Mai 2017 in den USA ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      Everything happens for a reason. This I truly believe. A little back story. We almost didn’t make it to the Lower Town Arts & Music festival. Some things had come up and we decided last minute to go forth. So glad we did for so many reasons. I knew when I saw the pottery that I was meant to make one but that’s kind of what began our adventure. Initially, there were so many kids waiting to make a piece that I left the table and came back right when they were closing. We also purchased 2 kitten stickers from dRock Press Prints. We had no idea that all of these things were shaping our next adventure. On the ride home, I remembered that I had left my piece of pottery drying in the back of the truck. After we made a brief stop to get the pottery to safety, Steve decided to take the back way home. Which, come to think of it after, made little sense since it was already late and getting dark and we’d normally want to get home quickly. Come to find out, there were 2 reasons we were directed this way and it was Kitty 1 and Kitty 2. Steve saw a kitten running down the side of the road so we stopped. When I get out of the truck, I realized there was 2. It took us about 20 minutes to catch both feral kittens and put them in the truck. I just wanted to cuddle them and they just wanted to attack me. What we initially thought could be an easy rescue drop off turned into a new adventure. Most rescues will not accept feral cats. They will more than likely be euthanized. So that was crossed off as an option. Our only options at this point were trying to find a foster or domesticating them ourselves. We took the challenge. We had to wear gloves when handling them because they scratch and bite but I eventually got Kitty 1 to lie in my lap. It seems once she’s there, she’s a bit calmer, an important message. It’s getting to where you’re going that is the tough part. I bought a cat brush as it’s supposed to imitate the feeling of their mother. Nearly immediately after stroking kitty 1, she began looking for a nipple and did not stop. That was my que. Once I got back from the pet store with bottles, we began our bonding process. We call Kitty 1 mine and Kitty 2 Steves. I guess it makes it a bit easier, “get your kitten.” The bottle feeding has created quite the trust between us and them. By the third day, the kittens were actually allowing us to put our hands near them and pet them without hissing or scratching. They will even come towards the bottles to eat. It became quite clear that these cats were not going anywhere. Well, so we think. Seee..I guess it is quite clear. I wanted a place where I can document the journey all of us are embarking on. The bravery of these 2 small creatures and the love that we hope will grow through out our family.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 3

      Too much coffee this morning🤣🤣🤣

      5. August 2022 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

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