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Bonnie Bell

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    • Tag 48

      In Deutschland unvorstellbar

      26. April 2023 in den USA ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Liebes Tagebuch. Der gestrige Tag hat zwei Dinge verursacht. Erstens: Wir sind halbwegs ausgeruht und erholt. Zweitens: Wir sind wieder allein.
      Die vier anderen aus unserer Crew sind sm gestrigen Tag schon wieder auf den Trail. Final Push ist vermutlich mit Martin schon kurz vor Big Bear. Bianca und Propeller sind nicht ganz so schnell. Uch denke wir werden sie irgendwann wiedersehen.
      Nun zum Tag. Nach einem üppigen Frühstück mit Plastikbesteck ging es zurück zum Trail. An der Unterführung zur Interstate 10 trafen wir einen weiteren Trail Angel, der gerade die Wasservorräte überprüfte. Sie stellte sich als Gail Wesson vor. Da klingelte doch was. Die gute Frau hatte uns online schon dabei geholfen Fahrten zu finden. Sie war auch schon wieder auf dem Sprung. Irgendwo musste sie ein paar Hiker abholen. In Deutschland unvorstellbar.
      Für uns hieß es: Raus aus dem Schatten und rein in die Wüste. Bei doch recht knusprigen Temperaturen und 5 Tage Essen auf dem Rücken perlte doch der ein oder andere Schweißtropfen über mein Gesicht. Langsam aber stetig wanderten wir einen Canyon hinauf bis wir nach vier Meilen das Containerbüro der Mesa Windfarm erreichten. Gerüchten zu Folge sollte es hier kühle Getränke für Wanderer geben. Die Tür stand offen und wir trafen auf zwei Wanderinnen und einen Mitarbeiter, der uns nur kurz Informierte wo wir Getränke und Essen finden würden. Dann verließ er die Szenerie und überließ uns die Räumlichkeiten. In Deutschland unvorstellbar: Unbekannte eigenverantwortlich handeln lassen. Wir genossen ein paar Drinks und ein Eis, während noch ein paar andere durstige Hiker ankamen, und dann ging es für uns wieder raus in die ballernden Sonne. Der Weg ging nun steil den Canyon hinauf. Schön langsam gehen und ab und zu mal was trinken. Und immer die Ohren und Augen nach Klapperschlangen aufhalten. Oben angekommen schlängelte sich der Trail in flotten Switchbacks wieder hinab und dann ging es recht eben an einem wunderschönen Hang entlang. Unser Tagesziel war das Whitewater Reserve, eine alte Forellenfarm und nun Naturcampingplatz am Arsch der Welt aber nur etwas abseits vom Trail. Um dorthin zu gelangen musste man nur den größten Fluss in Süd Kalifornien durchqueren. Der größte Fluss ist hier jedoch nur ein sehr breiter Bach und nachdem wir eine gute Stelle gefunden hatten setzten wir über. Auf der anderen Seite erwartete uns eine kleine grüne Oase mit riesiger Zeltwiese und Klohaus. Alles Gratis. In Deutschland mal wieder unvorstellbar.

    • Tag 18

      Day 17

      28. April in den USA ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Long day of river crossings in the washed out valley. Started with about 7 miles and one or two big river crossings before we reached a section of the trail that had been largely washed away by “Hurricane Hillary” in late 2022 I believe.

      Spicy had hiked the trail before that and was amazed at how different everything was. When he last hiked there was only a mile or so that was washed out, where you had to basically hike up the river and then find the trail. Now there was 10 miles of wash.

      We started in high spirits joking about what we should do for each of today’s river crossings. The plan to each do 10 pushups for each crossing was not brought up again when we reached around 15 for the day 2 miles in.

      The river was low enough to safely cross and was currently snaking from wall to wall of the canyon it had once washed out. The day went climb over boulders around 2 ft diameter for 50-500ft on the left or right side of the river, each a bend we couldn’t get around, find the best place to cross, and start over.

      I bet we did upwards of 50 crossings.

      We made it to just past the end of the was around sunset and set up in a pasture.

      Camped at 235.7

    • Tag 10

      Day 10

      20. April in den USA ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Long water carry’s today of the 21 and change miles we did there were only 2 water sources. The first water source was about 10 miles in. We stopped there for a bit of an early lunch.

      The whole extended fam did the same miles today but were on slightly different schedules.

      I hiked with BeFree all morning. My left knee was feeling a bit funky so she let me use her brace for the day since she’s just carrying it in her pack. It helped. I’m considering picking one up tomorrow in town.

      It was quite hot today so I stayed with the late group a bit longer today. We left at about 1:30 to do the last 11 miles. The first couple of miles of that were brutally hot. But it cooled down toward the last couple hours.

      Camping at 148.2

    • Day 17 - Cabazon

      18. Mai 2023 in den USA ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      Miles hiked: 18.6 m
      Elevation: 4650 descent
      Campsite location: mm 216
      Weather: sunny and 90s 😅
      One word to describe the day: unique

      Today was quite the day. We hit the 200 mile marker!! I started the day with an 11 mi descent towards I-10. Once we reached I-10, we went into cabazon to resupply.

      The descent down was beautiful and winding. We had great views of San jacinto in the background. Once we got to the valley floor it was hot, around 95°. We had three more miles to walk in the heat until we reached the underpass. I was so hot by the time I got there. I was so grateful for the shade and definitely envious of people with umbrellas.

      Usually there is a Trail Angel at the underpass called Mary. She likes to bring drinks and grill some food. But, supposedly she's on a cruise right now😛 however, there was a different guy there who had some goodies to surprise us with and he gave us a hitch into cabazon. So far I've had luck with easy hitches. Once we got to cabazon we got in and out burgers. Then went to Starbucks for a coffee, AC and charge our electronics. We resuppled 4 days worth of 4 to get us to big bear. The market had all sorts of delicious hiking snacks but it was quite expensive. Supposedly they are famous for their date milkshakes but I had already had a milkshake and in and out so I didn't get it. We then ubered back to the underpass and continued on with our day.

      We started the Ascent towards white water preserve, saying goodbye to San jacinto. There is a wind farm we walked through. We spotted a turtle on the trail and there are group of biologists here specifically to keep an eye on the turtles to make sure they don't go into the wind farm. The biologist that came to watch the turtle said that once a turtle is spotted they have to follow the turtle around all day until they're sure it's far enough from the wind farm. If a turtle is killed by the wind farm it cost the farm a million dollars! You would think that they could put up a fence or something 😂 The wind farm had lots of snacks for hikers in their office which was a fun surprise. I grabbed an ice pop and doritos for the road.

      We ended up doing another 7.5 miles after our resupply. Finding a camp right before sunset. I'm tired. It's windy and my tent is set up in sand. Really hoping I set it up well enough to stay upright through the night 🤞

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