United States
Downtown Brooklyn

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    • Day 50

      Nueva York

      October 2, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      El ultima parada de peaceboat 115 para mi es Nueva York! Hace 4 años estuve aquí con Pepe y Tanika, y esta vez estoy con 115 CCs, la profesora Yuri y ahora estoy solo. Pronto vuelvo a Taiwán y he descubierto Nueva York más esta vez. Aquí escucho a mucha gente habla español, en Estados Unidos español va a ser más importante.Read more

    • Day 8

      Biking through Brooklyn

      May 27, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      We woke early today (the sun is out at 5.30 and it’s daylight savings here too). We caught the subway into Brooklyn and went straight to the bike shop to hire a bike and cart for the boys for James to ‘cart’ them around. Jess and I hired the city bikes. We made our way slowly to the Brooklyn Bridge and cycled across. It is massive and has an awesome view. We got safely to the other side huffing and puffing wishing we had hired e-bikes! We made our way to the vintage Brooklyn markets in the suburb of Dumbo which were under the bridge. We stopped at a cute grocery store where a little Italian man made us fresh ‘New Yorker’ rolls (pastrami, cheese lettuce tomato and mustard). They were the best I have had since Paris. We then wandered around the markets and I found the vintage ring that I have been looking for, and been wanting for a while. James talked me into buying it! We then jumped on our bikes and rode for 3 k to get to the vintage op shop that is famous in Brooklyn. I bought a pair of shorts to change into as it was so hot riding around. There are bike lanes everywhere so we felt safe riding around the streets. I love Brooklyn. It has a vintage feel about it with quaint little shops everywhere and the streets are tree lined and old world. Families were out everywhere enjoying their Saturday. We made our way back to the bridge, lined up for an ice-cream and then made the long trek back across the bridge to drop our bikes off. We then walked to China town and finished the evening off with a delicious dinner. Our week in NYC has come to an end. I have really enjoyed it and the weather has helped to make it very memorable.Read more

    • Day 41

      New York City

      April 28 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Ende meiner Radreise in den USA - Fazit
      Auf die Zeit meiner Radreise in den USA hatte ich mich besonders gefreut. Nachdem ich bereits in der Vergangenheit sechsmal die Vereinigten Staaten urlaubstechnisch bereist hatte, war ich gespannt wie mir das Land per Reise auf dem Drahtesel gefallen würde. Nach 5 Wochen mußte ich allerdings ernüchternd feststellen, daß die USA in vielerlei Hinsicht einfach kein Land zum Radreisen sind und es (Reise-)Radlern in vielerlei sehr schwer gemacht wird. Ich erlebte ein zu tiefst gespaltenes Land, eine zu tiefst gespaltene Gesellschaft. Gespalten in Republikaner und Demokraten, gespalten in Arm und Reich, gespalten in Nord und Süd, gespalten in Land und Stadt,... Oft wurde ich als Radler von anderen Verkehrsteilnehmer für einen Obdachloser gehalten, da ich mir ein Reisen mit dem "Auto anscheinend nicht leisten kann". Daß mein Rad mit meiner hochwertigen Ausrüstung manchmal mehr wert war als manche alten geleasten Autos, erkannte natürlich keiner. Teilweise wurde ich bepöbelt und beschimpft. Auf dem Highway 17 in North Carolina versuchte mich ein Autofahrer mit seinem Anhänger zielgerichtet von der "Straße zu kicken". Nur mit Mühe konnte ich mich auf dem Rad halten und fiel zum Glück nicht. Nicht auszudenken, wenn mich bei einem Sturz die nachfolgenden Trucks erwischt hätten. Wildzelten war verboten und auch nicht möglich, da sämtliches Gelände außerhalb der Städte als Privatgelände bezeichnet und der Zutritt strengstens verboten war. Zahlreiche Zeltplätze ließen das Übernachten mit dem Zelt nicht zu, sondern nur mit Wohnwagen oder per Wohnmobil. Radwanderwege wie wir sie in Deutschland und Europa kennen waren bis auf 1-2 Ausnahmen mit Maximumlängen von 70 km unbekannt. So blieb mir oft nichts anderes übrig als Highways und viel befahrene andere Hauptstraßen zu nutzen. Auf der anderen Seite lernte ich mit zahlreichen warmshowers-Gastgeber super hilfsbereite und nette Amis kennen, die ebenfalls mit der mangelhaften Radinfrastruktur in den USA haderten. Nichtsdestotrotz kann ich ein Radeln an der Atlantikküste der USA nicht weiterempfehlen. Vielleicht war ich auch einfach zuvor ein bißchen von dem netten Radeln in Chile und Argentinien, wo man Reiseradlern sogar in einem Ort ein Denkmal gebaut hatte, verwöhnt.Read more

    • Day 5

      Shopping in Brooklyn

      August 30 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Brooklyn ist nicht nur für seine entspannte Atmosphäre und trendigen Viertel bekannt, sondern auch für seine angesagte Sneaker-Szene. Wer auf der Suche nach exklusiven Sneakers oder limitierten Drops ist, wird hier definitiv fündig. Also machten wir uns auf den Weg, um einige der besten Sneaker-Stores in Brooklyn zu erkunden – und es war ein Shopping-Erlebnis der Extraklasse!Read more

    • Day 5


      November 17, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Die Brooklyn Bridge wollte ich eigentlich 2016 schon unbedingt gesehen haben. Damals kam aber der Blizzard dazwischen. Deses Jahr sollte es endlich so sein. Den Vormittag verbrachten wir dann in Brooklyn und Abends gab es Burger und "don't drink Tequila" im Mc Gee's.Read more

    • Day 3

      Searching for Nora Ephron

      July 1, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Those of you that know me well, will know that the Hollywood screenwriter and director Nora Ephron is a bit of a heroine of mine. My BA dissertation was entitled 'Hollywood Gave Me Unrealistic Expectations about Love' and this analysed films such as Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail and When Harry Met Sally in great detail. Ultimately I was asking how big a commodity was love to the film industry and how important was it to sell a fairytale happily ever after as a belief system. Anyway, before I rewrite my dissertation, today spontaneously became a rather moving Ephron pilgrimage to which I visited a fair share of Manhattan film locations where the 'magic' occurred. Thank you to the following blog and associated Google map - very little research was required - https://www.goodfoodstories.com/nora-ephron-new…

      I won't bore you with every little detail - those that know the films will recognise the spots from the pictures. I've provided the film stills to accompany them to aid you anyway. Needless to say, I was in my element. The 91st Street Garden really moved me. It was such a beautiful little place and as enchanting as it appeared in the film. If you weren't already disgusted at my level of fandom here - I did also have the respective soundtracks to listen to whilst I walked along the various avenues in search of Tom.

      Aside from my pilgrimage, I did find myself in some other very interesting places today. Tiffany's is always a wonder to behold. Beware anywhere that doesn't have a price tag. I thoroughly enjoyed carefully choosing my engagement ring. Nothing too fancy or large. I'll worry about choosing the right man later! I also happened across the Lego Store which after recently visiting the new London store was quite underwhelming but provided good photo ops for Lego Joey all the same. I also encountered a dinosaur made of over 400 handbags. Mum, I'm finally on to you and now understand why you're still collecting them! Whilst in the area, I took it upon myself to visit the 'Top of the Rock' and I was not in the least bit disappointed.

      In true Ephron style, Kate and I reunited at the Empire State Building and after watching the sunset and seeing the city in all its night-time glory, wearily we travelled home via the subway.
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    • Day 2

      Hitting the town

      June 30, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      To help combat the jetlag and recover from our journey we had a fairly leisurely start to the day. We began by embarking across the Brooklyn Bridge - a truly wonderful experience and one I'd highly recommend to anyone visiting NYC.

      From there we headed to Ground Zero. This was particularly odd for me as my last visit to Manhattan was pre-9/11. Somehow the footprint sized fountains seemed smaller than I imagined yet still incredibly haunting. Kate informed me that on every victim's birthday a white rose is placed on their name. Perversely the first two names we came across with this touching commemorative gesture were Jacqueline and Barbara - the names of our Mothers. If we weren't already feeling morose - we were now!

      On to Battery Park and to the oft-mentioned Staten Island Ferry - NYCs FREE ferry ride which gives a fabulous view of the Manhattan skyline and the Statue of Liberty. Meanwhile, I am humming Sleepless in Seattle soundtrack tunes as I think about our planned visit to the Empire State Building at night.

      Once back in Battery Park, Kate happily let me indulge in a beautiful carousel ride - see pictures! Easily one of the magical highlights of the day. Needless to say we were not the only adults on it!

      Having already walked over 10,000 steps it was time to hit the subway down to Central Park (near Bow Bridge) for a bit of exploring and dinner at Shake Shack. I smirked at the incomprehensible subway announcements as referenced in various film and TV shows. The heat by this point was a little too much to bear and the cold delicious milkshakes were much appreciated. We meandered slowly towards Fifth Avenue and Times Square. En route we stopped in McGee's- the Irish bar that supposedly inspired McLarens in sitcom How I Met Your Mother. Needless to say as with most film set inspirations - I was not overly impressed.

      Times Square was typically busy. We explored the Hershey's store and Disney - what ever happened to Hershey 'Hugs'?! I'm not just imagining them am I? They did exist?

      After the severe attack on the senses that Times Square brought us and the attack of jetlag and heat exhaustion we opted to hunt down Serendipity - a charming little cafe around the corner from 'BLOOMIES'. This was a film location which exceeded expectations and I thoroughly recommend it. The frozen hot chocolate (their speciality) was delicious and the decor and service very charming.

      From there, it was time for home. Needless to say this took longer than hoped due to a couple of subway errors but thankfully friendly people along the way helped us to find our way back to our cosy Brooklyn pad.

      Tomorrow I am going on a bit of a Norah Ephron pilgrimage and I can't wait. #ohmydreamsitsneverquiteasitseems
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    • Day 1

      We're here!

      June 29, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      After an amazingly smooth journey and reuniting with my wonderful travel companion Kate (different flights, different terminals, long story) we set off in search of our first Air BnB. We defied the sassy transport rep at the airport who was doubtful about our abilities to 'work the subway' and found our destination within about an hour of leaving the airport with NO getting lost! Result! Our pad for the next 3 nights is perfect and we could not have nicer hosts. Check it out at http://abnb.me/EVmg/tUyxMZt3nE.

      After a spot of unpacking, de-planeifying and catching up with the world back home, we set off in search of the Brooklyn Bridge (7 mins walk according to Google). Needless to say despite its enormity, we meandered a bit here and there (blame the fire station and ice cream van) but ultimately ended up down at the river bank admiring the Manhattan skyline and the beautiful bridge.

      Somehow despite the 4am start, we've managed to stay up until nearly 10pm NY time in an attempt to defeat jetlag which means we've been up almost a full 24 hours.

      Goodnight Y'all x
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    • Day 8


      October 10, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Lots of walking today! According to my phone I have walked 32,000 steps and almost 20 km! Not a bad workout for one day. Some of the places I visited on my long journey around Manhattan:

      - Battery Park. Amazing views of the skyline and The Statue of Liberty in the distance. I also returned shortly after sunset where it looked even better.

      - Tribeca, Greenwich Village, Lower Manhattan. Really nice part of the city and good for just walking around and exploring. I stopped by the famous Katz’s Delicatessen, but a bit too crowded and stressful to stay for lunch! I did end up having a burger at a fancy steak house by Chelsea Market. It was a rather ... minimalist variant: a bun and a beef patty. That’s it. Nice beef though! I also visited john varvatos, a store where rock club CBGB’s used to be.

      - Highline. I finally got to walk the length of the lovely Highline park. Very nice - almost too hot though! It was sunny, no clouds and 27 degrees C today. Pretty amazing for late October in this city. Ironically it might be warmer here than California where I’m going next.

      - Times Square. Total tourist trap and super crowded, but fun to visit. I visited Planet Hollywood to see some movie props and their Halloween display.

      - Midtown. I stopped by a few locations like the Chrysler building, Grand Central station and the New York Public Library. I had to see the Rose reading room where they shot the opening scene of Ghostbusters! Yesterday I also visited some other central locations from what will always be a fav movie of mine: Tavern on the Green and the building where Dana and Luis Tully live!

      - Central Park. I was there yesterday too, but it’s always such a lovely place to visit, and you never run out of corners to go for a walk or admire the beautiful views.

      - Brooklyn. After getting back to the Conrad to pick up my bag (and see the Ghostbusters firehouse in the area!), I got an Uber to drive to Brooklyn for my final NYC hotel. I usually stay in Manhattan so this is a first. I had dinner at a local BBQ place which was cool. They provided two small cupcakes with the check. Cute!
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    • Day 2

      Stunde 30: Breakfast in Brooklyn

      February 18, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 1 °C

      Das mit der Subway hat dann noch etwas gedauert, der Betrieb war unregelmäßig. Bei 0 Grad und fiesem Schneeregen sind wir dann gut, aber nass im Hotel Indigo Brooklyn angekommen. Der Blick aus dem Zimmer ist übrigens sehr cool.

      Nach erholsamem Schlaf startet der Sonntag nun mit einem leckeren amerikanischen Frühstück: Cream Cheese Bagel und Blueberry Muffins!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Downtown Brooklyn, דאונטאון ברוקלין

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