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    • Day 23

      Arriving in Tucson

      March 19, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Peter headed up to the fitness room early morning for his workout and returned with a black eye. Seems he didn’t see a bar and crashed head on into it. It literally knocked him off his feet. He had a cut above his eye, but it was the area under the eye that was more worrisome - swelling and turning purple. Fortunately he said he felt OK.

      Checking in at the airport, he had a fun banter with an AA attendant who had a huge bruise on his cheek, both saying “ l’m fine but you should see the other guy!”

      Although we’d booked our seats in advance and paid for them, we found out we were in Zone 9 - the last to board. For the first time ever, we decided to take advantage of our age and Peter’s black eye. He asked if we could board early and Voila! we marched in along with the wheel chairs. Loved it 😍

      Our flight was an hour late taking off, saying the plane was over weight, and because of the high altitude in Mexico City they needed people to volunteer to get off. Not sure if anyone got off, but eventually we took off.

      Going through customs in Phoenix was a breeze. There was a Nexus line with no one in it - we were coming from Mexico. We stepped in front of a machine, had a pic taken and walked right though. It took all of 3 minutes. Happiness is. 🤩

      We’d booked a car through Enterprise, and were amazed because we got an ultra modern Ford complete with GPS - the works. It was so high tech we didn’t know how to get it started. An attendant gave us a quick lesson and we were off.

      The roads were calm and in excellent condition. 2 hours later we arrived at our second home - having been here 4 times before, it really felt like home.

      As it was about midnight now, we hit the sac. Will buy food tomorrow and take the car back after that.
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    • Day 25

      Back to our Routine of PB & Biking

      March 21, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      It was great to get back to our old routine here. Mornings I headed off to PB from 8:30 - 11:00am where my friends from previous years were still there and welcomed me warmly.

      Peter did his computer “work” in the mornings, then headed out for a good long bike ride. In the afternoons we biked around town, especially along The Loup, 65 miles of beautifully maintained bike paths around Tucson and out to places like Oro Valley. At dusk, I loved to wander over to the club and watch the sunset there.

      We ate all our meals at home, and thoroughly enjoyed the peace & quiet.
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    • Day 30

      Exploring Tucson & Sim card issues

      March 26, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Paul & Cathy left super early - before 7 and before we were up. We were hoping Gary & Anna would join us tomorrow, but unfortunately he had some health issues, so decided not to come.

      I quickly headed off to the PB courts and had some great games, plus lots of good chats with all my “new best friends.” Americans certainly are friendly - I avoid politics, though. . . .

      Today was the day my 1st SIM card expired, so I was supposed to just pop in my 2nd card. Easier said than done. As I’d forgotten the small pin needed to pop open the case, I hopped on my bike and headed to AT&T, which fortunately was nearby.

      A young guy quickly popped in the new card and I thought I was good to go. Totally wrong. This card would not work. Numerous emails later with Sim Corner, and trying everything they told me to do, it still would not work. As card 1 was still working, I went back to AT&T and had them pop my old card back in.

      I then went out to explore some of my fav sports. When I got home, I saw an email from Sim Corner saying card 2 was activated. I jumped back on my bike and headed back to AT&T. I got there just before they closed, and once again he popped in card 2 - but NO GO. At that point I decided to keep card 2 in and hope it might work the next day.

      Sooo frustrating. Now that I’ve discovered other SIM cards, I feel totally lost if I can’t access the internet.
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    • Day 31

      Sim Card Issues Resolved

      March 27, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      In the morning the Sim card still wouldn’t work. I shot off more emails to Sim Corner, then headed to the PB courts to relieve my stress. Felt good whacking that ball. 😅

      Upon my return, it still wouldn’t work - more emails, more resetting networks, more everything, and still it wouldn’t work. Finally, Sim Corner was able to reactivate my 1st card, and I was able to use a paper clip to pop open the case and put in card 1. SUCCESS. Happiness is 🤩. I was back in business. Curious to see if they decide to reimburse me for the faulty card 2.

      This took most of the day, so not too many pics were taken today. I did get in a short bike ride around the neighborhood though - always new things to discover.
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    • Day 34

      Exploring About

      March 30, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Yesterday was again beautifully hot & sunny - 27C. Loved it. Great PB in the morning - got myself into a more advanced group and had to play up. Long rallies and good fun. 😀

      In the afternoon I headed off on my bike in search of some of my fav murals, especially those with words.

      Today was cool - 15 max - and super windy. Amazing how quickly the temperature changes here. The crazy PB ball with all its holes was sailing every which way. Certainly added to the challenge and the fun.

      What I like about players here, they never use the wind as an excuse for bad shots, and don’t complain about it. I lucked out and played with 2 young guys, 1st year university, and their Dad. The kids were great, the Dad not so, but it was good fun.

      In the afternoon I headed out on my bike again, this time in search of pics of Union Public where we saw Gigi & the Glow - I wanted to see the venue in daylight.

      As an aside, one of my PB buddies knows Gigi - and yes, the men were right, Gigi is not young - she’s 50+ and has had every possible enhancement necessary to look like a Barbie doll. Her pink stilettos and mini skirt add to the image, but Sue is convinced she spotted cellulite through her fish net stockings. . . 😉

      The only downside today is I stopped to watch girls beach volley at the Club and ran over a thorn. The tire instantly went totally flat. Have googled a nearby bike shop so will have to deal with that tomorrow.

      Unfortunately, we head home tomorrow - but only for 4 days then we're off to St Augustine Florida to visit Daina & family for a week. Lots of fun adventures ahead with Reeve 5 and Van almost 2. Can't wait. . . .
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