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Civic Center Plaza

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    • Giorno 20


      16 ottobre 2022, Stati Uniti ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Hmm Memphis… was soll ich sagen🤔
      Nicht die schönsten Tage meines Lebens aber sie werden mir in Erinnerung bleiben…😁

      Am Sonntag kam ich an, die Straßen ausgestorben und das Wetter eher trüb und kalt. Ich habe meine Unterkunft nach langer Suche gefunden und war gespannt was mich erwarten wird, da ich auch hier wieder eine eigene Unterkunft hatte und somit ganz auf mich allein gestellt war. Als ich ankam hätte ich eigentlich gerne wieder umgedreht😆…

      Hier hatte ich das Vergnügen mit einem dreckigen Boden, die Küche war ein einziger Zustand sowie auch das Badezimmer. Als ich in Richtung Balkon gegangen bin haben mich tote Käfer auf dem Boden erwartet 🪲
      Die Aussicht allerdings war ein Highlight dieser Wohnung - womöglich das Einzige.

      Nachdem ich mich ein bisschen eingerichtet habe und mein dringliches Nachmittagskaffeechen intus hatte war ich bereit die Straßen zu erkunden.
      Wie bereits oben erwähnt war es Sonntag, weshalb es eigentlich kein Wunder war, dass nicht all zu viele Leute auf der Straße unterwegs sind. Da die Straßen jedoch so gut wie menschenleer waren habe ich mich sehr unwohl gefühlt sodass ich nur noch einen kleinen Einkauf im Walgreens Supermarket machen wollte…
      In der Schlange an der Kasse habe ich dann gehört, wie ein Mann hinter mir zur Kassiererin sagte, er sei gerade fast umgebracht worden… auch nicht das beruhigendste das man hören möchte😬
      Beim Verlassen des Supermarkts haben mich dann zwei Männer angesprochen, meine typische Reaktion: so tun als hört man nichts und weiter gehen😇

      Dann war auch schon Bettruhe angesagt 😴
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    • Giorno 9


      16 giugno 2022, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      It was a bittersweet start to the day with a lovely complimentary breakfast at the hotel while looking out at the Nashville skyline for the last time. Still, the sadness of leaving Nashville behind was soon replaced by the excitement of Graceland.

      The first view of graceland immediately blew all expectations out. It was a giant complex of museum after museum. Before we could start exploring it was time to get lunch. Gladys diner (named after his mum) and the coffee & go were closed so Vernon's smokehouse (named after his Dad) it was. I chose the bbq pork sandwich with corn and dad had bbq pork, mash and bbq beans. The meat was soft and seasoned really well, for just over $30 Inc drinks you definitely can't complain.
      The next couple of hours were spent seeing Graceland - the house, the cars, the planes, the costumes, it was so thorough and interesting, we made sure to get as many pics as possible for Mum.

      Once we checked into the hotel we had a quick brew before heading out into Memphis. We bumped into the Scottish couple from the coach and they had said they had been to the Mexican restaurant and the portions were good. We had a quick look round the main strip for something to eat but not a lot took our fancy. Memphis itself was a poor comparison to Nashville.

      So taking that couples advice we went to the Mexican. The decor was garishly bright and unfortunately no air con, but the glasses of water were large and cold. You got free chips and dip for starter, the nacho chips were greasy but the salsa was good. Dad ordered pollo loco which was a chicken sizzler dish and I ordered el paso (chicken burrito). The chicken itself was the best part of the meal, really juicy and I enjoyed the refried beans. Overall it was distinctly average but it got the job done and it was something different.

      We then walked off the big meal with another lap of memphis main strip before making our way back up to the hotel. After a quick brew I settled down for an early night, ready for New Orleans
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    • Giorno 21

      In dem shop ist es ein Paradies

      25 maggio 2018, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Der größte freistehende Fahrstuhl Amerikas.
      Damit fahre ich gleich Mal nach oben und mache sicherlich ein paar schöne Fotos von dem Ausblick.

    • Giorno 12

      Day 7, Gracelands, Memphis, Tennessee

      13 agosto 2013, Stati Uniti ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Day Seven - doing the drive straight through to Memphis was an excellent plan as it had us at Graceland right on opening time ready for a great day.

      Having never really been an avid Elvis fan it still seemed wrong to not visit Graceland while in the area, and I must say it was a rather overwhelming experience. The mansion is still as it was when Elvis died back in 1977, and the upstairs area was closed to the public just as it was when Elvis was alive. It was always considered his private family area and no one was ever permitted upstairs other than direct family. So as a sign of respect these wishes are still observed till this day.

      We toured through the rest of the mansion and saw all the areas that were the day to day living spaces of Elvis and his entourage, things were alive 24 hours a day with people coming and going day and night and even the kitchen had full time staff preparing food throughout the day and night. The place has an Erie feeling about it, almost as if you could feel his presence their even today, it was Elvis through and through. His jungle room and tv rooms were just amazing with the furniture and fitment within them.

      Entering his trophy room was incredible, this room appears like it was done as a memorial to Elvis but in fact was already there when he was alive as a living memory of his experiences. The man was incredibly generous and on one wall in a display corridor were cheques written out to people that had been donated back many years later for the display after his passing. He would buy cars, houses, pay out debts etc. for completely unknown strangers just because they were in need, unbelievable.

      Stepping into his indoor handball court was the final culmination of his achievements. The walls were covered with just some of his gold and platinum album awards, floor to ceiling, and this room was so overwhelming as to his life and personal life of giving that I had to actually leave the room and step outside, really strange. Nothing has ever touched me like the visit to Graceland. It should be a must on everyone's agenda when visiting the area whether an Elvis fan or not. I can only imagine what it must do to those that were avid Elvis fans, and I now have an all new understanding of those mad Elvis fans that revisit every year on the anniversary of his death. This year is the 36th anniversary and the premises were setup for National Elvis week, a week long celebration of his life and achievements with live re-enactments of his Vegas concerts. If we had arrived here 3 days later the place would have been packed with worshippers.

      We went aboard the Lisa Marie, his private jet that is also parked on the premises, and it was one of only a couple of private jets owned by celebrities back in the '60's, completely decked out in the finest leather and all metal buckles and taps were covered in 24 carat gold.

      Well 4 hours was enough as we had to hit the road again and start making our way towards Atlanta. We headed off from Graceland and used a different navigation program on the iPhone as my iPad was playing up, talk about going round in circles.

      The google maps application on the iPhone had me leaving motorways to go down another motorway, exiting, re-entering on the other side to re-join the original motorway we just exited, hilarious, not to mention frustrating. Anyway soon were well out of Memphis and through Birmingham to a lovely quiet RV park set in the middle of the Talladaga forest, just beautiful and the sounds of frogs and crickets was relaxing music to go to sleep by.

      So it's been a long couple of days with the drive though etc. so getting an early night to catch up on some sleep.
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